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FO4 Outcasts and Remnants mod


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So i've been trying to install Thuggysmurfs 3 quest mods, Outcast and Remants, Depravity, and Fusion City, on a fresh install but no matter what I do they each break my game and I cannot even launch if they're installed. But the moment I disable them my game launches just fine and the only conflict I've encountered so far is between O&R and Weaponsmith. And Thuggysmurfs troubleshooting guide hasn't helped either.

Any help or advice anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

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Normally I would refer you to the mod forums for problems like that - but the author has locked all comments. Not particularly welcoming.


They do maintain a discord server. Invite here:




That aside, start with just the Outcasts and Remnants mod. Nothing else. No other mods. Start a new game.


If that works, add one more in that set. Keep going until you find one that breaks it.


These are script-intensive mods - and a small PC or GPU won't hack it.


Keep trying - they are worth a little aggravation. Great stories - and I particularly like Valkyrie.

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Finally figured it out, it was Vortex all along. I installed it through Mod Organizer 2 and it works now.


I seriously doubt that Vortex was the OP's problem. Although I have not used Depravity in a game, I recently used Vortex to manage a 234 mod profile that included three of Thuggysmurf's quest mods: Outcasts & Remnants, Fusion City Rising, and Project Valkyrie. I had zero issues with those mods and few issues with the game. I suspect I would have had the same results if I had included Depravity. In fact, I think I'll resurrect that game and toss Depravity into the mix just to see what happens.

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