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Why do all the female body replacers for this game look under-age?


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Seriously, the most common body replacers are T3,T4, and T6, all of which look like teenage girls. Does anyone know of a body replacer that looks more ''mature'' than that?


I am aware of the BNB body, but it seems to not be well supported, and most of its armors are extremely skimpy, which I don't want.


Ideally, I could find a female body for FNV that covers all DLC armors and outfits without deviating from the vanilla style/making them skimpy. Neck seams/wrist seams don't really bother me that much, so that's not a big issue. I would make such a body replacer myself if I could, but unfortunately, I am horrible at working with meshes, so I really can't do it myself.


Does anyone know of such a body mod?

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Because the girls in Fallout: New Vegas are supposed to be contemporaries of the Courier. Since the Courier is supposed to be 16-17, the girls would also be teenagers.


But why are you concerned about the shape of the body replacers? The body isn't visible under the armor, only when the NPC or PC is nude.


As for "mature", what is the age bracket for which you are aiming? There are a lot of very fit looking 30-40 year old women. Some even older. Looking at you Jennifer, Cybill, Sofia, Scarlett, etc.

Edited by M48A5
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As for "mature", what is the age bracket for which you are aiming? There are a lot of very fit looking 30-40 year old women. Some even older. Looking at you Jennifer, Cybill, Sofia, Scarlett, etc.


The mature woman is .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yP1tcy9a10


Rock you like a Hurricane ... cuz you know the hurricane season is not over.

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Apologies if I was not being clear before.


However, I am used to using the SevenBase body from Skyrim, and can't seem to find anything similar in this game, which I find annoying.


By "body replacer" I mean a complete clothing, armor and body replacer that makes all armors conform to the body type of choice.

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Because the girls in Fallout: New Vegas are supposed to be contemporaries of the Courier. Since the Courier is supposed to be 16-17, the girls would also be teenagers.


I don't think so.


In FO3, you start as a child, take the GOAT when you are 16, and then exit the vault when you are 19.


The Courier in FNV isn't so well defined. But if you go through the DLCs then you know that the Courier does have a history (even if the Courier doesn't remember it, I guess that's what happens you you get shot in the head).


Ulysses in Lonesome Road reveals that the Courier has been to places like Circle Junction, New Reno, and Vault City, and that the Courier regularly traveled through the Divide and did a lot to keep the place alive.


Bruce Isaac in Novac reveals that the Courier has been to New Reno and saw Bruce's show at the Shark Club.


When you talk to Jed Masterson for Honest Hearts, one of the things that is revealed is that you (the Courier) haven't been to Utah for "some time".


If you talk to Little Buster, it can be revealed that the Courier has experience as a bounty hunter.


This is a lot of history for someone who is supposed to be only 16 or 17. At a minimum, the Courier is probably in their early 20s, and could easily be a lot older than that. A lot of things about the Courier are intentionally vague so that you can fill in your own back story, but a teenage Courier doesn't quite fit with what information we have.


One interesting note. If a Courier is male and has the Lady Killer perk, while speaking with the Lonesome Drifter, you can ask if the Drifter is 17, and express relief when the Drifter responds that he is 28, which implies that it's a possibility that the Courier impregnated a woman 18 years ago. This would put the Courier at least in his mid to late 30s. As far as I am aware, this is the only thing in the vanilla game and DLC that would contradict a Courier starting the game in their early 20s.

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