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why is conspiracy such a widespread problem ?


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Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


That's a ridiculous assumption. Anytime there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc... it's no longer considered a protest it's a riot and I never argued otherwise. The moment hundreds of people violently stormed into the capital building it became an insurrection, yet a failed one.


You can't deny that what happened on January 6th wasn't some planned assault. This wasn't something that spontaneously/organically happened. Trump all the way to Right-wing media platforms kept brainwashing their viewers into thinking that the election was illegitimate for weeks on end without any evidence.


Edit: When I was editing my post it seemed to have glitched out and copied it 3 times

Edited by colourwheel
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Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


That's a ridiculous assumption. Anytime there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc... it's no longer considered a protest it's a riot and I never argued otherwise. The moment hundreds of people violently stormed into the capital building it became an insurrection, yet a failed one.


You can't deny that what happened on January 6th wasn't some planned assault. This wasn't something that spontaneously/organically happened. Trump all the way to Right-wing media platforms kept brainwashing their viewers into thinking that the election was illegitimate for weeks on end without any evidence.


January 6 was a planned protest. Just like BLM does. Yep, some folks were armed. Just like the BLM protests. There was violence. Just like a fair few of the BLM protests, yet, the mainstream media STILL calls them protests, but, what happened Jan 6 is portrayed as something else entirely. Maybe YOU personally don't espouse that narrative, but, it appears that a pretty significant portion of the left does. The only difference that I see, is the Jan 6 protest targeted a somewhat higher profile building.


At least they didn't occupy it for several weeks, and bar any other authority from entering, including the police, and fire departments.....


My question becomes, was the violence on Jan 6 PLANNED? So far, I haven't really seen any evidence to indicate that anyone INTENDED violence/riot/whathaveyou, just like the BLM protests.


And 'reality' is all about perception. Ask any ten people what happened on Jan 6, and get 11 different answers. :D

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Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


In your idiocy, you deliberately assume that a distaste for violence by the terrorists you support automatically means people accept terrorism from those whose beliefs you hate. So let me put this as simply possible for you simpletons. Violence it abhorrent, any violence, all violence.


However, comparing the violence committed against property by unarmed demonstrators defending their lives and their right to live to the violence and murders committed by armed men in a grab for power and and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution is ludicrous. But you will keep making that comparison because it tickles your lunacy.

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Ask any ten people what happened on Jan 6, and get 11 different answers. :D


Yet I doubt anyone of them put any large amounts of money betting on it as simply being just a peaceful protest. If you are still unclear about it being planned you only need to look at over the hundreds of public social media post by the same people who violently forced into the capital that day and have all been arrested and charged. Whether they were serious about it or not, they still followed through to what they posted. It might not have been scant but it certainly was premeditated.

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Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


In your idiocy, you deliberately assume that a distaste for violence by the terrorists you support automatically means people accept terrorism from those whose beliefs you hate. So let me put this as simply possible for you simpletons. Violence it abhorrent, any violence, all violence.


However, comparing the violence committed against property by unarmed demonstrators defending their lives and their right to live to the violence and murders committed by armed men in a grab for power and and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution is ludicrous. But you will keep making that comparison because it tickles your lunacy.


Oh Goody! Another leftist liberal that can't debate, so resorts to insults. Yippee!


You will have to pardon my rudeness for ignoring anything further you might have to say. (type? Whatever.)

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If you were suddenly to believe this article you have pulled up, then seem you have changed your perspective that it wasn't just some protest. Either that or you are just cherry picking info from this article just to try to fit your personal narrative. There is nothing mentioned in this article that claims it wasn't an insurrection. Just because there was no central coordination doesn't suddenly make it some conspiracy when calling it was it is. By definition an insurrection is a derivative for insurgency. This is an accurate way to describe an attack on our capital and the constitution it stands for. A "Riot" and "mob" would be equally correct to describe what happened on the grounds. But the moment those people violently forced into the capital building it was an attack and at the very least an insurrection to not only disrupt our government by force but also harm or kill our elected officials.


The FBI already had evidence that the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys had premeditated the attack before January 6th. This was all discovered months ago. It's been estimated that there was around at least 10,000 people storming the ground of the capital that day and that is being generous. Even if only 5-10% of those rioters were the only bad actors in this event, that's still a sizable amount of people that actively planned to attack our government and everyone else who followed their lead is just as guilty. Just because their plan was bad and they had no real end game to what ever they wanted to accomplish doesn't dismiss that this was an assault on our democracy. Even if you are still not able to wrap your head around all this and some how feel you are right and everyone else is wrong. I can do the exact same thing and say this.... It was an insurrection! Saying otherwise is just a conspiracy!

Edited by colourwheel
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Wow, you really liked that post, its up three times??? :D


So, when BLM 'protests' even when there is violence, looting, destruction of property, etc, its still a 'protest', but, when the other guys do it, its 'insurrection'??


In your idiocy, you deliberately assume that a distaste for violence by the terrorists you support automatically means people accept terrorism from those whose beliefs you hate. So let me put this as simply possible for you simpletons. Violence it abhorrent, any violence, all violence.


However, comparing the violence committed against property by unarmed demonstrators defending their lives and their right to live to the violence and murders committed by armed men in a grab for power and and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution is ludicrous. But you will keep making that comparison because it tickles your lunacy.


Oh Goody! Another leftist liberal that can't debate, so resorts to insults. Yippee!


You will have to pardon my rudeness for ignoring anything further you might have to say. (type? Whatever.)



When truth is perceived as insult, then you might want to examine your perceptions. When references to your observable behavior is perceived as insult, you may want to examine your behavior. When observations on the fallacy in your thought processes is perceived as insult, you may want to examine your thinking.


As Forrest's momma says, "Stupid is as stupid does". If you want to be thought of as anything more than stupid, change your behavior, change your perceptions and change your thinking.




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When truth is perceived as insult, then you might want to examine your perceptions. When references to your observable behavior is perceived as insult, you may want to examine your behavior. When observations on the fallacy in your thought processes is perceived as insult, you may want to examine your thinking.


As Forrest's momma says, "Stupid is as stupid does". If you want to be thought of as anything more than stupid, change your behavior, change your perceptions and change your thinking.

Unsurprisingly, you've just proved yourself to be a colossal hypocrite.


Per the link above, I made reference to your observable behaviour and your toxic response was to perceive and treat it as an insult.


Time to reflect on you own advice and put it into action:


When observations on the fallacy in your thought processes is perceived as insult, you may want to examine your thinking.


Or you can just continue to dispense toxicity and make asinine sexist remarks. Which is what you seem to be fairly good at.

Edited by gnarly1
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