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Vortex Can't Find Subnautica Location


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Vortex can't 'see' my Subnautica game *!#@ Even when I set a manual path.!

Just spent several frustrating hours search for help online, a total waste of time. Where do I need to set the path in order to 'activate' Subnatuica in Vortex?!? It shouldn't be this hard! Can anyone tell me what path to use to get Vortex to see my Subnautica game?!?!?!? Please help with specific how to steps. Thanks!



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You have the WindowsStore variant of the game, those are often not moddable because the game directories aren't not writable (not a security setting btw, it's a driver-level limitation).

The important information is the error message when you press the "More" button on the "Failed to set game mode" but I wouldn't get my hopes up, if you intend to mod a game, don't get it on the Windows Store.

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Thanks, Okay I bought Subnautica for a second time, this time from Steam. Installed it and vortex. Downloaded and enabled mods (all are green). (including Qmod & Helper) Hit Deploy Mods. Opened the game and no mods show at all. What the hell?! Why aren't my mods showing. No errors or conflicts. Everything loaded on the same drive, etc. What do I need to to do to make mods work???

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Thanks, Okay I bought Subnautica for a second time, this time from Steam. Installed it and vortex. Downloaded and enabled mods (all are green). (including Qmod & Helper) Hit Deploy Mods. Opened the game and no mods show at all. What the hell?! Why aren't my mods showing. No errors or conflicts. Everything loaded on the same drive, etc. What do I need to to do to make mods work???



Which QMod did you download the EXE or the One that can be installed with a mod Manager.


Do you have the mod staging folder on the same drive as Subnautica.


A lot of problem with modding Subnautica are Windows Defender's "Controlled Folder Access" being ON, instead of turned off, and Folder Permissions in General.


Typically the worst place you can install your games is in the Program FIles folder because windows is overzealous about protecting that folder and half the time doesn't let itself access the folder


Make sure you have UAC turned ON too

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