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Vortex Deleting Downloaded Mod Files?


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Version 1.1.15


Only just tried using this today:


I boot up the app

Find my game and make sure the paths are correct

Download the mods I want

Click install on each mod

Click enable on each mod

Click deploy mods

Start game

No mods


When I look into the game folder I see all the mod folders are there, but no files within them.

I attempt to reinstall the mods several times over.

I attempt to re-download all the mods and then reinstall them.

Then I decide to check the directory that contains the mod files, all the files have been deleted out of those. That explains part of it....

So I re-download the mods again and now the files exist (it's annoying that you have to delete the old mods first or it just makes a duplicate folder)


Now throughout this process, somewhere between download and enable, I get a prompt that says my files have been changed and if I want to save those changes. I assumed that was just from downloading new mods or that it was asking if I wanted to replace files in the game directory so I always said yes. Turns out this is probably what's deleting all of my mod files. It's really obnoxious and happens every single time and I don't know why.

I tried disabling all my anti-virus stuff since it could potentially be moving files to quarantine or something but that doesn't make sense since I had these mods installed manually before I had to re-install my game. So I can only assume that vortex is doing it for some reason....


Any thoughts on where I might be going wrong? For reference I'm playing monster hunter world and I only have 3 mods enabled which is stackers, npcs in hub and light pillar. They work fine manually.

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Where is your game installed?

The Mod Staging Folder needs to be on the same drive as the Game


What is the Deployment Method?
If the Mod staging folder isn't on the same drive as the game you'll only be able to pick SYmlink


Vortex doesn't delete mod files unless you tell it to, or you put the Downloads folder and the Mod staging folder in the wrong place

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External Drive


The mod staging is in appdata on the C drive which is the default I guess.

That's odd, I didn't see any kind of instruction that stated that except for the little help button in the mod settings that you just pointed me to.

Any particular reason this needs to be the case? I would think most people keep their games off their main drive now that SSD is a thing.


Symlink is the only option.


I'll try setting up a different path for the mod staging.


I still get this randomly after I've already installed and enabled stracker and working on installing the other two, before I push anything:wsXBz3w.png


It looks like something is trying to delete the files while I'm still setting them up

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K, Doubled checked that staging is on same drive, I saved the changes, I clicked deploy mods.



aaaaand now the files are gone again and the game install directory just has a bunch of empty folders... again.... But now it also has a bunch of .backup files replacing the mods I already had in there so nothing works again.

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Sounds like your issue is that you had mods in your data folder before installing Vortex. I would clean out your data folder (purge in Vortex, then manually delete all non-Bethesda files there, then run /verify/repair in STEAM) and start over with a new game.

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Purge mods -> Deleted leftover mod files and folders in game directory -> Validated steam files -> Deploy Mods


Still not working. Still getting this (I've been getting this notification the whole time, I only just now clicked show more):


None of these overlap files at all which seems to support the fact that vortex is deleting all the mod files for some reason before it copies them over.


Then I tried Purge Mods -> Deleted leftover mod files and folders in game directory -> Delete mods in vortex -> Re-download and install mods in vortex -> Validated steam files -> Deploy Mods
Does the exact same thing. Deletes links to files (deletes files in staging), doesn't copy anything into game except empty folders.


Then I just tried installing stracker by itself.
All same steps as just above except with this mod by itself. I did not get the links deleted save changes prompt until I clicked deploy mods however, rather than while I was still enabling other mods. So that's different.



Does anyone actually know how this program works? Why do the files and the game need to be on the same drive? Why does it delete mod files while enabling mods or upon deploying them? Why does reinstall not actually reinstall anything? Why does downloading the same mod with the same version number make duplicate files/folders rather than replacing them? Why is there no re-download option? I have nothing but questions.

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