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I started to edit the new meshes that will be used in the library, Phitts Old School Dungeons and he also have a lot of other interesting files really that I will take a closer look at for sure.

Editing meshes do take extremely long time, as I have to edit the UV at the stuff I add, one square at a time, or rather 2... I have been working with this arch or vault now for 2 days... Moving each and every vertice to the right place and to the right pixel even...



I do hope I can smooth it as well later, but smoothing can also effect the way an object reflect light in an odd way, so I do not test it until much later on...

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Finally, the bloody pillar and vault is done and it almost took 3 days to make that bloody UV. There are still lists and beams to be added which will be a piece in a cake compare to the vault and later on paintings and other decorations of course. This is my first visit in the new hallway, that will lead to the Library and the staffs new rooms and it is so narrow and claustrophobic really. :D


The hardest part is done and it did work to smooth this one. Odd. When I tried to smooth my dividers, they got very odd reflections but maybe the material settings are different? Idk as it looks good now.



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I think this will do. First I also wanted lists at the roof, but without lists there, it gives a more spacy feeling, well, almost more like a vault, but it is not.

I also made a new floor, from a photo I found at some company selling floors... :wink: I will use this new floor all over the place now.


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Time for an update. 3 more meshes edited. It do take time to make them, as I want them as perfect as possible and they must fit with the theme that Stroti made. It is the editing of the UV that takes longest time to do.

Making the corner lists to melt together up in the ceiling was not easy at all, and I had to do a lot of trial and error until I got it and I could edit the UV more, but honestly, who would stand in the corner in a bloody hallway and think...
-He could have made the UV at that spot a little bit better there... :wink:

No light added yet, so I had to use the light spell:


I might add wall torches in the hallway later, in zig zag. I do not know yet or add the colored paper lanterns or a mix ... The best part of starting with the hallway, is that I do get more ideas about how the actual rooms later will look like and I might add hallways around the whole area, to make navigation "easier" as there will be a number of cells down here with different themes and to prevent performance issues. Well it will be a bloody labyrinth, so I better make and include a map.


I do like the shelves inside the walls better than I thought I would and it makes the hallway to have a more spacey feeling. I will add some clutter there and let the player add whatever they like and avoid static objects inside them.


Well when I play some BIG mods at the moment, I do see a lot of meshes that are misplaced or overlapped, which is even more worse than my UV in the corner and I hate it, specially as we do have that bloody snapping grid in CS so modders: Do use the bloody snap grid... :D Now when I whined about snapping, I might missed some spot(s) myself and have to put on the fool’s cap and put myself in the corner...

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Thanks Addicted :smile:


Doing the doors right now as I will mix traditional doors with Stroti's round ones but they must fit in the same theme... Making a new door frame at this very moment.


I will also later put rugs and paintings in the hallways and weapon displays

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The collecting quests

I think I solved how to make the collecting quests as fast as possible as there is so many different items to collect. They will not be varied well they will all be exactly identical as they will be part of a never ending loop so to say and that is the same in the Legacy of the Dragonborn (Skyrim, where I got the idea from). Some quests will be unique, some side quests at least but not the collecting quest.


A Dialogue topic will be available in one quest which will only have one single stage or rather 0 and 10 but will stay at 10 forever.

  1. First of all before you begin your first mission, you will be asked your responsibility and that will decide if the player will get burglary missions or not as if they do, well maybe 60% of the books will be gathered from NPC homes, guild houses and so on and maybe even some other items as well, but basically the books and other clutter. Armor and weapons are more likely to end up elsewhere really in caves and dungeons. I think I do that from a separate quest as the player should be able to toggle this on and off.
  2. So when you talk to the caretaker you click the topic Mission or whatever it will be called. The caretaker will inform you that he got a report from his agents and that I should take a look at it and a variable will be set in the quest that the quest is activated and that topic will still be available but inform the player that he do have a mission to complete. and get back when he have the items but also if he wants to abandon the quest? I have not decided yet if that report will end up direct in the inventory or be placed at a Mission shelf or desk.
  3. The report will be generated from a database of arrays, with reference, coordinates and also a flag if the item is placed in the museum or not, so at least . I will also have a separate database over possible cells where the items can be placed. It will be a standard text and what will change is item name and the cell name.
    1. Depending on the players responsibility, the cell that will be choosen might be random from the cell database.
  4. The player go and fetch the item or a similar item as it will not matter as long as it is the same base object
  5. When the player gets back to the caretaker, a check will be done to see if the player has the item from the quest and then the caretaker will offer the player to place it at its right place or that player can do it them selves and this is done in in the quest script which will be set to the next stage where the player will need to wait for a day until he can get the next quest. I think 500 septims is a nice reward but where does the caretaker gets all his money from? I do not know yet but I might come up with a solution for that later. In Dragonborn, money comes to the museum from visitors and donations but who will donate to a private museum out in no where??

No quest stages will change as it will be done in the script with a variable, a short flag for 4-5 stages that go round and round and the dialog will change depending on that flag.


When the base script for this is made and is working, the number of missions will increase in a rapid speed and the more random it will be, the harder it will be to beta test. I do not know yet how to set the questtargetflag on map and compass but I will figure it out or we can do without it really. :D


So if the item is already picked up and sold by the player? When the player gets in the cell, a check will be made of an item with that base ID is there, if not, a new reference will be placed in the cell at the coordinates from the array database in the quest. There will be an item in the cell for the player, no matter what. I will not touch the cells at all from CS, only peek in them and everything will be scripted.

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I saw a Video on Reddit and I thought he cast a looting spell on a chest? Well he cast something on the chest by mistake but it gave me this idea as I am tired of looting containers now really but I cannot resist them as I use a lot of junk as resourcers when crafting.


Making a loot spell did sound easy to start with but I got a lot of stuff that I was not supposed to loot when I used it first, I got Maskar's different tokens he added everywhere from his scripts. So I asked him if it matters and it does as I should not remove those tokens, so I had to figure out how to make the spell not to loot them. First I did some checks by comparing strings but that is not the proper way really so Maskar gave me a tips about IsPlayable as his tokens are cloth items so that is what I check now, If it is a cloth item and if it is playable but from the start it wasn't as obvious, so it took 7 hours to make it work. Well. The loot spell works perfect and are not dependent of MOO but works perfect with MOO.


What is not implemented?

  • Open key locked chests
  • Adding the stolen flag to stolen objects
  • Lock picking

The spell will get the items from chests that are meant to be lock picked but you can still lock pick the chest if you feel like it. My security is 100 so I do not need to lock pick anything for skills and I sold so many stolen items so I do not need to do that either but in case someone would want it to work like that, I might add it but not now. It also work on dead bodies of course.


So when I tested the spell in Anvil Fighters Guild, I cleaned the whole house very fast. :smile:

It will be available in the Shop from the next update.


What is annoying in every TES game is when your inventory grows, the longer time it takes to open it and it shouldn't take that long time as just look at COBL alchemy sorter, it sorts the ingredients faster than any alchemy sorter I have ever used so there should be ways to speed it up. When I think about it, the Alchemy sorter I use in Morrowind, that came with the house, moves a single item from the stack each round, so no wonder it take its time... :wink:


By the way, before I made the spell, I did checked Nexus if anyone had made one and I did find this extremely neat Book Looting Spell that I also use now.

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