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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. anyone else recognise the song playing in the background of the 3rd video at the start? ;) EDIT: from about 0.05s to 0.45s
  2. That's how it usually goes, isn't it? Maybe children will be marked as essential... :tongue: lol i hope not if there marked as essential because we as parents wont hold any real power! if we cant kill them then, then we cant threaten them with it. and if they no we wont they wont listen to us, or do as we say! hahah
  3. Plus your child would be fine, after all if as parents you have trained them up right, they may one day outshine you!
  4. So? Who cares? its not the same thing at all... the one you linked askes whos going to a launch and this is about what we'll be doing the day before. Anyway back on topic i'll be feigning illness at work as to make my not being there on the friday(11-11-11) more believable :D
  5. Hahaha that would be hellish funny!!
  6. Trout and salmon definitely maybe some kind of whale on the northern coast
  7. Or they could call it Tailoring lol DAMN you Axealot! You beat me to the post Lol great minds think alike I guess
  8. Maybe there'll be tailors for robes?
  9. Haha nice title ;) well I think that would make quite an interesting mod I'm already thinking of loads of things that could be done with it. I like it. I don't think if it's in the game it'll be native to skyrim.
  10. I'm just hoping there's something new, anything!
  11. DAMN your spoiler game!!!!!!!
  12. Ah, yeah thats the one i was thinking about. Damn it i thought i was on to something then lol
  13. Haha that didn't even accrue to me lol do you want that as an option on the poll? :P
  14. But they do that already. The german version will have gore it it and I'm not just saying that it was in stated in an interview. I'm looking for the link now. So bare with me
  15. That would be a cool idea Well then, mod if it isn't the case? :D haha Thats it! the joys of being a pc gamer :laugh:
  16. Right! I think it is the best. Morrowind gets my vote!
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