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The "it's there but it isn't" factor with Vortex....


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I've run into this, several times, with Vortex and i'm running into it yet again. "Green Hell" has an area with mods, there is documentation that it supports it. However, when you scan for it, it doesn't find it and it's not on the game list.


Now i'm all for "working around the problem" to fix it but...i need a starting point. I've run into this issue, with Vortex, on a few games.


Is it there or isn't it and, if it is, how do i make it work? Is it in a special BETA? What's the score here?


Please. Somebody?

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Vortex does not support "Green Hell." To see which games Vortex currently supports, click "Games" on the Vortex dashboard. Also you may want to check for new game extensions here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/categories/4/?BH=2.


Please note that Vortex supports only about 100 games out of the approximately 900 games hosted on Nexus Mods. That support number is growing as gamers write extensions for their favorite games. If you have the coding skills, you can do the same for "Green Hell."


Absent Vortex support, you may want to try Unity Mod Manager found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/21/.

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