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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Just did my 1000th post.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antonkr


      Well active posts yes but its not the same as the post counter says :P
    3. Deleted54170User


      *BLING!* Happy 1000th!

      I am only counting birthdays. I see one here is near.

    4. antonkr


      Thank you!
  2. Yea. My card have been broken for a while now. Could only use my laptop
  3. New video card!! FINALLY
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Who put it in the computer?

      What's the Computer say it is?

    3. antonkr


      My dad put it in. Its radeon hd6850.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Nice! That's equal to mine in most stuff. I imagine you're having a blast looking at game stuff you thought was really nice before. I am. Oblivion is looking so good I actually started playing all over. The foliage is so thick a Krab was attacking me. I could barely see in the grass along the shore.
  4. Hey bro. Long time no see. How are you holding up?
  5. Waiting for my new video card. Realizing that most of my updates here get more comments/likes then comments on facebook.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antonkr


      Power supply is the only reason I am holding back GTX 460 and going with something a bit less... powerful. Probably going to go with AMD.
    3. HellsMaster


      i know me too :D [ about the status]
    4. Deleted54170User


      I read the stats on that less powerful Video card you got. It isn't less powerful, might be a little less power consuming?
  6. New mod released
  7. you too lol. But mine is actually a turian from Mass Effect lol.
  8. Thanks for responding I probably will need some help with scripting. I will let you know about what I need help with once I get to that part.
  9. Hey dude. SilverDNA told me that you can help me out on a modding project for new vegas that I can't do alone. Can you help me out a bit? Contact me on pm if you have free time to help me out. Thank you.
  10. I am doing pretty good. :) how about you?
  11. anyone willing to explain exactly what the hell happened with KDS?
    1. Corlan


      He's sometimes on xat, I'll ask him when I see him... But I think it followed up Zombie getting banned too, and I have no idea why.
  12. You got banned for being too young? What the hell I have been on this site since I was barely 12. I know I am going to be banned for this but the moderators/admins are pissing me off. I can understand the thing with KDS but you?
  13. Will check it out. Sounds pretty cool!
  14. Pretty cool. Have you played New Vegas yet? I seem to need some help with it. :P Even though I know how to build the basic house, I now want to learn some stuff like NPC etc. Any chance I could get your help? You teached me the basic of CS which is basically the same thing as geck.
  15. Like I said, I am not working on it this exact moment. Believe me if I could I would. I am going to need a LOT of help on this one.
  16. What you been up to silver? Haven't talked in forever.
  17. Thanks for putting that thread on New Vegas Mod Request thread. Gets pretty tiring seeing a topic with the same person bumping it 3 or 4 times.
  18. Just figured out that I have to run geck as admin lol.
  19. I am doing pretty good myself. Trying to figure out where the hell my 15 minutes of work on crappy bunker mod went lol.
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