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why is conspiracy such a widespread problem ?


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ok, interesting what you present and define as "conspiracy". that says all.

if normal political battle is tagged a conspiracy it is the next joke.


1. Trump lies leading to or supporting conspiracy theories. just one of many well documented links you can find.



2. your video is just confirming that trump administration did much too long nothing ("covid is a hoax") and only with pressure from all sides. and that feels like almost nothing. where is the conspiracy here ? we all know that this is the truth. i would call this the political battle we know - but not conspiracy what you show in the video.

we are not talking about some lies spreaded by you and me and also politicians and almost all people.

we talk about conspiracy - this means permanently and repeatedly spreaded lies covered as the "real truth" used as a matter to undermine truth and trust.



I'm talking about "conspiracy" if for example covid is downplayed or even denied with lies, covered as the truth leading to death and spreaded as truth in the public!


your "quality" of proven dem conspriracy ist laughable compared to the real "america first" made conspiracy theories and repeated lies even questioning democracy and its legitimation at all.





Lies, disinformation and conspiracy theories are increasingly being embraced as acceptable political strategy, AP investigation finds- Published: Feb. 26, 2021 at 10:03 p.m. ET


QAnon followers realise their baseless conspiracy was 'all a lie' as President Joe Biden takes office


How an internet lie about the Capitol invasion turned into an instant conspiracy theory



if you read these articles you should know what is my understanding if we talk about "conspiracy".

surely not a video about what happens since politics exists within known bounds spreaded as dem conspiracy. if this video is spreaded as that it is just another right wing sad attempt for a new right wing conspiracy.


maybe you understand, probably you will refuse or unable to do so. and i doubt you will read the links.


this seems in my opinion to be a severe problem with right wing and conspiracy in america and all over the world.

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your answer is somehow disturbing - or at least the intention behind. the content of this debate is not about right or wrong, it is about conspiracy and traceability of this phenomenon. So you are free to classify the value of your contributions the way you think.

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The thing I love the most about xrayy's links is that none of them ever say what they "think" they say, because they obviously never read the actual articles, just the "headlines" or bullet point headings. When you actually do what an intelligent adult would do, i.e. read the articles, they all turn out to be nothing but flatulence in a breeze. Every single one of them turns out to be a "fine people" myth.


The thing that saddens, disturbs, and yes sometimes angers, me, is that not only will they eventually learn the horrifying truth of what they've been supporting all along, and be devastated by it, but people like them will drag us intelligent thinking adults down with them.


But changing the rules and redefining words and meanings to make themselves the only "correct" speaker, when their arguments crumble into nothing but desiccated canine excrement, is a common tactic amongst their ilk.

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thanks for enlighten this dark thread! :wink:


conspiracy is not about about logic or reasonable arguments. it seems to "just work" like a growing cult. the more extreme and stupid the better and more successful - at least in social media and for people who rely on social media.


my contribution:



majorie taylor greene and qanon


and back to reality this



example of conspiracy and crude man legally owning a weapon who just had "a bad day"

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If you're looking for truth, the truth is that we really don't know what's going on. I doubt that many people in the government even know what's going on. If you ask me (and you didn't), they're not the ones that are really in charge. Presidents are more like puppets and so are the Congressmen and the media outlets that claim to know what the other side doesn't. Money controls everything and we, the people without it, can pretend all we like that we have the answers, that we somehow know more than the people that disagree with us and we can sit confidently behind our computers, casually typing polite insults and passive-aggressive retorts and quietly convince ourselves that we've won the battle over truth and logic. Well, we haven't. The ugly truth is that other people own us. We are not as free and wise and successful as we fool ourselves into believing. The truth is terrifying, unkind, and there aren't many that can handle it.


I say it's the truth, but then I would be a hypocrite wouldn't I? It's my modest opinion but I believe in it completely. The only ones who really know what's what are the ones that run the show and we may know their names or we may not. How can we, the unwashed billions without the privilege of knowledge, possibly know anything about the people that created and mastered this game so many years before our time? Either you willingly close your mind to the world and surrender to ignorance, or you devote yourself to learning what is real, finding that you cannot know what is, and you slip into madness and mental illness. It is not a game you can win because you and I have already lost.


Conspiracy theories are either there to distract us and keep us guessing or they really do represent some kernel of truth, but then again why would that matter if we can't really be sure in the first place? Life is full of shades of grey. It's up to you to choose what you believe, but always remember that it's what you believe and that isn't the same as saying that it is something that you know.


Can you handle that? It's not an easy pill to swallow.

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"Conspiracy Theory" is just a lazy way to define oppositional views, as the Galileo example amply demonstrates.


The problem with today's "conspiracy theories" is that their very existence, growth and ongoing support are dependent on folks who "don't like" something and are willing to believe anything which supports their beliefs. By way of an example, if one doesn't like American Democrats, a theory which states that American Democrats are "a huge cabal of lizard people which eat babies so they can stay youthful" is perfectly reasonable, rational and sane.


And therein is the real issue. Belief vs Fact. When a culture cannot even agree on the facts, in spite of any and all evidence, they will accept as true anything which supports their beliefs. Is climate change real, or is the science inconclusive? Did astronauts actually land on the moon, or was it faked by Steven Speilberg? Are there actually Little Green Men in America's Area 51, or is it a hoax? Is the earth flat? If your beliefs hold that any of these are true, than any evidence to the contrary is dismissed as "biased media" or "fake news" or "junk science" or simply as a lie.

And the root cause is the lack of "Critical Thinking"? How does one think critically without an adequate foundation? What about "anti-intellectualism"? How about "social promotion" in school? Does dropping standards for graduation from secondary school have a role? Is declining literacy rates to blame? How does teaching children religious dogma instead of science play into the discussion? Or, is it some combination of these and other factors which allow people to believe the most irrational, unreasonable, insane, nonsensical and outlandish things about each other and our world?


Or are people just (expletive deleted) stupid? Lizard people, indeed.

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