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Everything posted by Quetzlsacatanango

  1. Rule of thumb that seems to cover most cases- Don't include what you don't need to. Do include what you do need to. But make sure your plugin requires .esms that use the given assets. Say Mothership Zeta has that terminal that you want to use, but you did a retexture of it. You'd be ok including the terminal as long as your plugin requires Zeta.esm to run.
  2. Why would you need to include the nif in the mod? It's in the bsa. Short answer is probably no one would notice, or care if they did, but at the very least you're making your download bigger than it has to be.
  3. Either you didn't install it properly, the author didn't include all the meshes, you are missing a requirement, or you are running too many plugins.
  4. Don't start your IDs with integers (#s). Use alphabetic characters. When you use #s, it seems the game tries to interpret the whole thing as the numeric string instead of the text string you intend. Also if they are all the same thing you can simplify a lot. Just do: scn myquestscript short doonce Begin GameMode if player.getitemcount AAAsparepartsforturrets >= 7 && doonce == 0 SetObjectiveDisplayed AAAFletcherheyes 15 1 set doonce to 1 ;this is a toggle so that it won't set this objective to be displayed every single frame endif End In the dropdown at the top, change it from "object" to "quest". Then on your quest, choose "myquestscript" from the dropdown menu. You should also install GECK Power Up, it will display script errors so you won't have to guess why it's not saving.
  5. Here is how I would do it, assuming the 7 parts are all different things. Put this into a quest script on a running quest: int thingsfound BeginGameMode if player.getitemcount thing1 >= 1 set thingsfound to thingsfound + 1 endif if player.getitemcount thing2 >= 2 set thingsfound to thingsfound + 1 endif ;etc... all the way to thing7 ;then if thingsfound >= 7 ;dostuff like set objective complete, set new stage, etc. whatever you want to happen when all the things are found. ;you can set a new objective to be displayed here, but a result script from a new quest stage is probably better. endif End
  6. id ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) should be if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 )
  7. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40370
  8. I have always found it hard to get weight painting to come out right. Try bone weight copy first, to get it in the ballpark, then you can try weight painting to fix what you're not happy with, or just add/remove/modify vertices from different vertex groups manually.
  9. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42087
  10. Adds some population, a shop, a doctor, that kind of thing. Doesn't actually rebuild anything because I don't want to deal with navmesh/lod issues. Eventually it will become more populated and either be friendly toward you or a place you should totally avoid.
  11. I have had it since it originally came out :dry: . And to think all I had to do was wait 15 years and I could have had it for free.
  12. Use blender 2.49 (32bit only) Install nif scripts for blender 2.49 Go to export->netimmerse and export as nif. Depending on what the model is of (static, clothing, etc) the export settings will be different. This wiki article shows what they should be for rigged meshes: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_armor_mashups_for_fallout If it's a static or a weapon, untick shadow map, tick use bsfadenoderoot, untick export dismember body parts. Then in geck, create your new item and point its model to the one you just exported.
  13. Sounds cool. What is the reasoning behind randomizing the gear. Just a different start experience, like FWE?
  14. Do you have the skills to make the texture on the jacket like that? The rest is not very hard to do.
  15. I thought it was balanced, but even if not, is possible to be both partisan and correct.
  16. I don't think it's my responsibility as a virtue of being born where I am, but I do think that if one chooses to participate in a discourse (whether debating on a website or voting for public office or anywhere in between) you do have a responsibility to inform yourself, which does not mean googling and reading what you already want to hear in the first place. It is one of the reasons I find myself against birthright citizenship. It leads to a bunch of intellectually lazy slobs who just vote for their own entitlements. edit: You answered 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 %
  17. Extract the nif you want to retex, if you haven't already. You can use FOMM or other tools to extract it from the fallout - meshes.bsa file. If you don't know which nif it is, find it in geck. Open the nif in nifskope. Expand the nitrishape/nitristrip you want, expand bsshaderpplightingproperty, and highlight bsshadertextureset. In the block details, expand Textures. You will see the path to the textures that the object uses. Extract the first one from the fallout - textures.bsa. Edit it as you see fit. You will need either gimp or photoshop with the dds plugin, or paint.net which can read and write dds natively. Assuming you don't want to replace all items in the game with your new texture, save your edited texture in a new location. Change the texture path in the nif to this new location, save the nif as a new file. In geck, create a new formID for your new item and set the model to the new nif file you just saved. Done.
  18. egm files apparently don't work outside of the bsa. Is there a reason you needed to extract the hairs? If not, delete or rename the characters\hair folder and it will get them from the bsa again.
  19. Are you sure UH uses the name of the weapon and not the ID? If it uses the ID it wouldn't matter if the name is changed.
  20. You need that shader flag, and also set shader type to shader_skin. The reason they show up black in geck is because geck doesn't seem to display that shader properly. So if you see it black, you know it's working. That's geck for you.
  21. A 5-axis waterjet is a complex tool that only works half the time, but it is the right tool for a specific job.
  22. You're going to have to learn how to use blender/3ds/etc. Find the 'biggest' outfit you want it to fit. Make it fit that.
  23. The game doesn't handle a ton of NPCs very well, so if you have something that adds a lot, it could definitely cause your problem.
  24. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=45762 Here you go. Probably should have asked, but it is made for Roberts/Type3. If you use a different body I put a link to a tutorial on how to do it in the description. btw people, this is how to request something^^- Don't ask for the world, be polite, and make an effort to show exactly what you are asking for.
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