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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. Same. It would make a real nice addition for my Collector's Edition. ;) I know right! I wouldnt know where to put it tho?!?! at the front door maybe?
  2. depends tho... do you use your smooth talking skills to start a fight, or finnish it before its even begun? lol
  3. thats gona be sooo creapy if you turn out to be an elderscrolls prophet! lol
  4. hahaha i want to know what mod you were making in your dream!
  5. I'm lookin forward to playing with the new construction set :D
  6. I'd love a hardcore mode! Makes the game feel more... realistic
  7. Haha I'd like to see that. You'll have to take a screen shot of him at the top of the 7000 steps lol
  8. Yeah I like that idea, even if there was a spell to make us visible as a friendly. Kind of like disguise on assassins creed :) would be good
  9. Either my usual bad ass brute of a Nord or an assassin high elf monk :D
  10. Take lots of notes, please!!! Lol
  11. Wish I could but it's like a 14 hour drive there for me :/
  12. A mod that allowes you to use tools as weapons for example a hoe or pick axe..... I think that would be good How I'd have loved to beat the adoring fans brains in with a shovel lol
  13. Haha you got the right idea! Live your life before skyrim destroys it hahah
  14. Before you start acusing people of just mouthing off and not knowing what there talking about, you should understand that just because you slap a price on something doesn't mean that's what it's worth. I personally love the elderscrolls, but I think that anyone who's going to (in my opinion) waste there money on plastic junk, is nuts. However I understand that the (plastic junk) is worth something to some people.
  15. You know me, I rebel against everything n everyone, so to hell with the empire!
  16. At least your still supporting Beth! :D thats all thats important right? yeah i love beth its just this isnt a good way to spend money.. still will buy the game though ofcourse. Fair enough :) Welcome to the Nexus btw! :D
  17. Nope .. But I think most people in these forums have played both oblivion and morrowind dry by now .. even with mods Yep I have!!!! :(
  18. Haha same situation here....except my old gaming computer got owned during a flood LOL so I'm rocking my new PS3 lol :wallbash: My faithful comp that i enjoyed many hours of morrowind and oblivion with suffered a mysterious death by shotgun! that'll teach it to have a re-accuring graphic chip bug! :D LOL holy s***, you owned it with a shotgun!?!? that's bad ass! What system are you going to play it on? Ps3 or? Your damn right i did! was sick of fixing the damn thing lol I think the nail that held it to the tree might have killed it first but the 12G kill shot felt necessary :D I am going to get it on both I have it pre-ordered on both, ps3 first. and i'll tell you why.... Its basically becuse on the pc I destroy the game with mods (self made and otherwise) before i've really had a chance to play it, and enjoy the game as it was built. I dont have much self control you see :D
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