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Highlighting (Not Flagging) Espfe/ESL mod backgrounds


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I have a rather unique issue and request. I had a stroke several years back that left me with a "blindspot" (more like a floating fuzzy) that makes it a bit difficult to see out of the corner of my eye. It's at about the two to three o'clock area of my sight. Thus I often miss flags telling me a mod is light, etc., unless I'm directly looking at it. I've learned to live with the blindspot, for the most part, but it can get annoying sometimes.


Is there anyway to make the espfe/esl mods (on the mod or even the plugin tab) have a different colored background than normal esp/esm mods? Something like a lighter greyed out color? I use the "contrast" theme. I'd just like a way to adjust the color to my liking so I can easily identify which mods are/aren't light. Different color backgrounds just seems like the way to go. Maybe an extension or something that can be downloaded for those that wanted that option?


Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that they are flagged as light/could be light. I just wanted an easier way of differentiating between them. I have 435 light mods right now (almost double my 218 regular esps) so it would be helpful. Does anyone know how to adjust the code to make that a reality? My coding sucks, as I haven't even looked at in in six years and its true what they say. If you don't use it, you loose it.


Any help would be extremely appreciated.

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I looked at the code briefly the other day. Didn't take too long to get lost. Always hated programming logic. Exactly the opposite of the way I think. I'll have to look at the HIGHLIGHTS tab. I don't currently have that active.

But someone coughtannincough could feel free to add it to their ever-expanding list of things to-do if they wanted too. :)

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I looked at the code briefly the other day. Didn't take too long to get lost. Always hated programming logic. Exactly the opposite of the way I think. I'll have to look at the HIGHLIGHTS tab. I don't currently have that active.

But someone coughtannincough could feel free to add it to their ever-expanding list of things to-do if they wanted too. :smile:



Unfortunately the Highlight Tab won't help much, because where you really need it is in the PLUGIN tab, and it only appears in the MODS tab

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Didn't do what I wanted it to, anyway.

I think a row hightlighting the background to the opposite colors of the normal colors (whatever your theme) would do...

I just need to figure out how to get it implemented. Shy of re-learning half the college classes I took years ago.

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Unfortunately extensions can't change the style of a table row. Basically an extension can just just add functionality, it can't change functionality already there.


There is a hack you can do via a theme that may help.

- Go to settings -> themes, click "Clone". Give your new theme a name

- At the bottom of that page, click "Edit CSS manually". This should open a text editor with a file called "style.scss" open. If windows asks which application to use, select your favorite text editor or just notepad.

- Paste in the following:

.table-gamebryo-plugins.cell-enabled > div {
  // this creates some room right of the enabled/disabled button and left of the plugin name
  padding-right: 150px;

.table-gamebryo-plugins.cell-flags {
  // this detaches the plugin flag icons from their column and moves them to right of the enabled/disabled buttons,
  // you may want to play around with the exact number
  position: absolute;
  left: 120px;

#table-gamebryo-plugins .table-header-pane .header-flags {
  // part 1 of making the flags column disappear
  visibility: hidden;

#table-gamebryo-plugins .table-main-pane .header-flags {
  // part 2 of making the flags column disappear
  min-width: 0;
  max-width: 0;

then save the file.

- in Vortex, click the refresh icon in the top right of the Themes page



What this does is move the plugin flags in between the enabled/disabled button and the plugin name, making it more visible if you're focusing on the plugin name.

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Cool. I didn't really expect a reply from you guys. I know you're busy with all of the other requests you probably get daily beyond regular development. Nice to see you around, though. I will give this a try and report back on how it works. Thank you very much.


EDIT: Well apparently I remember enough about CSS to cut and paste :laugh: because that worked nicely. It's not what I originally intended but at least now I don't have to deal with the floating fuzzy issue all the time. Load Order and Dependencies are in my blindspot now, and I use them infrequently so it is not as big a deal. Again, thank you very much. You're a saint.


Now, about Vortex 2.0... :smile:

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