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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. Hahaha right! Since when do you only manage to knock someone down when you smack them about the head with a fekin axe?!?!
  2. A quote from GameSpy.com "The New Repair: Sick of hammering away on dented armor? No worries. In Skyrim, weapons and armor will not degrade and become weaker over time. You'll still be able to create and improve weapons in a multitude of ways, you just won't have to worry about maintaining them." If thats the case then I changed my mind. my first mod will sort this!
  3. :D I hadnt seen the map before.
  4. Thats nearly a year old ... Really ??? Uploaded by RPGameStation on 26 Jan 2011 and i've never seen it before.
  5. The Art of Skyrim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI5-GZkKBDQ For those of you who haven't seen it yet.
  6. have you seen the hitler video???
  7. Mmmmmm so when i kill a single NPC im going to actualy end up on a mini killing spree...... I can manage that :devil:
  8. Yep thats how I remember Oblivion!
  9. When did they put psychic guards back in? They were making such a big deal about "Killing Joe Blow in Town A then going to Town C and no one knows'. Damn it. They arent that psychic anymore it seems...only in the city where you commited the crime or near...there was an article where the author of it wrote, that when he killed a legion guard somewhere in the wilderness, he was chased by his horse wich he wasnt able to kill no matter what he did...he didnt even enter the near city and out of nowhere another legion soldier runned out and asked him to pay for his crimes even though there were no witnessess. I dont know the exact detials but he clearly mentioned that there was no way someone saw him when he commited the crime, so it seems we will need to wait for a mod again. That sounds like a mighty fine trained horse!
  10. I like the sound of that! :woot:
  11. that sounds cool, Like this then?
  12. hahah "Fire the death of chicken" ? should be "El incinerador de pollo!" "The chicken incinerator!" I meant to say fuego la muerte de los pollos wich means fire death of chicken thats good too lol
  13. hahah "Fire the death of chicken" ? should be "El incinerador de pollo!" "The chicken incinerator!"
  14. I save and try both. But all the time I say to myself just pick one and don't load, but curiosity gets me everytime.
  15. Hardly hateful, more like funny.
  16. hmmm, what do I have to do to get one of these? I think anything short of murder or sleeping with a transvestite is worth it... j/k ;) Sleeping with a pre-op patient?
  17. depends tho... do you use your smooth talking skills to start a fight, or finnish it before its even begun? lol hmm, good point. Usually the option that gets me the most gold. :D haha Sounds more like a Mercenary to me :D
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