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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Geez, crazy people and their subtitled anime...

    Luckily most of what I watch has been dubbed. As for the ones that haven't, they'll eventually be dubbed. 'Course, it boggles me as to why Toradora! has not been dubbed yet.


    But really, Gunslinger Girl FTW! I always have this odd desire, when I equip a P90, to hop around in bullet time and shoot stuff. Odd.


    The way I see it is, yes, some animes have really crappy english voices, and if they do, I just don't watch them.


    It is really that simple...



    There are enough animes out there with good english dubbing to keep me busy, stuff like Cowboy Bebop and such.






    But then again, I hate subtitles in everything. I am annoyed by the fact that in Fallout, when you talk to someone, that it shows what they are saying at the bottom of the screen... I have ears, I don't need to read what they are saying as well... I hate it when people have closed captioning on TVs, or when people give power point presentations and have exactly what they are saying writen on the slide...


    It just plane annoys me


    I read faster that people talk, and it throws me off when I read it before that are done talking, and it leaves this akward gap between one line to the next





    But I always find it funny how subtitled anime fans are more passionate in their beleifs than most people I know. I can walk into a strict catholic church and say I worship satan, and they will be less outraged than an anime fan if you tell them you watch dubbed anime. I can take a sport bike and start rideing along side of a bunch of bikers with their Harley Davidsons, and they would be less outraged than an anime fan if you tell them you watch dubbed anime. I could walk into the middle of the Green Bay Packers football stadium and shout GO BEARS, and they would be less outraged than an anime far if you tell them you watch dubbed anime.






    But anyways



    Ceta, I will send you the 3Ds Max files so you can try to get them in game



    And just so everyone knows, I have almost got the hang of this organic/people modeling stuff, so in the next month or so I might get some more stuff done

  2. Not many people are going to post here because there is a modification request section in these forums...


    Ohh i didnt knew that... Im new here... :thanks: Can anyone give me the link to it?... I would apreciate it... :biggrin:


    And about the robot control thing... it would be awesome if we could simply repair any destroyed robots... turn them into our companions... and modify them with whatever we wanted... like weapons... armor... sight... etc...


    are you really that lazy that you need someone to give you a link? :mellow:


    Anyways... type your awsome ideas and sugestions here!


    here is my sugestion, learn to read...

  3. This is the closest thing to someone working on a Western mod, but it really turned away from that direction and is going for more of a southern agricultural theme...




    But anyways, if you are talking about makeing a MOD that adds mabe a Western worldspace or Western quests and stuff like that, then I am completly willing to help you out with meshes and textures and stuff.


    Now, if you want to make a Total Conversion, then... well, I will just be brutally honest with you... it wouldn't be worth the time it took me to email you the files, becuase it would never be completed... and I don't really want to be part of a Total Conversion trainwreck...




    But back to the point. I make meshes and textures, that is about all I can offer you. I am currently busy with a mod of my own, but a lot of my outfits and stuff, as well as stuff around my town that I am makeing have a strong wild west theme to them. And I am very willing to share the stuff that I make.


    I can also help a bit with the story if you can give me a general idea of what you are going for. I am a bit busy, so I can't do anything too advanced, but I will see what I can do.


    But I do really like the idea of post apocalyptic cowboy outaw stuff, and if you have anything you need as far as models or textures, feel free to ask, don't expect too much, but I will see what I can do.

  4. Did u Read the pm TTW? was it helpfull??


    ya, I got the PM


    I will see what I can do when I get the time




    there is one big upside to haveing the child be part of my bigger overall mod, the fact that my other NPCs will have dialogue that aknowledges your child and the stuff your child does




    got any ideas for names?

  5. send me what you have and I'll take a look, not sure how well I can work with dialogue (I've never done much of it before), but might help


    all the dialogue is still in my head, and I really don't feel like sending that to you... I might need it


    I have done dialogue for storys before, but the interactivity throws a whole different spin on things when you are trying to get it on paper or typed up.

  6. There was a similar mod for oblivion, and I was suprised to find that there's not for fallout.


    and why exactly would you be surprised that a game that came out on March 20, 2006 would have more mod content than a game that came out on October 28, 2008 over 2 and a half years later...


    I don't understand... :mellow:

  7. won't bother me at all if you make it, I just can't seem to wrap my head around why someone would spend that much time doing such a task


    but to each his own


    if you want the 3Ds Max file for the Porsche just tell me, it could be used as a modern car or as a toy car. if someone wanted to rig and animate it you could even use it as a driveable car, but I don't know how to do that stuff at the moment, though, if I do decide to make it drivable, you can use that as well, but I probly won't, since I am busy with other stuff




    I personally don't have any interest in this mod, but I do however make models, for mod reasons and just for practice reasons and just because I felt like it reasons, and if any of them are of use to someone I am more than willing to share

  8. yes, the dialogue could get tough


    maybe make the kid a future plan, once the mods done/releasable/semi done, cause its pretty standalone it seems like, and don't want TOO much work so (relatively) early


    ya, im not putting any work into the kid at this very moment, other than just planning


    I have an extra room in the house for the kid and such, but the kid will probly end up being an update shortly after the mod is released or whatever






    I have been trying to find a good way to organize all of the lines of dialogue with the options and the variables than open up other conversations with that npc or other npcs, and how each on interacts with each other and such...


    if anyone knows any good ways of keeping stuff like this organized, tell me





    I am far from a left brain thinker, even though I try my best to keep everything in a workable order, this is more because I know that I am usually too exentric to get things done if I don't take a step by step approach, not because I am in any way an analytical thinker...


    Organization is more of a skill I leared based on neccessity and not something that comes natural to me...

  9. the first question that come to my mind is why?


    why would you want to do this? why would you want to take the 50s charm out of Fallout and turn it into something that looks like... well... what I see every day


    why would you want to take away the atmosphere? why would anyone want a game that is full of realistic modern stuff? arn't games a way to escape from reality, not re-create reality...




    Now, that being said, if you want a 2006 Porche Cayman S you can use this model








    But I will be 100% honest and say that I would absolutly never even consider downloading such a mod

  10. yes, that wouldn't be too hard to add items


    vanilla stuff that people are more attached to, or have more experience with would make a better payment (since it matters more), plus that wouldn't be as much work

    but thats just an idea, people can be attached to mod items (like my Beretta.....)


    a kid would be neat, but that should change things with the relationships a bit (some of the more motherly/fatherly characters want to move in faster, some of the less parently characters move in slower) but that could get hard with scripting and stuff

    maybe when you arrive, people mention that one of the villagers was killed in the wasteland, but the orphaned child runs out into the wasteland to find its parent, and you can find her/him cowering somewhere (with a horror story) or rescue from Raiders, and the child can be sent to Lamplight to stay (though reluctantly for it) until you want to take care of it, and can be sent back to Lamplight for whatever reason (kinda like the followers with their home area)

    maybe an evil path when you find the child, like taking it to Paradise Falls or abandoning it (or if you have the cannibal perk, then a perk from... dinner)

    thats kinda ambitious (and extremely cruel in parts) but it might add some interesting things with the child


    all of that should be quite easy


    the only delima is the connection between all the dynamic characters, it will be a challenge to keep all the dialogue based on different changes and such organized



    but it really shouldn't take much more than adding a few more lines of dialogue to the characters in the town for when you bring the child home, and then add relationship points when the girls see you with the child and whatever.


    it would just mean whole new branches of dialogue for all the characters...

  11. can you just give them a child in exchange for completing a quest for you?


    why a child?

    and how would you get a child?

    and what do you mean?

    that would depend on the character anyway



    the quest with the kid from the town with ants, you could send him to the town once you discover it and ask around about kids (basically just a map marker check that triggers convo options with the villagers that add an objective to his quest about taking him to the town)


    we need a better name for it...... (the town)


    I just thought it would be funny to sacrafice a child :mellow:


    I wasn't really serious




    But I could easily make some items for you to go out and get for the one evil guys





    But I am planning on eventually havein a kid you can adopt (and not sacrafice to crazy evil people) after you save it from the wasteland. And they would just hang out at your house and stuff.

  12. I love Yoko too, I actually have a thread trying to get someone to make her hairstyle for me, and in that thread someone offered to provide her rifle. Kamina would be great as a companion for my Yoko character ^__^


    I actually made the rifle on this topic, way back around page 10 or whatever, but no one offered to put it in game, so I never bothered texturing it


    honestly though, I have never seen the show

  13. There are two really big problems with this. First, why would I wan't money... it is really easy to come buy and there isn't much great to buy with it... I just don't think it is a good rewad. And second, traveling across the wasteland is pretty damn boring.


    I like the idea of doing something other than brutally murdering people all day long, but I just don't see running around the wasteland with a brahmin for the sake of earning caps being any fun at all...


    First I'd like to say that opinions are welcome. Secondly, I would like to state that this is in fact a request, you don't necessarily have to like it. If you're looking for something to do other than murder all day, I would look into the RTS mod for Fallout 3. It's quite interesting, even if it is only partially developed. Here's a link:




    Third, money can be used for all sorts of things, buying schematics, ammo, weapons for repairing, buying house upgrades, hell, even in the RTS mod it's used for building and upgrading. Those are just my opinions of stuff anyways, but thanks for the input.


    I actually have a mod of my own in the works


    It involves a lot of stuff outside of just killing whatever gets in your way. I have also been thinking about adding tradeing aspects to it, and that is why I felt like commenting that in my opinion, your approach probly would turn out unrewarding and kindof boring in a way...


    I was more thinking of something like this




    There are a bunch of shops in my town, a general store, bakery, blacksmith, carpenter, and medicine shop


    Each of these shops allows you to invest your caps or select items (such as giving clothes to the genral store or metal to the blacksmith)


    Each of these shops would have a handful of small mini quests to help them perform. Stuff like takeing there goods to places to trade, or finding rare items for them, or even being their body gaurd when they are tradeing with shady characters (hide in the corner of the room with your sniper rifle out waiting to take off some heads)


    When you help out the store through donations and mini quests, the store will get repaired, and then expand, and you get more items you can buy, and even more rare stuff you can get


    But you will in absolutly no way get any caps, just the satisfaction of upgadeing the stores, and makeing the shopkeeper like you, and the new rare items that they will give you






    But that is just my idea, I don't want to hijack your topic, but if you want more info I can pm it to you





    But honestly, I have bought everything I can possibly buy in the game, and I havn't even got to the Jefferson Memorial yet... and that is where you start getting the real money, from selling laser rifles and power armor and stff... I have two T-51b armors, every gun I could possibly ever wants, over 500 bullets for almost every type of gun, and over 5000 caps left over after upgradeing my house with everything...


    Getting caps means nothing at all to me, unless I have something cool to spend it on, which I don't (untill I finish my mod)

  14. The chances of getting someone to do hair is very slim


    It is not the easyest thing in the world to do, it is nothing like makeing solid objects



    I honestly have never once seen someone actually make a hair request, or make hair for Fallout 3 at all for that matter...


    All of the modded hair for Fallout 3 so far is just a bunch of Oblivion hair converted to work on Fallout

  15. Encumbrance makes the game more fun, as oposed to most "realism" mods, which in general I can't stand at all...


    I don't use any sort of mod for it though, I just simply limit myself to 125 pounds that I will carry. I just find it more fun to only be carrying around 3 guns as opposed to an entire arsenal of weapons. Then I just switch out weapons every game day and in return I get a variety of ways to approach combat, depending on what weapons I decided to bring that day.


    I absolutly don't want my games to be close to reality, but I do like the variety that encumbrance brings to gameplay.


    - Commercial Trading: This one is a bit more complex, but it could prove interesting. Say you want to make money, but don't want to do fighting. Why not become a caravan trader? Find a supplier, find a route, and find a buyer. Certain commodities, like food, become perishable and if you don't reach a destination in a specific time they are destroyed, a.k.a. you lose your profit, and money. Reasonable amount of profit, with maybe a little delivery quest givers. Of course, you could hire guards and rent Brahmin companions to store your goods in.


    There are two really big problems with this. First, why would I wan't money... it is really easy to come buy and there isn't much great to buy with it... I just don't think it is a good rewad. And second, traveling across the wasteland is pretty damn boring.


    I like the idea of doing something other than brutally murdering people all day long, but I just don't see running around the wasteland with a brahmin for the sake of earning caps being any fun at all...

  16. Unless you have considerable expereince modding, I would seriously sugest not starting off makeing 16 new areas...


    Even if you came in saying that you have been useing the GECK since it was first released and you have been modding games for the past 15 years, I would still think it would be entirely crazy to try to pull off something so big. But then again, anyone with that kind of expereince would know how much work it is...



    I'm not saying don't make your mod, just plan a smaller... a whole lot smaller





    But honestly, if I wanted to play Resident Evil I would actually put in the disc that says Resident Evil... I honestly don't see why someone would put the time into an entire mod that isn't even their own creation, just the copy of what someone else did..


    I would sugest going off the Resident Evil theme, but comeing up with your own stuff




    But that is just my personal opinion, don't let me stop you from doing what you want to do

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