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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. I'm still pretty new to modding but I plan on making m'aiq a quest giver if he is not already :) (if he's not in the game I'll add him) Edit: oh yeah n I'll make quests for him obviously lol something that gets you a house as a reward ( and yeah that means making a house too )
  2. Would be cool if they made it like a mini game, so the quality of what your making depends entirely on how well you do.
  3. I voted for Khajit because that's what I always go for. There my favourite. However this time I think that's gonna be my second choice because you really need to be a nord for the story line :/
  4. Hahaha awesome vid! I can see that happenin lol you should see me adventurers pad after a quest lol that kind of thing is very easily done haha
  5. I have to ask how you accidentally kill a hooker?! Lol
  6. I always liked to think that my character was a slave who turned on his/her master and wound up in jail after a lengthy chase from the law running for freedom. I use the idea for a kind of self made subquest, where I will take revenge on the slave master once and for all! :D
  7. hahah yes! I like that idea! That would be a good way of keeping him in the game without him needing a stroller! Lol even Iof he's not in the game I'll make a mod based on this idea and add him :)
  8. Me too! He was awesome, if he's in he'll proably be old now. So no running away from me stupidly fast now! Haha
  9. I think there's nothing new that's gonna really have our jaws on the floor :( I'm not getting worked up any more like I was when I first heared about skyrim. Anyone who's hoping and anticipating something amazings being hidden from us, is going to sadly be very disappointed!
  10. In my dream of the demo... ;) ...i lost the picture at avout 25mins in but still had enough audio to hear everyone scream and shout, even that one guy at the back that was still shouting "T - BAG !!!" lol Strange dream :P
  11. Yeah but he's right anyway lol they are over selling the game a bit :/
  12. So many people simply buy the items they need at the price they are given. It's a very sad state of affairs, when the game is really open to all, you don't need an invitation. And it is a game, the game of bargaining, to be played seriously and, I hasten to add, politely. In Elsweyr, it is common for the shop-owner to offer the prospective buyer tea or sweetmeats and engage in polite conversation before commencing the business. This eminently civilized tradition has a practical purpose, allowing the buyer to observe the wares for sale. It is considered impolite not to accept, though it does not imply obligation on the part of the buyer. Whether this particular custom is part of the culture or not, it's wise for the buyer and seller to greet one another with smiles and warm salutations, like gladiators honoring one another before the battle. Bargaining is expected all over Tamriel, but the game can be broken if one's offer is so preposterously low that it insults the shop-keeper. If you are offered something for ten gold pieces, try offering six and see where that takes you. Do not look like you're very interested, but do not mock the quality of the goods, even if they deserve it. Much better to admire the quality of workmanship, but comment that, regretfully, you simply cannot afford such a price. When the shop-keeper compliments your taste, smile, but try to resist the flattery. A lot of the game depends on recognizing the types of shop-keepers and not automatically assuming that the rural merchant is ignorant and easily fooled, or the rapacious city merchant is selling shoddy merchandise. Caravans, it should be mentioned, are always good places to go to buy or trade. Knowing what you're buying and from whom is a talent bought only after years of practice. Know the specialties of certain regions and merchants before you even step foot in a shop. Recognize too the prejudices of the region. In Morrowind where I hail from, for example, Argonians are viewed with a certain amount of suspicion. Don't be surprised or insulted if the shopkeepers follow you around the shop, assuming you're going to steal something. Similarly, Nords, Bretons, and Cyrodiils are sometimes treated coolly by merchants in the Summurset Isles. Of course, I don't know any shopkeepers anywhere, no matter their open-mindedness, who aren't alerted when a Khajiit or a Bosmer enters their shop. Even Khajiiti and Bosmeri shopkeepers. If you see something you really like or need, buy it then and there at the best price you can get. I cannot tell you how many times I passed up a rare and interesting relic, assuming that I could find it elsewhere in the region, perhaps at a larger town at a better price. Too late, I discovered I was wrong, and when I returned to the shop weeks later, the item I wanted was gone. Better to get a great purchase at a decent price and discover it again at a worse price than to miss out on your opportunities for ownership. Occasionally impulsiveness is the best buying strategy. Sense the moves of the game, and everyone can win.
  13. Hahaha kittens leaping around the place lol they'd proably start attacking the local chickens! :P
  14. What makes you think that it will fail?
  15. I think you pretty much hit it on the head!
  16. Never heard of one but I'd love to go to one :P
  17. What do you think the money will be called? Or is it always called septims
  18. Yea that's true I had the same thing too in oblivion and morrowind! But at the same time I want the levelling curve to be Sloooow! but at the same time I don't want to have to play the game on super easy killing everything without even trying.
  19. Haha loving all the "Hell Yeah"'s :D
  20. I'm liking the reasons you're all putting forward. Keep it up :D
  21. You hit it on the head! You're quite right, +1 Kudos from me. :D
  22. I hope it's compatible but I don't think it will be because skyrim was in the pipe line long before kinect or move.
  23. MizerD


    Ok so first of all No, I don’t think they will release any official DLC straight away, because that wouldn't be very good marketing. (plus they like to keep use waiting). No doubt the modding community will have some shiny things for use all to download pretty much straight away. I personally don’t think that Bethesda would ever release other provinces as DLC because so far, a province is a game for example Daggerfall was set in High Rock and Hammerfell I think, Morrowind was strangely enough set on Vvardenfell, and Oblivion of course set in Cyrodiil. Although its a good idea and I’d love to see that happen too, i really don't think it will.
  24. Sounds like a lot of us played Oblivion first. Thats what I did too, but i loved Morrowind just as much as Oblivion. The only problem I had with Morrowind was I HATE READING, and you had to do so god damn much of it lol
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