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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. I'd like The Raven Rock quest line from Bloodmoon :D
  2. Haha same situation here....except my old gaming computer got owned during a flood LOL so I'm rocking my new PS3 lol :wallbash: My faithful comp that i enjoyed many hours of morrowind and oblivion with suffered a mysterious death by shotgun! that'll teach it to have a re-accuring graphic chip bug! :D
  3. Oh man I am so jealous right now , f*** I wish I was as good as you :facepalm: But you can be! Just buy a decent gaming PC! It's so simple :D :D :D Thats all i ever wanted from you. Maybe when I'm done college, right now I'm more focused on banging sluts, partying, and gaming on my Ps3 :confused: Yeah, im sure you pull mad pussy :rolleyes: Already have there smart ass, you think everyone on video gaming forums are 40 year old fat clowns. Get a grip on reality man :whistling: No dude, im sure you get all the "women" :dance: Why dont you tell me more about your glorious adventures? No thanks, wouldn't want you to get too hot and sweaty sitting there next to your keyboard as I describe my sexual experiences. Goofball lol :thumbsup: You just don't have anything to tell. If you did, you wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. Or weren't they women after all? :wub: I think the fact that you're asking someone to recount their sexual experiences on a forum is quite disturbing, you're either very immature or you have some kind of mental disability (most likely that choice). I asked you to share your mods with us, seeing as we are on a Skyrim forum.....and then you decided to ask someone to share their sexual experiences? Man you really are some kind of weird ass person. And anybody who goes sharing sexual experiences with a stranger is just f***ed .....much like yourself... Here's a little video you should watch , it pretty much sums up who you are :) Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ_N0IDI-_U Heh, no dude, you just told me how much you get drunk and laid. Upon further request to verify these claims you backed out. Also, family guy. really. They let anybody into college these days. I guess if you call backing out not wanting to share sexual information with some queer on a forum , then yes I did back out and thank goodness I did lol haha how old are you mr. sexual predator? People who are unsure about their sexuality tend to brag about sexual achievements. A queer is you :dance: LOL that's all you could come back with? holy s***....trolls keep getting weaker and weaker :wallbash: Good enough of a troll to have you argue with me for this long and good enough to have you this upset :turned: Upset!? LOL that's a good one! Hahahaha omg this is the longest repy count i've seen on the Nexus for a freakin long time! Keep up the good work lads!
  4. Maybe due to shipping? or the fact that places like the uk are full of.. and indeed run by money grabbing bastards! Just saying... Might have something to do with it :D
  5. At least your still supporting Beth! :D thats all thats important right?
  6. I'm with you reaper! As much as I love the elderscrolls series I'm not buying the collectors edition because there's nothing included that warrants the cost! If it came with a gold inlay silk map of the game world then sure, but alas it doesn't so I'm not getting it lol
  7. I'm getting it for pc initially because i like mods :D but i'm gonna get it for ps3 aswell no doubt, like i did with oblivion.
  8. I want a Raven Rock type quest with Building Stages. Of course more customization as well. Yes omg YES! lol i want that too. would be frickin amazing!
  9. I didnt like how the "followers" didnt ever do anything other than wander around the place.
  10. Yes, Yes and YES!! 100% agree with you. it also added to the amount of gameplay hours. I do miss having to go and actually go out and practice my skills to advance. I know its a tad off topic but i also really miss how in morrowind you actually had to figure out your quests, arrr... how i miss that. i'm not so fond of just following quest markers all the time. I used to get stuck because i couldn't figure out where i was supposed to go and as frustrating as that used to be nothing beats the feeling of figuring it out! Anyway thats enough of a rant from me :P
  11. You make a very good point. Mmmmm i'm hopeful some other form of fishing is in the game.
  12. Hahah i love that idea of a monk assassin.
  13. Welcome to the Nexus, Snork! I hope we're making you welcome here![/size] I believe the companion will be able to, however it has not been confirmed yet. Yes, you get slower when you pick up more items. You can open the menu anytime you feel like it and do what you like. You do have a weight limit that prevents the player from carrying an unrealistic amount of loot. It's very possible yes, staves are in the game, so maybe. if not we'll mod them in :) Hope that helped. =]
  14. The very first thing I'm planning on doing once I've made my first of many characters is.... run to the closest town or settlement and pillage it!
  15. I was reading the "One Hour With Skyrim Finally Made Me a True Believer (Hands On)" by Dave from RipTen. I loved this
  16. Still.... I'd rather have them use the prescious limited space, to give us something interesting or useful rather than something to encourage lazyness! Seriously you cant just press pause and scribble something down?
  17. LOL OH GOD....that poor guy :wallbash: :( Haha i'd be sooo p*ssed if a tat came out like that. I'm sure you'd get it done much better than that anyways :)
  18. I'm in full support as long as it doesn't turn out like this lol ----> Oh my gosh
  19. I know right! way too short! but i'm thankful we are getting to see a little bit more of the game every week. Arrr.. I cant wait for this game! :D
  20. Its quite cool to see how at the bottom of the menus it shows a comparison against what you have equipped, to the item your viewing. You get to see how it changes too when the guy equips the shield. I like that.
  21. Hey, thanks for posting the vids up AxeAlot! I hadn't seen them and I’ve been searching for some decent Pax footage today. What did you think of the short gameplay footage? I keep playing and pausing to look at the hide equipment :D
  22. I unfortunately cannot draw to save my life, you however are very talented! Love your sketches there brilliant!
  23. No point, just get a pen and paper if you want to note something down.
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