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Next step is to add the possibility to list all chests and objects, and to delete them if needed. At least you will be able to list them, 9 at a time. Listing my current Object database will require 79 pages but maybe someone want to do it, but not me. It is easier to just add an object inside the ignore this item container really. The chests are also listed in which cell they belong to as otherwise it might be hopeless to know where that chest is in the first place after you added loads of them.


I did tried to add the logs here but I almost crashed this whole bloody forum doing it so, well it do have 113090 rows... :O I add a tiny fraction so you can see what Messagelogger did produce

Vanity Table have 6 of Cob Variable Holder - 1 of Cob Variable Holder added - Vanity Table now have 7 of Cob Variable Holder
Items for Sale have 1 of Smuggler's Shoes - 13 of Smuggler's Shoes added - Items for Sale now have 14 of Smuggler's Shoes
Items for Sale have 1 of Smuggler's Outfit - 1 of Smuggler's Outfit added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Smuggler's Outfit
Items for Sale have 1 of Smuggler's Outfit - 11 of Smuggler's Outfit added - Items for Sale now have 12 of Smuggler's Outfit
Items ...
 for Sale have 1 of Smuggler's Gloves - 1 of Smuggler's Gloves added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Smuggler's Gloves
Items for Sale have 1 of Smuggler's Gloves - 11 of Smuggler's Gloves added - Items for Sale now have 12 of Smuggler's Gloves
Items for Sale have 1 of Sack Cloth Sandals - 1 of Sack Cloth Sandals added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Sack Cloth Sandals
Items for Sale have 1 of Sack Cloth Pants - 7 of Sack Cloth Pants added - Items for Sale now have 8 of Sack Cloth Pants
Items for S ...
ale have 1 of Russet Felt Shoes - 1 of Russet Felt Shoes added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Russet Felt Shoes
Items for Sale have 1 of Mithril Shield - 1 of Mithril Shield added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Mithril Shield
Items for Sale have 1 of Mithril Boots - 1 of Mithril Boots added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Mithril Boots
Items for Sale have 1 of Light Iron Shield - 3 of Light Iron Shield added - Items for Sale now have 4 of Light Iron Shield
Items for Sale have 1 of Leather Greaves ...
 - 1 of Leather Greaves added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Leather Greaves
Items for Sale have 1 of Laced Leather Pants - 6 of Laced Leather Pants added - Items for Sale now have 7 of Laced Leather Pants
Items for Sale have 1 of Leather Boots - 5 of Leather Boots added - Items for Sale now have 6 of Leather Boots
Items for Sale have 1 of Huntsman Leather Pants - 5 of Huntsman Leather Pants added - Items for Sale now have 6 of Huntsman Leather Pants
Items for Sale have 1 of Green Felt Linens -  ...
1 of Green Felt Linens added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Green Felt Linens
Items for Sale have 1 of Glass Helmet - 1 of Glass Helmet added - Items for Sale now have 2 of Glass Helmet
Items for Sale have 1 of Fur Greaves - 5 of Fur Greaves added - Items for Sale now have 6 of Fur Greaves
Items for Sale have 1 of Fur Gauntlets - 4 of Fur Gauntlets added - Items for Sale now have 5 of Fur Gauntlets
Items for Sale have 1 of Fur Cuirass - 10 of Fur Cuirass added - Items for Sale now have 11 of Fur ...
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Yes, but it sure took a lot of energy from me as it took me a bloody week to solve it and get all work arounds and fixes to make this work at all. The game is so bloody buggy. This energy could have been used for more productive stuff, like making 3D models but it is good that I took a break from modelling as I now know how to make the staff rooms and also even our own private bedroom.


I am lazy and convenient by nature as I do want stuff to be as simple as possible to do, both in game and while modding it... :wink:


I am fixing the rack filler now and if a bloody activator do not find an reference or object when using setpos, it use itself and endup anywhere, in odd angles, pointing in any directions, so I must include itself in my scripts, to prevent it and it is the same with GetObjectType which sometimes get the bloody container. so therefor I must also add code to check if it is a container. This I noticed when i started to fiddle around with soul gems placed in a container.


So why do we want a private bedroom? Some companions do steal stuff as when I started with the project I did start to add displays at the entrance floor and noticed sword disappearing and I saw a companion using it while training melee. The companions will pass the display room later when they go to the library so I will watch them, to see if they take weapons while passing true one door and direct to the next. I will never let them stay in the display room or in any display room. The bedroom will be a place you can add stuff to that do not belong anywhere else as each room I will add will have a purpose and not be there as an display in them self. The corridor I am making, is in itself a display anyway but how could we get to the library and staff rooms if I do not add it? :wink: It must be realistic. I have a complete map of the underground inclusive the cave that are close by, which I will connect to the house as well.

Edited by Pellape
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I really start to suspect that I was sloppy and caused this myself. Why I suspect it, it is because I would never added that

Set BottleIndex to 1

between 2 if sections, not if I was focused as that was a bloody mistake I think I made when I lost focus as I statyed edit this scrip as soon as I got the sort to work perfect and was a bit tired by then and I thought - Piece in a cake, I hit 2 flies in one smash. I will now track that variable and see what value it actually have. I think it belongs somewhere else.


I also suspect it is the reason that Let row, 176 cant add a value because it is empty. A 0 is something, the did figure that out over 1000 years in India, so if we add a 0 to an array, it has something. If we add nothing to a ref, it produce something, it adds

<no name> 00000000

to that ref. 0 is something but NULL is nothing if I got it right, NULL is most likely like void in C i guess... :wink:


I do add 0 to every damn array index from 0-45 when I initiate the code so if it is one of those indexes I do get a value from, I shouldn't get an error. It is 45 bottles, not 46 as I earlier stated as I was tired. 25+20 bottles.


So why am I typing this crap instead of just fixing it? Well I just woke up and need more coffee first and I am dizzy... :wink: This comclusion came to me when before I went out from bed, thinking about that bloody line 176 - Why did I add it there? Why? It made no sense.

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Nexus scanner reported a false positive. They did a manual scan and the mod is now available for DL


I made this video, to show how the dynamic sorter should work. What I had forgot was that I had added my repair hammers in the DO NOT SORT THIS ITEM chest. :D So then that one got demonstrated instead. Well I guess everyone catch the drift. At least it is effect full when I use the add and remove chest spells.... :wink: Smoke, red and white and BOOOM!!!!



I am so use to Daggerfall right now as you click with the mouse to activate stuff, so instead of open the chest, the axe falls out. :wink:


I am pissed over one thing and that is the lousy sound and that I cant add my own voice as I do wanted to make comments in the video butwhen the sound is as terrible as it is, I guess it had not matter as you wouldn't been able to hear anything else than th - jf - osd - dfr - ödlk - psjf - ios



I now know where the repair hammers ended up at, as I saw the video again. They ended up at my store in Chorrol. :D :wallbash: I love this game

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Finally some productive stuff made and I made the bedroom mesh, which is a mish-mash of the entrance and my own meshes. Why reinvent the wheel? So it is Strotis roof and pillars and a new roof texture, that I hope you will like.

Here we enter the bakers and the bartenders bedroom


The bedroom went much bigger than it did look like in Blender, but it is better that it is to big, than it is to small really. I will later add paintings here that takes you to different Inns and farms as where do they get their inventory from? From the bloody paintings of course, what did you thought?

Well here they comes. Why do they stop at the stairs and s#*&#33; chat???

They refuse to use the bed... :/


So what did I do with them? Well I did change their package to sleep here. I added a newfaction, called Bedroom01 and added these 2 NPC's to it so they should use the bed. I did add a rank in the faction as i did missed that when I tried this. So now I told them to use that specific bed and we see tomorrow what happens as I am gonna play some games now.

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