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Clearing Script Extender Error notification


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I messed up, several things, and decided to wipe my Skyrim SE folder to get it all together. I had error notifications for Script Extender, and after wiping and replacing, I do not know how to get rid of them as they are still there. It is telling me that i have several and those mods along with the script extender were trashed and I only have my ENB, Script Extender and one mod installed and it is not one of the three that the notification is about.

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Run the game to refresh the script extender log.



Remember, on those script extender errors, they reflect what was in the log from the last time the game was run.

Do what Picky says to clear them. Conversely - you also won't get new errors until you run the game. Might call it a lagging indicator...

Will do. Will report back in a bit.


Seems to have done the trick. Never thought about just running it. Thank you for the information. Hopefully will remember if it happens again :confused:

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