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Everything posted by Royhr

  1. Well lets face it. There will probably never ever be a cure-all because there are so many different hardware configurations (welcome to the PC world of gaming) and mod configurations as well as issues with the game itself. Some thing work for some people which is great but then those same things do not work for others. It's just super frustrating for a lot of people and just as frustrating sometimes trying to help those people. But it's about all we as a community can try to do I guess. My story is that before the 1.5 update I would get random crashes and frequent lags/stutters. The CTDs were a pain but the lagging/stuttering was what really drove me crazy. Then the 1.5 update was released and all of a sudden I had no more lags/stutters and no CTDs at all. Not a one for quite a while. And since that update I have never had any lagging/stuttering at all so thankfully that was fixed. Meanwhile lots of people had exactly the complete opposite affect. They went from being real stable to suddenly crashing. So why did I suddenly get stable but those people had issues? FM I guess... Then another update was sent out and I started again to have CTDs. And I started reading that other people started having issues as well. Now I was basically running with the same mods so the only thing I could point to was the update. So I went along with having random CTDs since they were frequent enough for me to live with though they were still frustrating. Then just this week they released yet another update (1.5.4). And wouldn't you know it.... I have not had one CTD since. Not a single one. Again all I have that I can point to right now is that update fixed whatever was causing my issues. But then again that's only me because people are still posting issues with CTDs. As I said it just so frustrating trying to nail down the causes for CTDs. I've just resigned myself that as long as they are infrequent enough and not game breaking then I'll just live with them like we had to with FO3 and FONV. Never played Skyrim so I can't speak to that though I've read that Skyrim had it's issues with CTDs as well.
  2. It would be nice to have MCM that's for sure. Right now using the holotape process most mod authors are using for their settings is ok but sort of a pain to go into.
  3. I had been getting more CTDs of late and I also have been playing with WOTC and assumed that possibly it was that mod causing many of the CTDs. But I love WOTC a lot and decided to just live with the CTDs since they only randomly occurred. But since this last current update I have not seen any CTDs as yet. Not sure if the update fixed something or not but the game has been a bit more stable. Knock on wood...
  4. Just like with cigarettes and alcohol though, some people walk away from it and never return. The past 14 months have been pretty tumultuous in Bethesda modding. True however I don't know of any cases where modding was life threatening... <jk> Ok yes it was tumultuous for some and yes some will probably never come back to offer their mods. I doubt though that they are not still modding if only for themselves and maybe close selective friends. And of course there is still the specter of possible paid modding that could at some point attract some mod authors back....
  5. More of it is related to the thefts than you think. I'm not really sure that I totally agree with that. Sure some mod authors may have packed it in but many just hid their mods and some of them have started to make their mods available again. Hell even DD has opened up some of his mods again. I think that once Beth finally gets their act totally together, many mod authors who may have left will hopefully return again after getting over being p!$$ed off. Mod authors love to create mods and most like to share and show off their work. It's in their blood like an addiction.
  6. Well did you happen to see Gopher's youtube video about the 64bit Skyrim? He claims that people might need to tone down their expectations as far as how many of the current 32 bit Skyrim mods will work in 64 bit.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpz5R_hHU88
  7. You have to wonder just how much longer game developers will actually develop games for PCs. Everything seems to be driven for the consoles and that 16 - 25 age window. Remember these developers only care about profit which is of course their right. After all it is just a business. So just how many new PC games will there be when the 2020's rolls around? All of us PC users will probably be stuck playing heavily modded Fallouts and Skyrims. Hopefully mod authors will still be creating good quest mods at that time..... :sad:
  8. There is another thread somewhere on here where this has been sort of discussed already. Some of it is probably related to the issue with thefts but it's probably more to do with mod authors working on newer mods but not wanting to release them until the DLCs are all released since it's a pain to have to keep updating their mods. Also as well as the fact that it just takes time to complete large mods. People will point to Skyrim and all of the mods but remember Skyrim didn't have all that many great mods after only being out less than a year. You just got to have patience.
  9. My biggest problem was trying to just figure out the 0/1. Especially without seeing the wiki page about it.... Don't get me wrong, the unique weapon is a good find. I was just expecting maybe a bit more out of that room after going thru what I did to get into it. It said pump room so I was thinking there would be more to it. Thus the reason I said it probably wasn't worth the effort.
  10. Well that will just let you opt out of beta so if a beta update comes out you won't receive it. That won't stop a normal non-beta update. You have to be off line to prevent that.
  11. Wow..... It was in wiki.... I tried searching but I think I did a wiki search for pump house and not pumphouse.... Oh well.... :confused:
  12. Ok you were correct. Took me a bit to actually figure how to interpret what was on the wall and then to get it into the device to open the door. But finally figured it out. And yes once in the room you find The Gainer which is a unique 44 pistol. Also you get a fusion core as well as a trunk with misc stuff in it as well as a couple of other misc junk items. So it was actually not really worth the bother but thanks. At least it solved my curiosity....
  13. Ok thanks... I'll check it out again and see. Weird that wiki has no reference at all about it....
  14. It just occurred to me that maybe this could be something related to a quest or something. But if so then why wouldn't it be referenced in the wiki?
  15. Just west of the Lynn Parking Garage at the end of a road there is a set of stairs that go down. At the bottom there is a door that you can squeeze thru. The door itself is unmarked and doesn't have any name for the area you are entering. However if you go to the back of the room you entered there is another door labeled Pump Room. If you go thru the door at the bottom of the stares is a device with 4 buttons. I guess it's some sort of water flow mechanism? To the right of this device is a door that in unaccessible. The 4 buttons on the device do not appear to do anything. So I'm not sure what to do or if maybe I need to do something else before I get to this device. Has anybody else been there and if so what do I need to do. The Fallout 4 wiki does not show anything in regards to this location. Thought maybe it was something from a mod or something but I tried running the game with any mod that would possibly create this turned off but it was still there. So again I have no clue as to what it is... Hopefully somebody knows...
  16. Zanity's goal is to demoralize and chase away as many mod creators from this website as possible. Problem is that none of them take him seriously enough to care. :facepalm: Actually I know that. I've been seeing him post his anti everything crap everywhere on these forums. I just had the need, though foolishly as it probably was, to just say something once. Though it won't matter because he's proven that he could care less what people think about what he's ranting about. But again I just had the urge to say what I did.... :rolleyes:
  17. And then isn't there supply lines that you can enable between workbenches? Not sure though that is exactly what you are looking for. The weightless junk option though is a good suggestion if you are really into scavenging for junk.
  18. Man Zanity.... Post after post of complaining about everything. Now don't get me wrong. You have every right to do so. It's a free country but after a while it does start to get pretty old. If you dislike the game so much like you have proven already then why not just go play something else (maybe go back to Skyrim or something)? Why do you even bother to continually rant on and on?
  19. Im sorry, i tried but i think the "make mods" button of the creation kit must be broken Excuses, excuses.... :laugh:
  20. Bull... I want mods now if not yesterday or even the day before that..... All you mod authors are just a bunch of ungrateful slackers. This is what happens when you start getting paid big bucks..... :verymad: :teehee: :smile:
  21. Ok so now they pushed out a non-beta update (1.5.416) just this afternoon.... So even the f4se for the beta doesn't work..... Playing the waiting game once again...
  22. Well I was told by some others that there is little to no chance that SKSE or F4SE will ever be made available for consoles. Apparently when asked, the script extender's own team has stated in regards to if it will be coming to the console and their answer was "No, never". So I guess we can sort of put that rumor to rest.
  23. Well, DLC isn't anything specific except that it's downloadable game content usually made by the company that made the game and you usually pay for it, so these are DLCs. The price is reasonable. If paid mods came back, I think a mod containing the same amount of content with the same quality as the first wasteland workshop DLC would be worth $5. You can argue modders would give you the same thing for free if they had all the tools that Bethesda have, but people have made much larger things for free as well. Does that mean we should never pay for something that's smaller than the biggest free thing we can get? Well when I said that the workshop DLCs are nothing more overpriced mods I was just being facetious.... :rolleyes: But I do pretty much agree with just about everything you said for whatever that is worth....
  24. Well it sounds pretty similar to my load times as well. However I do use an SSD. I currently have around a 100 active pluggins and a total of around 130 mods.
  25. Well using NMM mine was unchecked as well. But this also happened for me with other DCLs as well. Steam installed ok but they were not enabled. Had to activate them myself. No biggie but weird that they were not just automatically activated when installed...
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