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What's with the console modding racism/PC elite exclusives?

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Just curious... I play both PC and console and I obviously tend to port mods I download to either machine because I don't subscribe to that mentality.


Like is it some kind of "eeeew consoles don't deserve mods, its for PC master race only waaaaaa"


I know some mods wont work on console but jeez... What's the thought process behind this?


And going back to the console haters discussion, like... It's pretty easy to port the mod or do it privately with friends etc. whilst bypassing the "don't upload to any other site PC exclusive mods".


I'm genuinely curious...


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My best guess is that mod authors don't own the consoles in question. Or they simply don't want to support multiple platforms.

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Yeah. XB1 has some differences to PC. So people cannot test the mod because they don't own a console. Or cannot fix bugs people report because they cannot reproduce them.

So they don't want to bother.


Also: Large mods don't work well on console because they only have 2GB in total and XB1 users often whine about file size.


But anyway: If a mod author says that his mods should not be uploaded to XB1 or any other site, it's his good right to demand that. Whether it sounds dumb or not. the mod is his work. And maybe he used assets from other sources which come with their own distribution rules.

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1. Limited file size on XB1

2. PS doesn't support any additional files other than the modules itself

3. Script Extender doesn't work on consoles

4. Bethnet has practices that not everyone likes. And very bad support.

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1. Limited file size on XB1

2. PS doesn't support any additional files other than the modules itself

3. Script Extender doesn't work on consoles

4. Bethnet has practices that not everyone likes. And very bad support.

That's putting it politely........ :)

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