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Slow download speeds with or without Premium


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I have started to download 4K texture pack for Fallout 4 and the download speed was very slow, 100 KB per second.
So I have upgraded to Premium, restarted Vortex, same download speed.
I have canceled the download, navigated back to the browser download page, selected this time the Premium option (it was auto selected) and added the download again. Now I have 300-400 KB per second.

My internet connection is 1000 MB Fiber.
I did not have such issues few months ago (December) when downloaded big files for Skyrim.


Please help me solve these issues with the download speed.

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I have the same problem and only after I upgraded to a 1000 mb/s Vodafone cable connection. In the past downloads weren't an issue, but now Vortex is acting up and 70% of downloads fail, sometimes at 33%, 60% or 80% progress and sometimes even instant failure.


I changed the Threads Setting to 10, but the problem remains. If I download the same file over the browser (Chrome) it works perfectly normal with high speed, only Vortex is acting strange.

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Then download thew mods manually to your Vortex Downloads folder using Chrome, Vortex will detect the new mods once they're downloaded into the folder, later you can go into vortex, on the MODs tab, and Ctrl+A, and in the white bar that pops up in the bottom you can pick "Guess IDs" and vortex will look up all of the Meta information for all of the mods

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I havnt touched Fallout 4 in a few years and came back to it and found out i needed to use Vortex. Simple enough i downloaded it and began using it. What i dont understand is why the download speeds on my browser AND on Vortex never exceed 50-60/s (save for a few seconds where it jumps to 300KB/s) even though the stated speed cap for non premiums is 1-2MB. Am i missing out on something here or is it just alot of traffic slowing download speeds.

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