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Everything posted by Quetzlsacatanango

  1. You can search Nexus for the word 'resource' to find a lot. You can also do a tag search to find mods that are free for other modders to use.
  2. BSA is a compressed file where are all the vanilla assets live. You don't have to put your meshes inside a bsa. .nif is the format you are looking for. As for 'how to do this' it depends on the state of your armor. If it is already rigged, etc, set up for fallout it's easy. If not there could be any number of steps to get it in game.
  3. AFAIK it still has to be in steam\steamapps, but you move the steam dir out from under Program Files so that UAC doesn't bork it. Google for instructions on how to do that.
  4. That does look pretty good. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/imageshare/images/1316332-1333379214.jpg Do you know how to put it in game or do you need an esp too?
  5. ^Yeah that's what I was trying to say. Same thing happens when someone moves a tree to put a house there, LOD trees still show up.
  6. Anytime you replace something that is in the bsa, you need archiveinvalidation to tell the game to use your replacer instead of what's in the bsa. If you use fomm or nmm it is just a button/menu selection.
  7. What are you going to do about the LOD trees once they are chopped down? Not to be a bummer, but...
  8. Just don't leave your items in the old one...
  9. There is a gun that looks somewhat like that in Angel Park.
  10. I will give you a minute to get over your abject shock that people want to be my friend. OK. Here is what I get when someone adds me as a friend: "Quetzlsacatanango, (UserName) wants to be your friend! This message has been sent because UserName has added you to their friends list. As you've chosen to approve all friend requests, you will need to visit your friends list and approve them. Log in and then manage your friends: http://forums.nexusm...ist&tab=pending " That sentence "As you've chosen to approve all friend requests, you will need to visit your friends list and approve them" doesn't make a lot of sense so I am wondering if this is a bug or if it is working as intended but it is somehow counter-intuitive? Thanks
  11. I'm with you, not too interested in skyrim. SG should be out in the next couple weeks http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/400683-the-thread-you-never-thought-youd-see
  12. Look it Chet's AI Data (I think) the one where it shows what types of items he can sell (books, chems, etc.), and make sure your item is one of those types.
  13. Try this: http://www.seventhsanctum.com/generate.php?Genname=westernnamer I used it for my project and was really happy with what it came up with.
  14. What is it that's not working? You have all the lines in the OnLoad block commented out, so if you are expecting those to work, that's why. In the OnCombatEnd block you put "id" instead of "if", so if you can't save it, that's why. Get the GECK powerup in order to display script errors.
  15. Create a message that says what you want the note to say. Create an activator that uses the model of a note (there are problably some already existing in geck). Put a script on your note activator: scn myscriptname Begin OnActivate showmessage mymessage End
  16. Open GeckCustom.ini, find the line bUseMultibounds=1 and change it to bUseMultibounds=0
  17. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/download.php?id=103584 Here you go. I assume you wanted it to be a helmet.
  18. I fixed it this morning. where do you want it?
  19. Convert all the armors to breeze Here are some instructions how: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_armor_mashups_for_fallout
  20. Short answer is no. There is some nifskopery you could do and other various things but all are a lot more trouble that either a) not using mods for the wrong body or b)switching to the right body.
  21. I think your issue is in semantics rather than founded on actual real terms. We're as much the queen's subjects as you are Obama's subjects. The difference is, we're happy to be called her "subjects" because (a) we're not her subjects in anything other than words and (b) she's a great woman. You can rest assured that if we ever got an idiot on the throne they wouldn't have a throne for much longer. Times have changed, and we're not too fussed about removing kings and queens any more because the capital G problem has been removed from monarchies. That answers my query very well, thank you. What is the capital G problem? Lisnpuppy, "subject" and "subjugated" clearly have the same root, and maybe it's the paranoia in me it seems to me that once you accept that you are a subject, it makes it a little easier to accept subjugation. The Queen's subjects don't seem to agree though, I will give you that.
  22. When you leave it vague you can't get bent out of shape when people don't understand what you meant.
  23. Believe it or not, I am not trying to argue with you, I really am not. I believe in self-determination, I am certainly not trying to tell you to ditch the monarchy. That's up to you guys. The word "subject" inherently implies one person has a station over the other, especially when used in the context of "the queen's subjects". Now, one having station over another is not a problem in itself, it is the way of the world and the natural outcome of any meritocracy. But no matter how much great stuff she does, the queen did not become the queen through any merit of her own. She didn't work her way up to being queen, or get elected queen. She got there because she was born to the right family at the right time, and maybe due to some insider horse trading among some of the aristocracy. I'm not an expert on such things, I don't know. I'm sure she's a great old dame. I get that the word doesn't have the same meaning for you as it does for me. I accept that but I also can't help but wonder if it's because it's what you have known your whole life and that's why it seems innoccuous. I just know it would offend me if anyone referred to me as their subject.
  24. Curiosity about how they feel about it is why I asked. If they are fine with it for themselves I am certainly not going to say they should stop. For me, personally, the idea of lowering myself by exalting someone else, who bleeds the same color blood as me, for no other reason, really, than their ancestry, is abhorrent. But that's me. I get that other people don't see it that way. Again, hence the question. Tidus- I 2nd Aurelius. The Constitution is like The Bible. It is not just some paper with words on it. It is an outline of certain principles and if the "inanimate object" disappeared tomorrow it wouldn't change anything. I don't think anyone who believes in those principles finds themselves "swearing fealty" to any politician, unless it so happens that said politician professes to value those same principles.
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