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Bethesda is Evil


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I cant believe this is happening... First of all, Bugthesda makes shitty subpar games that require mods to be enjoyable. Then they release new versions that screw up every last attempt to make that easy. Unbelievable...


We have (had) the unofficial patches, because those retards cant make a real patch for their garbage game. So what do they do? They release 'legendary edition' which is what we already have, just with convoluted code that screws up mods... So now there are countless mods that want the unofficial patch, but dont recognize the new 'unofficial legendary edition patch' which ended up nuking the original unofficial patches... But thats not enough, having those hellish conflicts to deal with isnt bad enough... Now, we have the 'SKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION!!!!' And now none of the 'legendary edition' mods will work on that. To make things better, the legendary edition doesnt exist on steam, so I cant go back and play the game that has 99.9999% of all mods on it... f*** YOU TODD HOWARD!!! f*** YOU!


What else can be said here? 'if it isnt broken dont fix it' which didnt hold true from the onset, but the modding community were the ones who actually fixed the damn thing... So because everything was fine, and everything worked in harmony, naturally they have to release 'new' versions, which contributed nothing to our quality of life... We already had mods for all this s***, how could they possible 'improve the graphics' when we already had that? We already had the whole universe, because modders did their job for them from the onset...


Its like they made a foundation for us to exist on, then they f***ed it up every time we felt comfortable... Its malice... They couldnt make a new game in ten years, but they could f*** up our whole calm when we were happy with what we had...


I dont want a degree in computer science, I dont want to work for NASA, I want to play a game... Can I just plug this s*** together to get the results I want and be happy? Why do I need to reinvent the wheel just to ride on a f***ing wagon? Why? Its bad enough that modders dont know how to use standards, therefore a million billion patches are required to make anything work at all. But now the game itself rejects all mods from the start...


How is any of this ok?

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Also "If it ain't fixed, don't break it" applies to them as well.


Especially with their 1.9 FINAL patch for SKyrim SE, that broke all of the lip syncing.

right now im just struggling to wrap my brain around this mod list, I know there is a whole smattering of patches I need to get, dont have the mental wherewithall to do that today... I wish Mod Organizer had a way to show my mod list, I looked all up and down, cant find an export button anywhere...


Seeing this message though, that there are going to be systemic errors because of the special edition and having nothing i can do about it, that pisses me off... Im almost to the point of refunding the purchase right now... why should I own a legit copy if it doesnt serve me?

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Legendary Edition still exists on Steam, it's just unlisted so if you search for it in the search bar, it doesn't show up.

But yeah, Bethesda is milking Skyrim super hard. I'm almost wondering if ES6 will just be Skyrim with more performance ""fixes"" that are actually just bugs.

They're as bad as Electronic Arts now.

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Legendary Edition still exists on Steam, it's just unlisted so if you search for it in the search bar, it doesn't show up.

But yeah, Bethesda is milking Skyrim super hard. I'm almost wondering if ES6 will just be Skyrim with more performance ""fixes"" that are actually just bugs.

They're as bad as Electronic Arts now.

I used to be so passionate about this franchise... I used to sit for hours and watch lore videos on youtube... Between Bugthesdas total lack of respect for their own material, and a community of toxic hateful people who dont even understand what lore is. I am just about burnt out... I want so badly to make an ideal modded setup for each game, to have it archived forever as something I can go back to in years to come and just enjoy what this series could be. But everything is just in the way. I was banned from one forum for getting upset at someone who said 'Darth Vader being a bouncer at a corner club could be lore'... Someone shows blatant disrespect for a tread titled 'respecting morrowind lore' by saying that you can just throw anything together and its fine... I respond poorly, therefore im the bad guy... Its not the guy who comes into the thread and directly incites a flame battle, its the guy who doesnt take disrespect sitting down that needs punishment...


Put these two things together, and im just one bad episode from giving up forever, it was a nice dream, but its stillborn... I have a little effort left in me, maybe something good can happen...

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Incompetent? Perhaps.


Inept? Most certainly.


But, I think "Greedy" is the biggest problem. Remains to be seen if BetheSoft is any better.

'Incompetent' and 'inept' are synonyms. I can stomach a bit of greed if I also get competence, or even better: accomplished.

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They are unlisted and thus unsearchable as previously stated, but for obvious reasons they were not physically removed from the store. All you need is to find someone who has owned the original everything Skyrim prior to LE as they will have all the links to each of the store pages.


You can thank me later.

Edited by Rasikko
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