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Everything posted by Royhr

  1. Yes that works most of the time but not always. I've had times when my only option was to do a manual power off.
  2. Isn't sneak sort of perk driven? The higher level of the sneak perk you get the better your sneaking becomes. But I agree that it seems ridiculous that you can be detected that far away in the dark.
  3. That's a cool idea. Hopefully all mod makers who have no intentions of ever publishing their work on Beth will do something similar. Also would be nice if they would write a comment to you on Nexus saying that they indeed downloaded your mod on Beth.
  4. Well that will take you to the Beth mod site. Do you have a user account on Beth already? If not then maybe that's issue.
  5. Well you have to wonder how long the really good experienced modders will tolerate this crap before they just end up saying screw this and not publish mods any longer until things change. And I don't mean just on Beth but everywhere else. I know that I've seen DDproductions83 on youtube sort of ranting about this. He says that he's about to take a break from modding all together because of these a$$holes stealing his mods. Check out his video but be aware that if foul language is an issue for you then maybe you shouldn't. :laugh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJVlZJcqAzk
  6. Well it's a strange one. I'm thinking that maybe it just might be something else other than the game itself. Have you added anything new to your computer recently? BTW if you really like FO3 and FONV have you ever considered maybe trying Tales of Two Wastelands? If not you should check it out. Takes a little bit to get it all installed but it's worth it if you are fan of both of those games.
  7. Have you tried launching the game from Steam or from the FO4.exe to make sure it's not the game itself not running? If it runs ok I'd suggest that you uninstall NMM and then re-install it. You will not lose your mods that are loaded. Or at least whenever I've done this I've never had an issue with not having my mods still there.
  8. Well some redneck country type bars can be rough. Just ask the Blue's Brothers.... :cool:
  9. Well did you try starting a new game right after you re-installed FO4 before you even installed any mods or anything else. I know it a real pain to do but I'd uninstall FO4 once again and then delete everything else you can find on your computer that is related to FO4. I mean everything. Completely delete the FO4 folder in your documents folder. Also delete the FO4 folder where the pluggins.txt file is stored. Now this folder can be located in a different location than where most people will tell you to find it. I know because mine is not in the location that most people say. Took me a bit to actually locate it when I needed to clean everything out one time to do a clean reinstall. I found it in a slightly different place. Not sure why but I did. So just make sure that you actually find the right folder and delete the whole thing. Then reboot the computer and try installing FO4 once again. Then after the install try to run the cleanly installed vanilla FO4 to see if it can start a new game. Don't install anything else until you can see if it'll run or not. Also I'd probably say to give up on running any previous saved game and plan on just starting a new game when and if you get it to run. Good luck and hope you get it running.
  10. Check to make sure that game screen resolution is set to the same resolution as your windows desktop. If different this can cause CTD before you even get to the games start menu. Even though you just did a new install go and validate your game cache to make sure all of the game files are there and ok.
  11. So you are saying that you do not see the option for Mods right under Add Ons? Have you tried to validate your game cache? Possibly you may need to re-install FO4. Also I personally never use the Mod option. I only install mods using NMM and have never had any issues. But I also only download all of my mods from Nexus and never from Bethesda. Have you played FO4 using mods in the past?
  12. I'm almost positive that once installed you will not need Net Launcher installed. However whenever the CK gets updated (remember it is beta afterall) then to get the updated versions you would need to have Net Launcher. As far as I know there is no other alternative link to download the CK at least at this time. Maybe if and when it gets out of beta possibly there will be an alternative option made available.
  13. Well unless the mod does it itself in which case the mod author would likely tell you so in the installation/update instructions then I don't think so. At least I've never seen it happen. Now if you want to install over the top of an existing mod with another install of the same file (same exact version) then it will do that and prompt you accordingly. But if the mod being installed is a newer version or update then you will have to uninstall the older version either before you install the updated version or after you install it.
  14. Which BTW is something that most people should do. Get the Steam out of the Windows Program Files folder. And it is very easy to do. Just tell Steam where to install when installing it or if you have already installed it then it can easily be moved as long as you follow follow the instruction to do so to the letter. See this link on how to do it.... https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-8129
  15. Well once you do install the CK then you do not need to use the Net Launcher. You can launch the CK using the CK.exe just like you did with the GECK. So I'm guessing you can then just uninstall the Net Launcher. Or maybe I'm wrong...
  16. Have you tried starting a new game with no most installed? Not disabled but actually uninstalled. It is generally recommended to not install and activate mods when starting a new game until after you leave Vault 111. Also try validating your game cache as well to make sure that all of the game files are ok.
  17. Anyone have any clue why Nicks face keeps falling off? Don't you just hate it when that happens? Kind of ruins your day.... Sorry just had to share that.... :facepalm:
  18. By any chance can you start a new game instead of a saved game?
  19. Well if you hadn't played for a couple of months then FO4 has updated to version 1.5. If so then you probably have a mod or two that need to be updated to work with 1.5. Especially if you happen to use any UI mods like def_ui or Pleasant UI. Also verify your game cache and make sure that the games video resolution is the same as your windows desktop resolution. Also check and make sure that you do not have steam overlay enabled. These are possible problems. Hopefully one of them will help.
  20. Maybe there is a way to use this mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11664/?
  21. Ok I'm not a modder so I thought I'd ask this here to see if this is something that can done and hopefully fairly easily. I often play as a scavenger and when it comes time to sell my stuff I sometimes have accumulated quite a bit especially junk items. Now when you visit a vendor or trader you will get the option to E) Sell. This is fine for selling one item at a time. But sometimes I have quite a bit of stuff and it's sort of a pain to have to sell each item one at a time. So would it be possible to add a command to Sell All for whatever material screen you have open like weapons or Armor etc ? The same thing as far as when you are in the Scrapping Bench menu. You can add your misc items for scrapping or storing one item at a time. Again I often will have quite a bit of junk that I'd like to convert and it would be nice to add or store all of my misc stuff at once. Now when you go to the workstation and select R to store and it gives you an option to Store All Junk. Would be nice to have an option like that when at the Scrapping Bench but instead of Store All Junk have it just say Store All. Hope I was clear as far as what I'm asking. Anyway if this can be done let me know. And I'd be more than willing to be instructed as far as how to do it if anybody would be willing to walk me thru it.
  22. Does this everytime? I've occasionally have had a CTD that required me restarting my computer but those were pretty rare. But I've never had a CTD and then tried restarting the game and have it tell me that the game was still running..... I've had what I thought was a CTD but turned out that another process took over (like maybe Windows Update or something) and the game was still running. I was able to get back to the game and continue. But again I've never seen what you are experiencing. For grins have you tried reinstalling Steam? Though I'm not sure if that would mess up all of your Steam game installs or not so maybe research that before doing so.
  23. Well just deactivating a mod doesn't necessarily mean that it is completely not still functioning or impacting your game. If ever you want to take a mod completely out of a game loading to saee if it is indeed causing a problem you should always right click a mod in the mods window and select uninstall or delete and then select remove from active profile. Once you tested and determined it is causing a problem you can then either delete it or look for an update. If the mod isn't causing a problem then you can just again right click the mod and select Reinstall Mod. And also most UI mods had an issue with the 1.5 release and either needed to be deleted or be updated. So it was probably more a case of the 1.5 update that caused your issues and not any DLC.
  24. Did you try installing NMM as an admin? Or maybe your antivirus program is getting in the way.
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