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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Could you please post screenshots? I have both of the top 2 mods running and haven't notice any texture problems before.
  2. Is it possible to make a script that blurs out surrounding sounds when you're hit by a grenade or close to dying? I would really want to know if it's possible. It would be a great addition to my near death breathing mod. Experienced scripters, please reply if possible.
  3. Ohh... my bad. I just found out about J.S Black. Great WIP, maybe there is still hope. Seems to be inactive for almost half a year.
  4. Never happen to me before, even for other games. How long have you own Fallout GOTY?
  5. 1.7 patch is stable if you have all the DLC's. Even after removing all mods and having only Fallout3.esm and ThePitt.esm, it's still not working?:( The only possible way to fix this (possible way that I can think of at the moment) is to reinstall the pitt, or even worse, the whole game. But before those, read this: http://guides.gamepressure.com/fallout3the...ide.asp?ID=6883 You might find it useful. Hope it solves your problem.
  6. You should write yourself a novel and publish it. Or maybe you already have... :unsure:
  7. Very interesting. This might be of use for you. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3157 I can help out with your mod (anything related to sounds, ambiance, custom soundtracks). If you need someone for Beta screenies, I'm also available.
  8. Is it possible to make a script that blurs out surrounding sounds when you're hit by a grenade or close to dying? I would really want to know if it's possible. It would be a great addition to my near death breathing mod. Experienced scripters, please reply if possible. Edit: Sorry, wrong section. Should be in General modifications. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=181168
  9. I want companions that "moves" along with the story, just like in Dragon Age Origins. Not some crazy annoying weak fan thing following you around like a pet. Also no more marching band followers. It would be awesome if they get more freedom when moving with you, a more natural flow when in a group. Brink is pretty cool, can't wait for it, more than Fallout New Vegas.
  10. LOL, funny words, that made my day. :smile:
  11. It all depends on your rig, I wouldn't had bought a 24" LCD if I knew it meant lowering from maxed out Fallout 3 to Med-high options.
  12. Have you ever installed any texture mods? Especially those that increase texture resolutions (armor, environment, megaton texture project,project beauty HD?)
  13. *licking wounds* *shot by raiders....*
  14. wish granted you will find it under your pillow right now but in another alternate universe. I wish I can score at least 3 C's in my A levels exam without putting much effort into studying. :confused:
  15. Did you update the game to version 1.7? Try to uncheck all mods and just the pitt.esm. Start a new game and see if you receive the distress message.
  16. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10228 Something almost the same.
  17. It doesn't really matter who wins. The Lounge would still be the same by the end of the day.
  18. She is hot. As a teenager, I've seen far worse. :rolleyes:
  19. Well, here's a suggestion. You remember all the martial arts stuff from oblivion mod? Not sure if you toyed with it before but, you can try to PM the mod author, who knows he might even drop by and create the martial arts animations from scratch for Fallout 3.
  20. Nope, won't cause any problems, unless you have a low-end PC. Will cause hiccups.
  21. I might have voted for you :wink: Well maybe not :wink:
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