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Coronavirus - Is there a silver lining?


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I watch the living because they can talk, walk, and move about. Dandy lot they are. Just as friendly and showy of their thought; when an old man wanders into the land of the living. Where they are, they are charged with keeping a count of the stock to assure they will have enough to sell and still have a way to earn a living. I noticed yesterday, when I went out to do my duty paying a debt I must to keep getting water delivered. :geek: I stopped by a grocery store where I can find some fine desserts. I've done that alot since; because I will miss desserts most of all if the covid-19 makes us, even more so, a poor and stupider lot.


I seen them all, noted all of them on their shifts since they opened their grocery store and pharmacy doors. The people that work there aren't staying home and none of them have had a cough or a cold in the whole time since everyone keeps changing it's name. Now it's covid-19. When it was Corvid-19 I decided to call it " Corvette "Rocketmans fights the Evil genius who is demanding China pay 200 Billion or he'll release the rest of the viruses he stole from fort ... The video: the making. :laugh:

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Corvid Stingray. Now there's a tin can worth catching a few viri for. If that would be first prize at a grab-a-virus-fast contest, nostrils would flare at the merest hint of a cough in the hopes a virus would come tickle tonsils. Viri or a heavy foot. Wonder what killed more since we figured out how to catch an explosion inside a combustion chamber.

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Corvid Stingray. Now there's a tin can worth catching a few viri for. If that would be first prize at a grab-a-virus-fast contest, nostrils would flare at the merest hint of a cough in the hopes a virus would come tickle tonsils. Viri or a heavy foot. Wonder what killed more since we figured out how to catch an explosion inside a combustion chamber.


OOh ... ya. Jimmy's hittin' it.

Edited by Striker879
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Dare you go into the darkest reaches of the mind. Where gangsters, hoodlums, mobsters, and the Old West Bad Guys spent some of their years. Dream Machines they may have used in their evil ways.


The Deer Lodge Prison Town's Car Museum.


The Yellow Corvette Stingray could be YOURS!


Does my snot look yellow to you?


Could spend some time there ... would be an afternoon well spent.


No Paga it's not yellow, more the colour of Jose's soup I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ha! Go check the CDC website and compare the death toll for regular annual flu and deaths 'from' the COVID19 virus. They're almost exactly the same. It looks more and more like governments have found a new 'terror' to spook the folk and pass legislations that otherwise would get heavy duty protest...

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Ha! Go check the CDC website and compare the death toll for regular annual flu and deaths 'from' the COVID19 virus. They're almost exactly the same. It looks more and more like governments have found a new 'terror' to spook the folk and pass legislations that otherwise would get heavy duty protest...


There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze).

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