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Invisible walls and floor for some buildings


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A very late re-reply after having looked at the added screenshot; the screenie looks like a picture taken from within a game that hasn't got enough V-RAM (Video RAM, aka the amount of RAM on the Video Card or GPU) and as such 'refuses' to render parts of the game's larger items.


What GPU were/are you using (brand, type, amount of memory)?


It could also be a relatively 'simple' issue like not having V-Sync enabled.

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add this line in fallout4Custom.ini:



Thanks so much, for month I tried, looked and waited for a fix for my DC overhaul (all the mods covered by DC - Patched). Despite DCE being at much at bottom as possible, and all mods for DC - Patched in correct order, the problem remained at the same unplayable level).


All DC surroundings seems to be glitch-free, and most of DC proper as well (invisible textures seem to occur mostly when looking up with the camera while in height, while being at even higher height, for a short time when entering/loading, and in the alley at the right when entering DC).


Now I am quite curious of those lines: What do these do? Are there downsides to using them? (my quick testing revealed nothing wrong, and as I said massive to complete fix of the issue)

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  • 5 months later...

Ok so after disabling everything and enabling the mods progressively I found out the issue comes from Fo4FI FPS Fix.

If someone knows why, I would gladly have a help, otherwise I won't bother trying to fix and will simply uninstall the mod.

Sorry for the useless topic.

Fo4FI FPS Fix works with restored and repaired precombines. The author went at length to check and repair ALL precombines in the VANILLA game to achive a better framerate. The downside is, that this only works flawlessly in an pure vanilla game. Any mod, changing precombines or breaking them to funktion will conflict. That is also the reason, why Fo4FI FPS needs to be at the end of the load order to work (you could say, that this conflict you see, shows that is works correctly, when you have mods, changing precombines). There are some compatibility-patches. Maybe one could help you.

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Try something. On a PC open the command console (tilda key, ` ) and type tpc. That is "toggle preculling". See if that fixes the textures (ignore any performance drop for now.) If it does the problem is precombines and previsibility.

Oooooo, thank you. I am going to have to try that. I have a few specific places the exhibit the disappearing walls and such. Fallons Department store, and I think the Med Tech building.....

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Try something. On a PC open the command console (tilda key, ` ) and type tpc. That is "toggle preculling". See if that fixes the textures (ignore any performance drop for now.) If it does the problem is precombines and previsibility.

Oooooo, thank you. I am going to have to try that. I have a few specific places the exhibit the disappearing walls and such. Fallons Department store, and I think the Med Tech building.....



I stuck it in my autoexec file (the bat file I have set to run on game start). I've seen some minor performance hits, places where the game sort of stutters for a split second as new cells are loaded, but overall I like the results. I really should find a way to bind it to a hotkey! Is F12 used for anything?


I do know it's not a universal cure. The gear door in my Vault 75 mod has serious texture smearing problems that I just can't fix. I thought it was a precombine issue, but I've regenerated them a dozen times and nothing fixes it. Makes me wonder if there isn't a problem with the vanilla 75 door texture (I used the vanilla material swap on all the doors to give them the correct number.)


Back on topic, using that should determine if it is a preculling issue or something else. At least narrow down the possibilities.

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I have some fun with the vault 111 elevator.... on the initial ride down, right after the bombs go off, the elevator is invisible, however, on my way out of the vault, there it is, in all its glory. I tried a few tricks to fix it, but, nope. Nothing make any difference. :D No idea what that 's all about.

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I have some fun with the vault 111 elevator.... on the initial ride down, right after the bombs go off, the elevator is invisible, however, on my way out of the vault, there it is, in all its glory. I tried a few tricks to fix it, but, nope. Nothing make any difference. :D No idea what that 's all about.


I'm pretty sure that is a vanilla glitch. I mean I maintain a major 111 mod and the elevator, unmodded, is invisible for me as well. I just listen for the noise of the gate, exit, activate my settlement mod, and the elevator shows back up. I've even got it noted as a bug on my mod page.


It's not a missing texture, nothing is purple. It looks like a missing mesh, but we know the mesh is there because it comes back. It's just, well, invisible. Maybe I'll take a look at it sometime today, see if it's a bad texture swap or something.

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For me, the only part of the elevator that is missing, is the big gear you ride down on. Everything else is there. It doesn't reappear until after I exit the cryochamber.


I lose the elevator and the gate in front of it. Happens in Vault111Cryo, but not in my (really Ryanc229's) Vault111CryoSettlement, which makes me think it's a BGSM issue.

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