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Everything posted by Quetzlsacatanango

  1. A bee, so far as I know, doesn't have the capacity to consent to the use of the products of his labor. Or to conceive of himself as an individual. Or to think of himself at all. And so on. Not a great analogy. Objecting to a (sales, I assume) tax on scotch, cigars, or anything else is perfectly valid, sure. Why wouldn't it be? If you give it to me, it's mine. You give, I accept, consent on the part of both parties. *We agree*. Since you said "give", no you are not "entitled" to jack. If I'm your friend I would probably choose to give some anyway because I'm a nice guy. If you want to put some preconditions on it before you hand it over, and I agree to those conditions, then yes you might have something coming your way, depending on those conditions. Consent again. Very important. Coming in after the fact and wanting a cut of the money sounds like you want someone else to look after your bad decisions. I would rather be responsible for my own, but that's me.
  2. It's yours once it gets in your hands? You'd do great as a pickpocket. To be clear: It would be immoral to borrow a friend's car, then use it as a taxi for a day without getting the friend's permission or giving the friend a fair share in the profits. Not sure if you're serious or if you just like twisting words. Pickpocketing is what the income tax is. Taking without consent. I don't know how you feel about consent, but to me it is maybe the most important, fundamental function of interacting, free individuals. Again with the red herring. You can build infrastructure with a sales tax. The infrastructure discussion is not related to the involuntary tax discussion.
  3. Create a quest, tick start game enabled. Give it a quest ID, for example, aaaCoverMyJunkQuest Create a quest script, should look something like scn covermyjunkscript Begin GameMode player.additem <id of whatever outfit you want them to have> 1 player.equipitem <same id> stopquest aaaCoverMyJunkQuest End Make sure you choose the covermyjunk script from the script dropdown on your new quest.
  4. I'm talking moral vs immoral, not legal vs illegal. Hardly the same discussion.
  5. Lol If it's in my paycheck, it's mine, as a result of the best deal I could get in the market. Whether it would have come out the same way in the absence of certain infrastructure is certainly debatable, but in any case you can have tax-funded infrastructure without an involuntary tax. So that is a bit of a red herring. We already went over this 7 pages ago... Exactly right. You choose to buy or not to buy, therefore you choose to pay the tax or not pay it, with no government prosecution or jail time for either choice. Don't put the tax on essentials like food, clothing, lifesaving drugs, and there is no issue.
  6. Sorry, not sure which 'above poster' you mean. I mentioned a 100% tax because you stated that taxation is not related to morality. If that's true, then you must think there are no moral issues involved with a 100% tax rate. I mentioned communism (philosophy, not political system), because it would be exceedingly hard to think a 100% tax was acceptable, but find communism unacceptable, without some blatant contradictions, or what Orwell would describe as Doublethink. Which is not to imply that you or anyone else feels a particular way about communism, but I suspect most people think of themselves as anti-communist, and I wanted to highlight how that should inform their view of a 100% tax and the morality thereof. Also, since some people seem to be confused on the point, and maybe don't want to read through all the previous pages, I have never stated that taxation, in itself, is theft, or immoral for that matter. I stated that *involuntary* taxation is theft, theft is immoral, therefore involuntary taxation is immoral. A voluntary tax, such as a sales tax, is perfectly fine with me. Others may disagree of course.
  7. People twist their beliefs and rationalize in order to justify doing the things they want to do anyway. Why would the BoS be different?
  8. Here is the best math joke ever, told by an EE professor I had one semester: Noah's Ark finally comes to rest as the waters recede, and he sends the animals out, telling them to them, "go forth and multiply". All but 2 snakes do as he commands. Noah looks at them, and shouts "go forth and multiply!" The snakes look at him but do not move. He tries again, "Go forth and multiply!" Still nothing. Noah gets angry and in his most Biblical voice shouts, "Go forth and multiply!" The snakes look up at him and say, "We cannot multiply, for we are adders". Noah thinks for a while, then grabs his saw and hammer and runs off into the forest (which has grown back, you see) where he cuts down a tree. He saws and hammers and builds a small table. He picks up the snakes and puts them on the table. "Go forth and multiply!" he commands. The snakes look at each other, and then at Noah. "We cannot multiply. We are adders". "I have built you a log table. Now you can multiply."
  9. All I want to know is what a "lurgy" is!
  10. Nothing specious about it. You say the idea that taxation is in any way a moral issue is "ludicrous", yet you won't answer a simple yes or no question about a hypothetical tax. Or, rather, you are agreeing with HeyYou, whose answer is essentially "maybe". Which also implies "maybe not". So maybe it's not such a ludicrous idea after all? HeyYou, you might also want to reassess your answer, or at least tell us your thoughts on the philosophy of communism. There is essentially no difference between communism and your "acceptable" 100% tax with all needs wants provided for.
  11. Would a 100% tax be moral?
  12. The area has to be navmeshed. You might also try checking their package(s) to see where they think they should be going.
  13. Agree with Fonger. For once :) Run FNVedit against your entire load order, if you are missing a master it will tell you right away.
  14. It is all I'm good for. Extract the file with bsa extractor. I usually do at least 2 files at a time so it keeps the path. For nv_mojave-express_dropbox.nif, the path is meshes\clutter\. If you are just extracting the one file, that's where you need to extract it to. In GECK, browse to meshes\clutter\nv_mojave-express_dropbox.nif. Hit OK to save your new item. Once that's done, you can delete nv_mojave-express_dropbox.nif, from now on the game/geck will get it from inside the bsa, and so will users of your mod.
  15. BEST ADVICE EVAR! Pretty sure this also skips the steps tunaisfish is referring to.
  16. This is exactly the sort of thing a charity should be doing for you, because they want to, instead of the government forcing other working folk to pay for it.
  17. You have to extract to choose the model in geck, afterward you can delete it. Users of the mod don't have to extract the model in order to use it, they already have it in their bsa.
  18. FNVedit is like magic paint eraser for mods. Can you enable him via console?
  19. Nifskope won't read inside BSAs, so if you haven't extracted them, you won't see them.
  20. Is it possible you switched it from esp to esm? I have a similar issue with a Ulysses follower right now and haven't figured it out yet, but it worked as an esp, but not esm. I know the game and geck treat persistent vs non-persistent references slightly differently depending whether they are master, but that shouldn't be the case here as all NPC refs are persistent.
  21. Say what The guitars are from Umpa's guitar shop, neon signs are chopped up vanilla assets.
  22. Move it over until it sits where you want I guess. I do stuff like that in blender so that's all I got.
  23. It's still coming along... I am finishing up what I have, what's not quite ready will be in a future update. Fatima will be in the initial release.
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