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Crashing in the first second after loading screen


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Some background. I've been modding FO4 for the last couple of years with very few issues, and those I did have were easily fixed, either by adjusting load order or deleting a troublesome mod. I am baffled this time, and have been trying to figure out what's going on for the last 2 days.


I have everything up to date, the main game, the UFOP, F4SE and it's dependent mods that I have. I've been playing this same load order with no problems for at least 4 months or so. I did add a small texture mod for the hanging vines, but that's been ok since I change it out a week ago. EVERYthing has been working fine on previous plays. I decide to start a new one, and it's biting me in the butt big time.


What's happening now though, is when I launch the game, (this starting a new SS) is that it goes thru the loading screen, but the second it hits the game, it crashes. At first I was able to go back a couple saves and it would load and start, then it got to where I was having to go back more and more, like 1 step forward and 4,5,6 steps back, I wiped all of those saves yesterday, started again today. Everything seemed fine, and I shut down when my SS was 6th lvl. Now it's doing the same thing and I'm ready to yank my hair out. I only have 198 active plugins, with no merged patches or esl files. I use the github NMM, up to date. Some may say that's the problem, It is not, thank you.


I verified and reacquired files, checked my ini files, cleared the game cache (via Steam), cleaned everything using xedit, (because verifying, 'nuff said) checked and reinstalled mods.


At this point I am lost. Do I need to just bite the bullet and do a re-install of the game?

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Yhanks HeyYou, but that didn't work. So, I bit that bullet and after spending most of the day reinstalling and going through my mods, I have things going again. I don't mind saying I'll be a bit paranoid for a while!! :unsure: I've never had an issue so bad that it warranted a reinstall! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! And boy howdy, I'm so glad I've never been into merged mods...


I would have posted a couple hours ago, but I was immersed in the game, trying to catch up a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have an issue with the game going bye-bye right after start-up, this means (most of the time), that either secondary main files have been altered while the replacements don't work; or that secondary main files have been corrupted.


Let me explain.


With "secondary main files" I mean files that are necessarey to play the game, but not to load the game. I'm not a game coder nor a mod maker, so, my explanations may sometimes (or often) veer off the set path. My apologies for that.


The only time a re-install is needed is when someone doesn't know where all the hidden files are being installed during the install of the game itself or during the installation of some mods. Sometimes there's three, four, or even five different locations where the game and mods install their files.


A second reason why the game goes belly-up right after start-up is that you have a mod that changes the "Commonwealth" map and the mod hasn't got all the 'ingredients' needed for the game to load properly. Mods that change terrain, map outlook or the area you're at while the game loads can be an issue.


Third reason can be that your character has issues or is wearing clothing with which the game has a problem. For the former, anything you changed to the appearance of your character can cause problems, as will anything you changed about the clothing your character is wearing. The reason for this is usally a mod that is faulty and has skipped folder levels so that clothing/armour/weapon items are sitting in the wrong location and can't be loaded and the game crashes. So, you need to make sure that each and every clothing (or any other) mod you've installed has the right structure (meaning, the exact tree-structure your mod manager uses), AND




Seems like Nexus forgot to add half of what I wrote... I need to gather my thoughts and finish what I meant to write altogether...

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