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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but i figure you guys would know. I've been working on a personal mod . my own world with towns, cities,factions etc for prob a little over two years now and only recently have i started to yearn for my npcs to have voices for their text. Is there a guide i can use to import custom voices into skyrim?

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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but i figure you guys would know. I've been working on a personal mod . my own world with towns, cities,factions etc for prob a little over two years now and only recently have i started to yearn for my npcs to have voices for their text. Is there a guide i can use to import custom voices into skyrim?

I made one here, though I haven't ported it over to my site yet:


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Actor Stats

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 6/7/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

Starting out

I use an audio editing program and my own studio. Can make .wav's

About Me:
I have been doing theater for a while, and have dreamed of voice acting, so here goes nothing!

Voice Samples:


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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but i figure you guys would know. I've been working on a personal mod . my own world with towns, cities,factions etc for prob a little over two years now and only recently have i started to yearn for my npcs to have voices for their text. Is there a guide i can use to import custom voices into skyrim?

im mildy curious on the topic but your link say i dont have permission and yes i'm a forum member

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Looking for some voice actors myself. For now it's just one npc I need.


Looking for an stern grouchy older man voice. He wasn't planned to have much dialogue as the VA I had originally wasn't in for much, but if you're up for a little more than I planned I can easily make the npc more fleshed out.


Example Lines for audition:


Sit down and shut up.


Get out of here fool. I'm in no mood to celebrate anything.


This damned world has been dragged into madness.



Some info on the mod for those that care to know: The mod is going to add npcs and events to the skyrim world. For now it's focusing on just one follower the mod is going to add. That follower already has 700 and counting voiced lines of dialogue. He comments on areas he's in and even sings and tells jokes.

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EMAIL AUDITIONS TO [email protected]. Auditions end 6/16/15. We will contact those who auditioned with results on the 17th. Feel free to audition for as many voicetypes as you wish. Auditions should be in WAV format, with the following format:
For example, if I were auditioning for FemaleChild, I would name my audition:
Voice acting will need to meet a certain standard of quality. Laptop and headset mics are not acceptable - you should at least have access USB or condenser mic. If you are cast, the lines you'll be recording should be at the same level of quality as your audition, if not better.

Beyond Skyrim is a collaboration and framework for modders with ambitious plans to recreate lands outside the region covered by Bethesda's Skyrim game. Beyond Skyrim: Brumais a small taste of the province of Cyrodiil - the county Bruma, including quests, new models and textures, NPCs, dungeons, and more.

We're using the system that Bethesda did with their voice acting. NPCs are assigned to 'voice types', with their own unique dialogue lines and voice type-wide general lines. To see this in action in the vanilla game, think of Belethor and Lucan Valerius. They both have the same voice type, and therefore share the same voice recordings for their barter lines - ("Some may call this junk, me, I call them treasures", etc.) - but they also have their unique lines - Belethor’s about selling his sister, the dialogue relating to Lucan’s Golden Claw quest, etc. You will need to be committed to recording a lot - though you will, of course, be given time - because recasting you means we have to have someone rerecord ALL of those lines.

We already have multiple voicetypes cast, but we have a few remaining for Bruma release, and, since we are recording soon, we need ALL the voicetypes cast! If you're interested in auditioning, please read the summaries of the voicetypes below. The following is the list of voicetypes we need cast:

The FemaleChild voicetype should sound like the voice of a female child. It will be the voicetype used for most female human children in Cyrodiil and Bruma.

- Hello, sir. Have you seen my mother anywhere?

- Haha, caught you! Your turn.

- Please, just get out of here!


The MaleChild voicetype should sound like the voice of a male child. It will be the voicetype used for most male human children in Cyrodiil and Bruma.

- Hello, sir. Have you seen my mother anywhere?

- Haha, caught you! Your turn.

- Please, just get out of here!


The MaleSilky voicetype should sound very noble, and a little condescending. Very refined and mature. An example of something similar to what we want is the voice of the innkeeper in Silver Blood Inn, in Markarth. It will be one of the many voicetypes used for male human NPCs in Bruma and Cyrodiil.

- Oh... it's *you*. Please, just get out.

- Grand, just grand. Welcome to the Synod. *(Synod: Sin-nod)*

- I'll kill you, you Khajiit mongrel!


The FemaleUniqueAlina voicetype is a unique voicetype, meaning only one NPC in the entirety of Cyrodiil and Bruma will use this voicetype! You can still be cast for another role if you are cast for a unique role. Alina is part of a quest centered around Cloud Ruler Temple. She was a former member of the Blades, and is a relatively young woman (around 16-18). She is a Breton, and has suffered a lot, but remains strong. For this, audition with a voice you think would fit her character. We have little to no direction on this.

- Over there! Please, friend. I need your help.

- But sometimes the door opened, at the end of the night shifts, and I could see my brothers smiling in the firelight of the Hall.

- Thank you, friend. You showed me the way home... I will be forever grateful.

Edited by Mattiewagg
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Actor Stats

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 6/17/2015
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

Starting out

I use audacity for actual recording, used soundcloud for the samples below

About Me:
Actor by trade/experience, want to get into voice acting been told I have a great voice. Let's find out

Voice Samples:

hey, just made this so i could post here, I REALLY want to get into voice acting so i threw up a small list of my voices, will be adding more over the night. check it out so far

all skyrim related at the moment- https://soundcloud.com/patrick-deegan-4/sets/voice-acting-skryim

Edited by 818studios
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Actor Stats


Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: White/Cacasian

Last Updated: 6/17/2015

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:




Starting out



I use audacity for actual recording, used soundcloud for the samples below


About Me:

Actor by trade/experience, want to get into voice acting been told I have a great voice. Let's find out


Voice Samples:

hey, just made this so i could post here, I REALLY want to get into voice acting so i threw up a small list of my voices, will be adding more over the night. check it out so far

all skyrim related at the moment- https://soundcloud.com/patrick-deegan-4/sets/voice-acting-skryim

Very nice voices and acting. That said - what mic are you recording with?

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