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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. Broken PCs are never fun! lol
  2. My budget is ZERO just now but by the end of november if all goes well, i'll have a £1600 budget for a shiny new PC. Haha nothing is salvagable from the tree... well no thats a lie, i still have a decent monitor, mouce n all that :)
  3. Ok so due to many things mainly stress, my pc ended up nailed to a tree and shot! and at the moment i cant afford a new one to play Skyrim on when it comes out, so i'm having to get it for the PS3 first and plan to get it on pc ASAP. What about you?
  4. Whats stopping you?! your only a few thousand miles away!!! :P
  5. I started gaming with Morrowind (on pc) and have been hooked on the elderscrolls after about 30 nano seconds of playing the game! :laugh: I owned oblivion on pc, and the GOTY on PS3. I love tes games on pc because of the modability they offer. Ok, so heres my problem... Due to many things mainly stress, my pc ended up nailed to a tree and shot! :tongue: and at the moment i cant afford a new one to play Skyrim on when it comes out, so i'm having to get it for the PS3 first and plan to get it on pc ASAP. Anybody else doing this?
  6. I'm sure it'll have its own once its come out :happy:
  7. I saw this topic the other day, took a peek and thought omg dont have time to read that! lol However, I made time. SO... I thought it was brilliant :D I was just starting to get drawn into your story and i read and thought to myself "Ah! I know where this is going..." and i was right, as then of course i read Hahah I enjoyed reading this. Its a brilliant background story!
  8. I agree! I miss those days :facepalm:
  9. http://similarminds.com/cgi-bin/movie.pl
  10. Friday Was awesome for me. Finnished work and went straight to test ride a Honda CBR 600f and after scaring myself half to death on the thing I handed over some cash called a friend to pick my car up and drove the bike home. fastest trip home i've ever had! :D Saturday Was also awesome. Went out drinking with three of my best friends, only to lose them in a drunken stuper lol however i managed (god knows how) to convince a lass to come back to mine, Aww Yeah! Sunday Guess what i was doing! :thumbsup: So yeah, all in all, i'd say my weekend was, Meh! lol
  11. Playing SKYRIM in my dreams! (does that count?) :ermm:
  12. You dont hang around do you? thats a hell of a lot of books you have read and finished in a day!
  13. I'm Currently Listening To my mother bitching about how i'm wasting my money on the collectors edition of Skyrim! :ermm:
  14. Well prepared then! :thumbsup:
  15. I raise my hand! :D i'll start one now. how many words do i have to play with? (roughly)
  16. So you baisicaly want to be able to have a soul gem that is capable of resurrecting the creature trapped inside? and when you get this soul gem, i bet your planning on naming it a Pokeball ? Right ;) ? lol
  17. What is an 'identical reason'? It means trying to identify something. For example, ur in a store, and u pick up a statue to try and identify it. ...Then everyone in skyrim will start throwing him off something else besides dive rock and then he would have to escape to morrowind or soemthing. which reminds me, i heard some rumour about the adoring fan making a reapearance in skyrim... From like, two people. Honestly doubt bethesda will bring back one of the most hated charecters ever... Which also reminds me, i hope they dont bring back Martin Septim (As like, a ghost or something), my days of trecking around cyrodiil doing chores for him (and him getting the credit) are DONE! If he is in the game i'm goning to push him down every single one of the seven thousand steps!
  18. Yeah at the moment they drop you in the s***, like maximus would :P
  19. That I could believe only I think I must have killed and re-animated him twenty thousand times over! Lol
  20. I like those kind of presents... clever. Haha oh I get ya.... Yeah I like them kind too ;)
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