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Status Updates posted by antonkr

  1. Happy Veterans/Armistice day.
  2. I am pretty good.
  3. How are you my friend?
  4. Umm I think someone was using your steam account. >.<
  5. Nothing much. And you?
  6. This is really really really weird.
  7. Homesick. Trolling group members in french project by making them finish all the work.
  9. Contacting steam support. PLEASE. WORK
  10. New steam account is Anton_Krutyakov feel free to add me! I cant add you I got no games on it
  11. Hey mate. Long time no talk. I remember you from like long ago.
  12. My steam account is deleted. Angry letters to steam inbound. Screw steam. I am NEVER buying anything from them again
  13. WHAT THE HELL? I can't log in to my steam account
  14. Trying out friend's mac. I feel very... uncomfortable.
  15. I've lived on this planet for a long time now. And, after all these years, I've finally found out that pepper is slightly demented...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. antonkr


      Long story. Very very long story.
    3. CommanderCrazy
    4. antonkr


      Lets just say I didnt post this.
  16. Just realized UK flag does not have 2 lines of symmetry as I thought it does. I feel stupid now
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. antonkr


      Me neither. Its so wierd.
    3. starfox246


      did u get my mod i requested done?
    4. antonkr


      Sorry I am taking long. It will be done by the evening of tomorrow.
  17. I love you! Every single 1,800,000 users on nexus.
    1. Illiad86


      aww :) I love you too Anton :D hehe
    2. antonkr
  18. Haven't talked to you some time. Hope you get online on sunday.
  19. Sorry I am a bit confused about it. What do you mean the actual game?
  20. Must apologize that I went offline. My computer for some reason constantly turns off my wifi and only way to turn it back on is to restart.
  21. where the hell are you? get on msn we gotta talk
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