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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Hey I was just wondering do you ever still play BF2?
  2. I hate theifs like you. -_-
  3. I haven't noticed the awesomeness of the white theme untill now.
  4. Glad to see you back. Why did you leave anyway?
  5. Hey!!!! Glad to see you back!! :D
  6. Modding. Just about time.
  7. Then probably won't get it. Me being a mil-sim fanatic the small bc2 maps were enough to get used to.
  8. Hmm hows the mulitplayer? It looks a bit like Call Of Duty and less like Bad Company 2. are there vehicles in mp? Are maps big?
  9. It was a Chinese restaurant. Was very delicious. :D
  10. Nothing too special. Went to a restaurant.
  11. Happy birthday to..... me
  12. Wierd it says that I already added you.

    Try adding me [email protected]

  13. Damn don't even have that account.

    Do you have msn??

  14. oh well wasn't on at that time. Do you happen to have steam as it would be easier to communicate.
  15. Lol. Damn its easier to fly a heli in Flight Sims then in bfbc2. I need to mess with the controls a bit, see if maybe I could hook up my joystick.
  16. Yea. That was a hell of a firefight.

    And remind me to never enter a helicopter that you are piloting ever again XD

  17. Hehe wow still snow?

    Was an unusually cold winter here. And even still not the usual start of spring either.

  18. I just realized I missed your birthday. :'(


  19. I see you are from Scotland. Ah the place I always wanted to visit. Too bad parents don't travel too much. And myself I have no money.
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