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Pure dissapointment


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For me, the best mod manager manuals have been and continue to be support forums. In the alpha days of Vortex, I spent one month reading every thread in the Vortex forums before I finally installed Vortex. I also read what little Vortex documentation was then available. That effort paid off handsomely. Over the past two and a half years, my experience with Vortex has been almost entirely trouble free. The only real Vortex problem I had was with Witcher 3, because I had unwittingly installed a folder to the wrong drive. Picky came to my rescue in the Vortex Support Forum.


A manual for tech support would be nice to have, and I would welcome one. However, in my case, I was able to learn everything I needed to know about Vortex (and some other mod managers) from support forums plus modest documentation.

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There's a built in manual, you just keep ignoring anything that's been told to you

I've explained sorting rules etc, but you ignore them.


I expect you'll ignore the fact that there's a built in manual and built in video tutorials as well.


The how and why has been explained to you over and over again, you refuse to listen or learn


No, I am learning A LOT. And thank you so much, for your patience and persistence. Remember I only used it once for a couple of minutes a looong time ago. But I am listening and you keep giving me new revelations about this program. My next responses are not about the details of the program...



The real problem with mod managers is not lack of documentation. Rather, it's the failure of most users to read and/or view the available documentation. In the case of Vortex, there's considerable documentation that can be accessed from its dashboard. However, spend a while in these forums, and you'll see that few users avail themselves of these resources.


Yes, it would be nice to have a big, fat, tidy, nicely indexed PDF style manual, chock-full of instructions, theory, FAQs, pictures, and even blank pages for notes. But who, besides you and a few others, is going to read it? And who would want to expend the effort producing a manual that would be largely ignored? And who would want to be frequently updating that manual, given that mod management development is ongoing?


YES! and this is why I say, MOD PACKS!!! Who cares about reading or looking or finding or learning. JUST click here and there and there and bing bang boom, you installed MxR's 100 recommended mods to skyrim! Problems down by 98%!!! What some people refuse to accept is the multiplication of wasted time. IMAGINE if every time you wanted some food you had to spend all day hunting, then gutting, then cutting, then cooking. Not to mention you had to spend SO much time learning these skills and it still turns out your a horrible cook! Why not just stick to one thing your good at, like picking flowers and arranging them for some made up holiday, make some money, then exchange that money, to someone who is really good at all that entails for making good food. BUT what some people want is for EVERYONE who wants to experience portal guns in skyrim to have a bachelors degree from VORTEX University that only took, according to one of the comments on this post THREE MONTHS before they can properly navigate the program. It make NO sense!



the mod manager programs are all fine. the issues start and end with the users who, for reasons quite beyond me, all fail to do the basics, such as read and learn and understand the process.

A mod manager is a tool. Use it incorrectly and bad things happen.

Think of it as a hammer.

If you then use it to smash your thumb, its not the fault of the hammer. It's the fault of the idiot holding the tool, using it incorrectly.

Problems start and end with users.


MOD PACKS YeahH!!! *jazz hands*

And in this case the idiots holding the hammer are the developers and the hammer is mod packs and they aren't even trying to use it, they see it and run away and cower in the corner in a fetal position. Dear Devs, dont take this as me not appreciating or respecting everything you guys have done so far, it just seems so half-cocked to do all this and not include them. Why even bother if your ultimate goal isnt to get as many mods possible into as many peoples games possible? It would be like Bethesda making a game to ONLY allow other developers play it.

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Guest deleted34304850

I literally have no idea what you are talking about in this thread any more.

Your argument changes from one post to the next. Good luck with whatever it is you're after.

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I literally have no idea what you are talking about in this thread any more.

Your argument changes from one post to the next. Good luck with whatever it is you're after.



Whatever he's after apparently consists of a cricket bat and a deceased equine, and proudly declaring that even after all this time, he STILL doesn't understand Vortex, which is a feat in and of itself.

Not something to actually crow about.

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OP seems to think that the use of mod packs would eliminate the need for mod manager education. Why waste time learning how to use a mod manager when all that's required is to drop off a mod pack at your nearest mod manager store and "bing bang boom, you installed MxR's 100 recommended mods to skyrim!"


This reasoning is flawed because there is no difference in principle between installing one mod and installing a mod pack. You still have to learn how to use a mod manager to install a mod pack correctly. If you don't, you're just as likely to have the same problems and difficulties installing a mod pack as you would have installing one mod. Mod packs are no substitute for learning how to use a mod manager.




MOD PACKS YeahH!!! *jazz hands*


And in this case the idiots holding the hammer are the developers and the hammer is mod packs and they aren't even trying to use it, they see it and run away and cower in the corner in a fetal position. Dear Devs, dont take this as me not appreciating or respecting everything you guys have done so far, it just seems so half-cocked to do all this and not include them. Why even bother if your ultimate goal isnt to get as many mods possible into as many peoples games possible? It would be like Bethesda making a game to ONLY allow other developers play it.



This paragraph makes no sense whatever.

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