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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. and one more quick question for you guys


    I am going to have 2 of the girls be bi-sexual, Karen will be one, but who should the other be?


    Popari, the mayors daughter who runs the general store and likes pretty things

    Ann, who lives on the other farm, raises animals, and is a bit of a tomboy

    Maria, the librarian that can fix stuff for you, but is really shy

    Ellie, the girl that runs the bakery, and is always nice no matter how mean you are


    so if you are playing as a girl character, tell me which girl you want you girl to have hot girl on girl action with... (yes, I just used the word girl 5 times in one short sentence...) Since I know at least 90% of the people on here are guys (at least, it is probly more) And guys like playing as female characters (2 of my 4 files were chicks)

  2. I think OldWolfe was gonna put it in another worldspace, plus it might have problems with attacks that close to Evergreen Mills


    It isn't close to Evergreen Mills, at least not close enough to be attacked. It is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, with nothing really close to it. It is just Evergreen Mills is the closest landmark to where it is, but if you go you your map it is in the middle of the big open space to the right or Evergreen Mills


    But anyways, I have a wall, trained guards, turrets, and a tank patroling the outside area...


    Oldwolfe is working on his worldspace, but I am going to have two copies of the town, one that I make for his mod, and one that goes into the capital wasteland. Once I get the meshes and textures done, makeing a copy will be easy.


    I want to be able to go home to the town every night while I am playing through the main quest, so I don't really wan't to keep traveling back to another worldspace, also, he is going to have gaurds that all wear cavalry uniforms and use old guns, where I want different armor as well as a tank and crazy Fallout stuff


    So I am going to use the stuff for my town to build him one as well, and he is going to use the stuff from his ranch to help me get the ranch working for my town.

  3. It does sound cool, but far beyond the scope I could ever pull of in a mod...


    I do however wonder, what exactly does hand made furniture look like? I am really not sure, but furniture and houses are two things I deffinatly know how to pull off with the proper photo references.


    I have actualy put a little work into a log cabin, but am not too far yet

  4. then my mixer should work just fine, since it has the mic input (actualy 6 of them), the instrument cable input (for bass, not guitar, my guitar will be run through my amp first), and the red and white output to the computer


    now I just have to find something worth recording...

  5. It would not be that big of a deal to set a check at some point depending on how you interact with them that would cause them to cheat or in any other way act differently later on.


    For different bodies you can also create a custom race for each girl, and give each race a different body if you choose. You would have to have matching clothes for that body, though, or else it would only matter when they're nekkid.


    If you think you can do it, then go right ahead


    As far as the bodies, that is one of the few things in the GECK that I not only know how to do, but have done it several times already. I have my character set up with a different body type than everyone else, and I have also gone through and changed out NPCs with different body types and makeup and such, by useing custom big boob and makeup races and stuff like that.


    I do know that each body type will need its own meshes for the outfits to actualy show that it is a different body type. (the whole reason I never released a mod with my NPC bodytype changes last time I was messing with it) So this time around, I am going to do like I did with my player character. While everyone else is the vanilla body type, my character was Type 3 Babe, but I had to stick with 5 of the armors that I had gotten that were Type 3 compatible.


    While with my character, I couldn't use any of the outfits I found around the wasteland, with a NPC it is not as big of a deal. I will just give them 3 or so outfits that will be all they can wear, each of which will not only be made specificaly for their body mesh, but it will be made to help show off the uniqueness of each figure.


    It is going to require me to make 5 body types, 3 outfits eash, and then the lingerie, not to mention 2 hairstyles each, so it will take a while, but it will be good practice for me, and I had already wanted to make a companion with custom everything from body mesh to outfits to underware. But this will all be after I get the town up and running with the new buildings and everything.

  6. yes, cheating did seem like alot of work for relatively little return

    and its spelled lingerie ;)


    and don't forget about the men!


    Ya, I can do the men too, just doesn't seem as interesting


    but for right now, I have a lot of houses to make, a blueprint to draw up, and a mile of dialogue to wright before I can even start modeling characters and outfits and hair


    I think I might build here




    It is to the East of Evergreen Mills

  7. I think 3-5 months (game time) is average, I wasted a whole bunch of time (and had a major quest bug that like doubled my playtime)


    festivals, etc. should be on a certain day of the week, weekly/monthly/annually (be careful with annually though)

    try to add as much dialogue as you can, cause this should (ideally) be several hours of playtime for the main bits, plus a lot more in side quests/relationships/etc.

    and don't add stuff daily without you doing things, in case you didn't do anything for 24 hours, but things changed anyway

    different outfits is nice, maybe something that they "sleep" in (though not much sleeping will be done ;))

    maybe help them decide on what to wear?


    maybe after a certain amount of time and certain level of RPs (relationship points) they could cheat on you with someone else, then depending on RP improvement over time, change how the affair goes, and have hints from people/her/suspicious times of disappearance, but that could get a bit script heavy


    That sounds good in theory, but both the only haveing conversations when you do stuff, and the cheating and stuff would just be a crazy amount of work...


    As far as the sleepware, I had already planned on it, I just didn't know how to spell lengerei... or langerai... how the hell do you spell that word... So I didn't mention it...


    But when I learn how to build character models, which I am deffinatly planning on doing, since designing characters is one of the things I really want to do in time, I plan on adding a custom body type for each one, and then go all out on the underware to make them each a little unique and show off the uniqueness of the body types.


    But that will probly be an add on after the main part of the mod is done, and I get more practice makeing organic stuff


    I will probly have to release an AO version... :biggrin:




    Festivals might be a bit much for the FO3 universe.




    I just got another idea. What if on occasion, when you pick a vegetable from the garden you have a chance that you will pick a mutated veggie that will attack you. I know you said you're not so interested in adding more stuff that just adds to your workload, but you might use it for v2.0




    They are really just going to be a buch of people getting together and drinking because they have no other form of entertainment. It isn't going to be extravagant or anything, just a simple little get together

  8. by the way, what exactly would you need to conect the mic to a computer?


    I have 2 stage mics and a small PA system from when I was in my last band playing blues and rock music, do you think that could be used to get good quality recordings? The Mixer has a red/white AV output, and I have a cable that can plug that into the mic plug in my computer...


    I have never really even tried recording with it though, the thought never came to me till right now


    I really don't plan on recording myself, though I may decide to be the voice to one of my characters, but I think I know some girls that I could get to read some lines for me, and I could even provide some guitar music for a radiostation (though I wouldn't know how to mix in the drum tracks and mix my bass playing over my guitar playing...)


    I don't know, just some ideas I just thought of, tell me if you think it will work... I have only used the thing for live performances and practice in my basement untill my band broke up, and now it just sits in my closet...



    I use the sessions fast track usb hub for most things





    And i could help with the mixing as well im a musician lol


    do you just go from the red a white to the mic slot on the back of you desktop?

  9. ok, I have a quick request from all of you guys helping me out


    could you please tell me how many days (in the game) it took you to complete your playthroughs


    I think the game starts on 8-17, and I finished my most recent play through on 11-11 (that is with my going home and sleeping every night)


    I just want to get an idea of how many game days go by for most people, so I can plan an appropriate amount of dialogue for the NPC characters (since you get options added on a daily basis) As well as plan when I should have festivals and stuff




    I guess I should explain when exactly I was wanting to do as far as the relationships




    The idea is that each girl has her standard dialogue options that every NPC character that includes buying stuff and quest dialogue or whatever. But then you also get one option that will appear once every 24 hours (game time) and stay untill you select it. This option would lead to your daily conversation, each one being new dialogue that will develope how well you know the character, and you can respond to stuff to affect how many relationship points you get. Each time you go through the daily conversation you get points, and you can get more or less depending on how much she likes your response. You can also get points from giving them gifts and completing quests they give you. These points will add up, and when they get to a certain level, they move the relationship forward so that she goes from just knowing you to likeing you to falling in love. Or, if you keep pissing her off, she will come to hate you.


    There will also be events that can be unlocked, like certain stuff you can do at certain festivals, or dates you can take them on where they get drunk, or even saveing them from a band of Raiders or something.


    After you get enough points they will invite you to have sex, and you can also have them move into your house.


    I am going to create multiple outfits for the girls that change based on the relationship. Some more sexy outfits for when they go out with you and such.






    So I need to know how much dialogue I will need, and I will need to come up with a lot of background and personality for the characters to keep it interesting.

  10. I am hopeing that I can add some player sex toward the end of my mod, but I will have to see how it goes


    I am currently trying to develope a compex relationship system, based on haveing to visit the NPC on a daily basis and unlocking diogogue options to add points, each day would offer a little more diologue, either offering more information about that character and her background, or just interesting discussions about stuff. You can only access this option once every 24 hours. Well, as these points add up, as well as with the points you get from giveing them gifts and doing small quests for them, you will reach a set of points where it takes the relationship to the next level. Eventualy you can invite them over for sex or you can have them move in and get married.


    Well, I am really not developing it, I just came up with the idea and some other people are helping me out while I work on new houses and outfits for the same mod.


    And that reminds me, I am also going to have different outfits for the girls, that change based on the situation. After they become attracted to you they will start wearing more sexy outfits when around you and stuff, and I will probly make some sexy lingerie custom to each girl for when they invite you over to there house or whatever.


    This is the mod I am talking about if anyone is interested or know any way they can help




    I want to come up with a classy way to get into a girls pants, or at least something with a little bit of depth to it

  11. by the way, what exactly would you need to conect the mic to a computer?


    I have 2 stage mics and a small PA system from when I was in my last band playing blues and rock music, do you think that could be used to get good quality recordings? The Mixer has a red/white AV output, and I have a cable that can plug that into the mic plug in my computer...


    I have never really even tried recording with it though, the thought never came to me till right now


    I really don't plan on recording myself, though I may decide to be the voice to one of my characters, but I think I know some girls that I could get to read some lines for me, and I could even provide some guitar music for a radiostation (though I wouldn't know how to mix in the drum tracks and mix my bass playing over my guitar playing...)


    I don't know, just some ideas I just thought of, tell me if you think it will work... I have only used the thing for live performances and practice in my basement untill my band broke up, and now it just sits in my closet...

  12. :thanks:

    Kudos to you! And to all the other people that mention"Real World" situations. The sooner the "Bleeding heart Liberals", The "Sexually Impotent" ESRB and all the other "Goody Two Shoes" people get off of their high horses and come to the reality that sex is much more acceptable than murder and dismemberment, maybe they will start allowing it to be introduced into games. After all, most parents don't have any control over their children anyway. Television, music, sex ed in schools, just to mention a few things that parents can't keep from their children. I personally am waiting with awe and excitement for the first "No holds barred" sexual FO3. With the right situations, rewards, etc. that come from Modders, my heroes! Keep on with your bad selves! Hip Hip Hooray! Just so everyone knows, I'm really a nice older man. 'lol'


    The fact is, it needs to be pulled off in a realistic manner and maintain a sense of class


    If you have a character that is a prostitute and has to sell herself to men to survive, you shouldn't leave that character as a simple whor (damn censorship won't even let me use the whole word...) There is always a story behind why she has to do that, and it is very rarely because she wants to.



    In our world, men and women are for the most part treated equal. Women have all the same oportunities to go to school and get good jobs, and live their entire life independantly if you want to. We were even one Barak Obama away from haveing a woman President... But in our world, we are controled by rules and laws that keep us from just doing and takeing what we want.


    But the fact is, the world in Fallout is nothing like this. And the simple fact is, once you take the rules and laws out of the equation, men would simply return to a ruleing position. They are simply phisicaly and mentaly more suitable to fight and conquer. There are women who would be just as capable as the men, but when it comes to tribal power, they really wouldn't be given much of a chance since the men would bind together to take control, with zero regard to what the women want.


    The simple truth is, up until around the Civil War time, women were treated as property in almost every civilization across the world, some more respected than others, but still as a form of property. And with the advent of the total destruction of the world at the hand of thousands of atomic bombs, and the fact that most of the high tech killing weapons remained, would make the world even more tribal and barbaric than any time period we have had in recorded history.


    With no established form of governmet, men would form groups to gain power, following whoever they think is the most likely to not only keep them alive, but allow their group to gain more power. And when you gain absolute power, you then have the ability to take what you want.


    But in this fight for power, women have a tool for persuasion that no man can come close to. The weakness of every powerful man is a beautiful woman, and to survive in such a harsh and tribal world, women would have to use this to every advantage.



    But anyways, back to what I was saying. There is a certain desperation that would cause a woman to turn to prostitution. The fact is that it is a very tough world to survive in, and sex is a very good way of getting power and the means to survive.


    But then again, they wouldn't always have to turn to being a prostitute. It would be just as easy to find that one guy that has money and power, and latch onto him as a protector. Enstead of being alone and vulnerable out in the Wasteland, why wouldn't they "make themselves usefull" to some man that can protect them and provide them with food and shelter. They wouldn't need to be banging everyone in town, just find one person and use them untill someone better comes along.



    But I will stop now, because I am rambling and can't remember what point I was trying to make in the first place...



    But the way they do rateings on games is just plane messed up though. There is no way that haveing sex with someone, whether it is with a prostitute or not, is as morally wrong as enslaving people... Especialy when you enslave a child...

  13. how far have you got with this wookie.


    i just added 14 wepons & am doing 4 armours now.


    I am still working on the new exterior houses I am going to add, but once I get a few of those done, I can recycle a lof of the peices to make the other houses, just change the shape of the houses and stuff


    I am planning on getting all the houses up first and setting up the town from the outside in





    I may possibly have 1 or 2 weapons for my mod, but I really am not going to make that a focus anytime soon... the only one I really want to do is this, for Karen to have




    I do however plan on makeing new outfits for all of the major characters


    but I am still working on my 3Ds Max skills, so it will be a while before they start looking good

  14. Ok, I am currently working on a blueprint for the town, I will post it up here when I am done


    But anyways, here is a character update


    The Girls



    - Doesn't like you at first and avoids opening up to people

    - Everyone she has cared about has left her

    - Works as a gaurd sometimes and a waitress at the tavern sometimes

    - Sometimes stays in the Tavern hotel and others at the Barraks

    - Is a fighter as a companion



    - Is the town baker

    - Lives in the back room of the bakery

    - Heals you as a companion



    - Is very shy at first

    - Is the daughter of Rick the Blacksmith

    - Reads a lot of books and studies old technology

    - Can fix your stuff for you as a companion



    - Lives on the other farm with her Father and 2 brothers

    - Takes care of animals

    - Can summon animals for you as a companion



    - Lives with her father, the Mayor and her mom

    - Is the nicest to you at the beggining

    - Runs the store and appreciates pretty things

    - Can find objects for you as a companion


    The Guys


    The Bar Tender

    - Tends the Bar and lives in the hotel

    - not sure of too much else

    - he tries to act badass and swindle people



    - from the wasteland

    - one of the best snipers you will ever see

    - spends most of his time in the watchtower or sleeping in the barraks


    Ann's Brother

    - I don't really know yet, but he does something


    Other People



    - Maria's dad

    - Is the blacksmith


    Maria's mom

    - Is married to Rick



    - Runs the town

    - Popari's dad


    Popari's mom

    - married to the mayor



    - old guy that make furniture


    Ann's Dad

    - Runs the other farm


    Super Mutant Barber

    - Cuts hair

    - Freindly unless you insult his hair cuts


    Old Crazy Lady

    - Makes Herbal Stimpacks

    - Has trouble keeping track of her grandkids

    - Often mistakes other people or even dogs or raiders as her granchildern


    The General

    - He is in charge of the deffenses of the city

    - Is one of the most influential people after the mayor

    - Was once a high ranking member of the Enclave but was kicked out

    - Hangs around the barraks or the watchtower most of the time



    - The only goul in the town

    - Worked for the mayor's grandfather and has protected the family since then

    - Has been in the town since it first begun

    - Assists the mayor, and is one of the guards for the town

    - Sleeps in the barraks


    The Kids


    Popari's Sister

    - Oldest of the kids, about 12

    - Follows Popari around

    - Most of the other kids listen to her


    Ann's younger brother

    - About 10 years old

    - Mostly hangs around the farm

    - Will get pissed off at you if you date Ann


    Grandchild 1

    - He is about 7

    - Likes to make a mess and cause trouble

    - Wants to be an adventurer some day


    Grandchild 2

    - Youngest of the kids, about 6

    - Is treated like a baby by her brother and the other kids

    - Constantly left out

    - Freinds with the Super Mutant





    I think 22 NPCs is more than enough for the mod, and may be pushing it a bit...


    So, if you have any more ideas for characters, could you please try to fit them into one of the existing roles. They are mostly vuague at the moment, so you can do what you want with them. And don't worry about changeing stuff, nothing is ever set in stone

  15. Can you do a Super Mutant?


    He is a mostly civilized Super Mutant who just so happens to be a Barber


    and he sometimes messes up peoples hair and will get upset if you say anything



    here is my mod




    I will need other characters around the town later, but I am still very early in the mod




    For sure man that looks awesome.



    Email me lines i need to say?


    I'll have to work on my super mutant voice but in the email you can tell me how he should sound or atleast how he looks.


    I can do any other male kind of part aswell.


    Well, I don't actualy have the lines, I have a guy helping me out by putting in the character diologue and stuff in the game, but I emailed him, so he will contact you with whatever he has so far


    Right now we are still really early in the mod, so many of the male characters don't have much diologue yet, but once they do you can deffinatly do the voice for some of them (tell me if there are in particular you want to do, and if there are any lines you think they should say)

  16. This sounds like a great project,Maybe I can help,I don't know the first two things about working with the GECK. But I am a great brainstormer.


    ya, just start posting what comes to mind


    what I need most is development for my characters and such, backstories and the like, connections between characters and stuff


    the characters are listed a few posts back, in blue and green, I mainly want to build off those as opposed to makeing even more people, all I am going to add is mabe 2 more soldiers and a comander guy that protect the city


    I really need ideas that help flesh out the specifics of the mod, rather than just giveing me more things to add on to an already complex mod


    but any help would be appreciated





    and like I said before, you can MSN me at [email protected] if you want to chat about ideas

  17. should have a really mature kid, like thee one in the mine in Point Lookout, or the Lamplight mayor


    That was the idea for Popari's sister


    she thinks she can boss around the other kids, because she is the oldest and her dad is the Mayor


    she also bosses you around


    100% opposite of the other girl, who gets pushed around all the time by the other kids and her brother



    But then the Super Mutant will defend her and scare the crap out of the other 3 kids




    is the super mutant kinda like Fawkes, with the lonerish/pushed around thing?


    but with better hair :wink:


    being the town barber and all

  18. should have a really mature kid, like thee one in the mine in Point Lookout, or the Lamplight mayor


    That was the idea for Popari's sister


    she thinks she can boss around the other kids, because she is the oldest and her dad is the Mayor


    she also bosses you around


    100% opposite of the other girl, who gets pushed around all the time by the other kids and her brother



    But then the Super Mutant will defend her and scare the crap out of the other 3 kids

  19. ok, now for the list of characters I have so far


    The Girls



    - Doesn't like you at first and avoids opening up to people

    - Everyone she has cared about has left her

    - Works as a gaurd sometimes and a waitress at the tavern sometimes

    - Sometimes stays in the Tavern hotel and others at the Barraks

    - Is a fighter as a companion



    - Is the town baker

    - Lives in the back room of the bakery

    - Heals you as a companion



    - Is very shy at first

    - Is the daughter of Rick the Blacksmith

    - Reads a lot of books and studies old technology

    - Can fix your stuff for you as a companion



    - Lives on the other farm with her Father and 2 brothers

    - Takes care of animals

    - Can summon animals for you as a companion



    - Lives with her father, the Mayor and her mom

    - Is the nicest to you at the beggining

    - Runs the store and appreciates pretty things

    - Can find objects for you as a companion


    The Guys


    The Bar Tender

    - Tends the Bar and lives in the hotel

    - not sure of too much else

    - he tries to act badass and swindle people



    - from the wasteland

    - one of the best snipers you will ever see

    - spends most of his time in the watchtower or sleeping in the barraks


    Ann's Brother

    - I don't really know yet, but he does something


    Other People



    - Maria's dad

    - Is the blacksmith


    Maria's mom

    - Is married to Rick



    - Runs the town

    - Popari's dad


    Popari's mom

    - married to the mayor



    - old guy that make furniture


    Ann's Dad

    - Runs the other farm


    Super Mutant Barber

    - Cuts hair

    - Freindly unless you insult his hair cuts


    Old Crazy Lady

    - Makes Herbal Stimpacks

    - Has trouble keeping track of her grandkids

    - Often mistakes other people or even dogs or raiders as her granchildern


    The Kids


    Popari's Sister

    - Oldest of the kids, about 12

    - Follows Popari around

    - Most of the other kids listen to her


    Ann's younger brother

    - About 10 years old

    - Mostly hangs around the farm

    - Will get pissed off at you if you date Ann


    Grandchild 1

    - He is about 7

    - Likes to make a mess and cause trouble

    - Wants to be an adventurer some day


    Grandchild 2

    - Youngest of the kids, about 6

    - Is treated like a baby by her brother and the other kids

    - Constantly left out

  20. Ok, so I will make a list of what we will have for the town right now



    The Mayor's House

    - The mayor, his wife, and his two daughter (Popari and her younger sister) will live there

    - Get quests from the mayor to help the town

    - Donate money to improve the town

    - Get the deed to your house and farm the first time you enter the city

    - Get the Mayor to allow trade with certain groups (like if you talked to Elder Lyons to let the Brotherhood and the town trade)


    The Tavern

    - The town bar with drinks and stuff, can take girls there at night to unlock extra dialogue for more likable points (get them drunk)

    - Has 3 Hotel Rooms in the back

    - Get information from the bartender (tells you of quests and areas around the wasteland you havn't discovered)

    - The bartender lives there (you can probly date him as one of the 3 guys)

    - Secret room in basement for gambling and drugs


    The Bakery

    - Buy cakes, donuts, and other good stuff (healing and energy)

    - Sell milk and eggs and other stuff

    - Elli lives in the back room


    The Library / Museum

    - Buy skill books and blueprints

    - Give Maria stories to complete the book quest

    - Maria also takes antiques that are worth displaying in the Museum

    - Maria will repair weapons for you


    The General Store

    - Sells and buys stuff... not much else to say about that

    - Popari runs the store

    - Can bring back rare items Popari requests



    - Functions like the Pitt Forge, take stuff you don't want and crush it into stuff you do want

    - Ammo, Armor and Weapons can be made with so much metal

    - Rick is the blacksmith and Maria's father

    - Maria can be found here when not at the Library

    - Rick, Maria and Maria's mother live in the attatched room



    - Buy upgrades for the town

    - Buy upgrades for your house

    - Buy furniture to replace stuff in your Megaton or Tennpenny house (possibly other places)

    - Mill in the back of the showroom building, the Carpenter lives upstairs


    The Barracks

    - Attatched to the entrance of the city gates

    - Holds supplies and stuff

    - Possibly has a room for the tank (if I decide to get that working)

    - Has a few cots for the gaurds

    - Watchtower for sniper to kill people from (the Sniper will probly be one of the guys you can date)

    - Karen is one of the gaurds

    - Can add robots and turrets to the cities deffense

    - Give your extra suppies to the gaurds, who keep them at the same condition as you gave them


    Other Farm

    - The other farm not owned by you

    - Give you advice on how to run your farm

    - Sells you supplies for farming or animals

    - Ann, her father, and two brother live there


    Barber Shop

    - Get hair cut from a Super Mutant

    - He lives there


    Herbal Medicine Store

    - Get healing items from some old lady, but you must bring your own plants to pay for it and make it

    - Herbal Stimpacks

    - Old lady lives with her 2 grandchildern, one boy one girl


    Broken Down Houses

    - Houses I will leave open if someone wants to make some sort of quest that involves people moveing it


    Your House and Farm

    - Plant stuff and raise animals

    - Get upgrades which add to your well rested bonus

    - Do everything you do at your Megaton or Tenpenny house

    - After completing the relationship, have a girl (or guy) move in

    - Possibly have childern if someone wants to work on makeing that




    If no one says otherwise then this will probly be what I will go off of this plan


    I will write down the characters when I get back

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