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Should you preorder videogames?


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I generally only pre-order based on a few conditions (since Spore).


- Game has a demo.

- Game has a beta version which reviewers were able to get their hands on and actually show the content of that actual game.

- Game does not come from one of the big AAA sweatshops that has been churning out crap games for the last decade.

- Game comes from a developer who I have familiarity with, is in a style I can see myself playing for more than 40 hours, and has enough information out there beyond just pre-rendered teaser videos and a rattling off of features (most of them are never really there anyway).


If any of these are present, I may consider a pre-order... Just as if I would buy the game if it was released.


Even in case of having a beta or a demo version, they could be a façade for the unpolished heap of unambitious crap lying underneath.


One of such games is the Aliens Colonial Marines. I played the Demo, which was far superior in every gosh darned aspect, makes you think it was just a ruse to fool honest people into buying their tawdry product.

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Even in case of having a beta or a demo version, they could be a façade for the unpolished heap of unambitious crap lying underneath.


One of such games is the Aliens Colonial Marines. I played the Demo, which was far superior in every gosh darned aspect, makes you think it was just a ruse to fool honest people into buying their tawdry product.


Well, with a demo, you have to not look at certain things, like pre-rendered scenes, scripted events/encounters, or other things that just have that feeling of "they probably just put this to make the game look better". Instead you have to look at how the core mechanics work how the game plays, and how well those aspects you hold particular interest in are implemented. You also have to consider the reasons why a larger studio would release a demo, when demos are, by nature, usually a lost sale.


I didn't play the demo, but I would imagine that much of it consisted of purpose build assets and heavily scripted situations. When a demo or a beta doesn't have a "grind", you should start to worry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Like many people already said if its a game their likely to buy anyway then yes. However, I usually do try and keep up with a game and if it looks like things are going south I then cancel my pre-order. In fact the last game I pre-ordered was though best buys web site and that was ME3 Collectors edition (box) though I rarely pre-order via steam (Warhammer 40k Space Marine was the only time I did that). As for why I like to pre-order games is due to past events were I wanted a game went to pick it up on release and the store didn't have any left and was just about always out of copies for the next three weeks. (Was Golden Eye 007 for the N64)

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In most cases, no, because of all of the over hyped rubbish that has been produced in more recent times.

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Ever since Warcraft III first came out I discovered that pre-ordering is pointless. I just went to Wal-mart at 2 AM and got it right then and there. Since I was working 2nd shift at the time, I was able to poke fun at one of my co-workers who had claimed his pre-order during lunch. :cool:

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I never preorder or buy when they first come out. I wait at least a couple of weeks to see if it's a loser or if it has some real problems.


I learned this the hard way with Farcry 2 in 2008.

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In the wake of Aliens: Colonial Marines where people were basically conned via a blatant bait and switch is it time people woke up and stopped pre ordering games? Before answering watch this..


I can't disagree with anything he says.

I won't argue any of the points he made, yet I believe that too many gamers just have no idea what they are supporting with their behaviour.

We even can see some defenders of the recent SimCity debacle. And they try to justify EAs decisions and lies very hard. They throw themselves into the fire for a publisher. Sometimes you could think, they must be either paid or in a very deep emotional relationship.



And yes, they come along and even defend the always-on copy protection of their games even though they never know how long the servers are running and even though, they effectively can't play the game anywhere else if there's no internet connection available. Not in the train, not in the air plain, not in the garden, not in the hotel somewhere in nowhere, not without extra costs... And of cause they already got used to it that they do not own the game, they just lend it from the beloved publisher / gaming studio. So they also don't wonder, if the publisher switch off their always-on single player game in let's say 5 years, just because they calculated its getting submarginal.


Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the idea of copy protection in general and do not want to argue this. They have a right to protect their products. But you payed 50 or 60 bugs so you can expect it is at least working. And please in a way that there are not only disadvantages for the legit owner.


Since publisher like EA decided to ignore the direct feedback, the only way to get heard is to spent your money wisely. This apparently is the only way to show them what we want and what not. And this can't be done by preordering any bit of game just because of its marketing strategy.


I mean almost everyone must have been betrayed by a marketing campaign at least once in all this years. I bought games like Boiling Point for its promises and almost bought Syndicate because of the well made trailer and my love to the predecessors. And as many others I'm so glad I didn't buy it. They won't do sth like this again, not with Syndicate. And this is how we can get heard.




Don't burn your money too soon.


And if you buy crap... yes, happens to the best of us.

Edited by tortured Tomato
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Waste of money methinks. I pre-ordered GTA5 for the xbox with Grainger Games (reserved a copy more like) back in December coz the guy said it "would definately be out this spring" Still waiting. "it's been put back again, probably November" was the last quote. Then again, the way the weather is in the UK right now, November sounds about right for spring 2013!

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In the wake of Aliens: Colonial Marines where people were basically conned via a blatant bait and switch is it time people woke up and stopped pre ordering games? Before answering watch this..


I can't disagree with anything he says.

I won't argue any of the points he made, yet I believe that too many gamers just have no idea what they are supporting with their behaviour.

We even can see some defenders of the recent SimCity debacle. And they try to justify EAs decisions and lies very hard. They throw themselves into the fire for a publisher. Sometimes you could think, they must be either paid or in a very deep emotional relationship.


I think TotalBiscuit hit the nail on the head, it's childish pride, they don't want to admit they were cheated, that they fell for a con, that they were suckered in by the PR. After all they're perfect, they don't make mistakes so it must be everyone else who has got it wrong. Fanboys are the worst the part of any community, they add nothing and get in the way of sensible debate, those defending the indefensible are as bad as trolls.

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