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Anybody still use 7-zip and OBMM to install Oblivion mods in 2020?


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I may be old school when it comes to installing mods for Oblivion, but my preferred choice is still 7-zip as well as Oblivion Mod Manager! So do you also use one of these 2 as your preferred choice for installing Oblivion mods or is it that I'm just that old fashioned?

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It's free and opens every kind of archive.

You're not old fashioned, the problem is, is that Oblivion Mods aren't always packaged to he standards of today, as Mod Managers were fairly new.

I spent a couple of weeks downloading Oblivion mods, unpackaging them, and repacking them to modern standards so I could install them with Vortex.

With my Oblivion Load order, it was a hodgepodge of OMOD mods, and BAIN mods installed with Wryebash.

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Also worth keeping in mind, even when using a different mod manager, OBMM still has a broad selection of tools and utilities, which still come in handy every day for mod authors and also some users.


I for one, I'm back to Wrye Bash, BAIN, for now and convert all mods I want to use into its folder structure where needed. One fine day, when I get the time to prepare everything for the big migration, my own mods in development and customizations on other mods included, I'll give Vortex a try as well.


But I'm pretty old school, too, and much more into developing than playing the last years.

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There's a couple of free unpackers except 7-zip, but there is no need really to exchange it. I use OBMM for omods and Wrye Bash for everything else.

Edited by Pellape
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I'm a dinosaur ... download, extract with 7 Zip and manually install (i.e. copy and paste).


Much of what I know about installing and using mods has come from helping others with their own problems ... the rest I learned by hanging onto my dinosaur ways. Yup, Wrye Bash is the only source for a bashed patch (and I use it for that) but when using a mod manager what you learn about is how to use the mod manager, not how to install mods.


Knowing how to use the mod manager goesn't help you much when things go astray.

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