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Everything posted by Deleted133263User

  1. Yes and it is correct You do have to clean a further 6 ITMs which become uncovered by TES5Edit after the first clean :smile: Clean it, close TES5Edit so that it saves the edited plugin Then load up TES5Edit and clean it one more time Bizarre sounding, but true Ref : Post by Lojack which also links to Zilav's explanation.
  2. Load order could have been your problem If you just have the vanilla game ( no mods or loose files in addition to the original game files .. And that means do not just disable mods, that means no mods or loose files installed at all ) - And just install the unofficial patches correctly .. This problem can not be reproduced Did you also read the sticky post on Skyrim Nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19/? ( look at the Posts tab, first post outlined in red by Arthmoor ) Over the last 2 months, I have restarted the game for testing purposes 3 times ( many more times before that also with every update to the unofficial patches that have been released ), proceeding from game start to developing the MQ and Thieves guild plus Dark Brotherhood questline, and sometimes managing to get as far as the Dawnguard and Dragonborn questlines aswell, and have not had any problems with Dragon Soul absorption. I would suggest Load order ( as per your post on AFKMods forum, which does not quite sync with what you have said here on nexus forums ) in which you say it could have been the incorrect Load Order you had
  3. I do not have Oblivion anymore, so cannot help much further than to point out my Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide I just updated the description because just about every link in there was broken due to site changes in the last year. That guide should have everything you need to know Reference OMODs - IIRC - Wrye Bash can extract them to a project folder ( Or OBMM can extract it to a folder outside of DATA ? ( I cant remember which or if both are true .. But one or the other works :smile: ), then you just repack it as a BAIN. Needs a fair bit of study of the mod, where files should go in the installation though, and experience with doing this kind of thing only comes with taking other peoples work apart and studying it. Once you have that experience converting one installer into a BAIN gets a lot easier. You just need to study your modding tools capabilities and documentation. BSA Redirection is automatic so long as you have it set in the Installers Tab settings .. See the following screen from my guide http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/101/images/35230-1-1343151306.png Edit : PS IMHO Wrye Bash is by far the better Mod Manager, OBMM is famous for losing track of some of your installed files, in a complicated setup that can be a source of nightmares. Wrye Bash traditionally never loses track of a single file or overwrite, and anneals file conflicts between BAINs automatically. Of course this only works if all you installers are BAINs ( and not a mixture of things installed with another mod manager which Wrye Bash does not know about ) Edit 2 : Just passing thru here so any further questions will need to be answered by others.
  4. Ah thats a shame, it would be useful for a group of people working to help one project .. Without the world being involved ( ie chat ) I think I was invited into one a few years ago, but could not remember if its was here or BGS forum. Okay, no problem anyway, it would have been handy is all.
  5. I am nearly certain I have seen multiple participants in a PM is possible on this forum .. But cannot find where that information is How do you address multiple participants, are the names separated by a comma ? If not then how do you address say three names when one of them is double barrelled ( no hyphen, just a space ) .. You end up typing in four names .. Recipients Sitebot Banhammer joe bloggs or Sitebot, Banhammer, joe bloggs, or something else ? I couldn't find anything in the old site wiki
  6. Cool .. Sounds like something Gopher ought to make a video on. So that any of us using HTML5 or the VLC Media player browser plugin instead of Flash player can like .. actually see his videos which everyone links around the nexus :)
  7. For anyone reading : Dark0ne has fixed this problem :)
  8. Just tried uploading a new image to use as a background ( all of mine are my game Window mode resolution of 800 x 500, so upped a 1440 x 900 one in case they were too small for the background image crop box to do anything useful with .. ) Crop box works as usual, hit save and I get what looks like a successful background image http://s1.bild.me/bilder/260513/thumb_3718028Untitled.png Unfortunately, once again no joy http://s1.bild.me/bilder/260513/thumb_3142677Untitled2.png
  9. I still have no clue why the Title background image will not save correctly, maybe I just need a good day for trying that. Tried redoing it about five times today with no joy. This - http://s1.bild.me/bilder/260513/thumb_4212558Untitled.png Seems to be getting saved as a black rectangle - http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/headers/14504.jpg?check=1393365914
  10. I think I may have solved it ( for now anyway until the site juggles things around again ) I just noticed there has been a bit of a shift in image URLs I dont think it matters which static-1/2/3/4 you link ( for a test I have just used static-3 in all of mine and they seem to be working consistently ) It does matter to get the new URL right though, which has changed more than I thought it had .. I had for example : http: // static-2.nexusmods.com / 110 / mods / images / 14504-1-1357742955.png Note the position of that / 110 / Now I just realised the following is correct http: // static-2.nexusmods.com / 15 / mods / 110 / images / 14504-1-1357742955.png Note the introduction of / 15 /, and the / 110 / has moved along after / mods / So heres a correct one .. http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png Also image shares have had a move recently The following : http: // static-3.nexusmods.com / images / 110 / 133263-1378158978.gif Should now be .. http: // static-3.nexusmods.com / 15 / images / 110 / 133263-1378158978.gif http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif Right click on your images and open them in a new tab, and study the new url .. But dont get too hooked up on which static you get, I think you can use any of them http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-1.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif http://static-4.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/133263-1378158978.gif
  11. Additional problem : I just tried updating Vanilla Reduced Textures title Background Image It failed. Now I cannot seem to be able to save a new one successfully I think I will give up trying to do things, every time I do something else goes wrong
  12. Yeah I understand, problems here have been monolithic over the last couple of years, with professionals even wondering at how the nexus team have managed so well at keeping the whole thing running throughout all the trials and tribulations they have experienced. I was hoping for an answer because some of the images were made to be part of the description, so there are descriptive holes now where they once were. And I cant be the only one experiencing this ?, for example I notice W.A.T.E.R has started using an off-site image in its description http://i.imgur.com/QSwJccc.png I guess if its a hard one to answer, we will have to use another site dedicated to images and use their bandwidth linking them into the descriptions here. If I can find one that allows that for free .. If not, longy arris descriptions are going to get a bit more detailled :)
  13. :ohmy: Is there really no answer to this ? Or am I just missing something obvious about linking a mods own images in a mods description ?
  14. Today that same image is at static-3 http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png I gather there is some more server juggling going on, and understandably its a complex matter, but just wondering if eventually there will one day be a set url for images our descriptions can depend upon, instead of what appears to be random server allocation recently. Last time I mentioned this in a feedback post, it was a toss up between static2 and static1, now we have hyphens introduced static-1, static-2, static-3 Maybe if we post in our descriptions all possible url's, for each image in a description, then at least one of them will work for each image ( albeit with a bit of a delay as each image is trying to resolve and five of them fail after timeout, and five lines worth of gaps / image placeholders in the description ) http: // static-1.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http: // static-2.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http: // static-3.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http: // static1.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http: // static2.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png http: // static3.nexusmods.com /15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png
  15. A couple of questions on mod images : For example have a look at the Description of Vanilla Reduced Textures Among the words you will see what have become image placeholders This image url : http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/mods/images/14504-1-1357742955.png Which was valid a few days ago, no longer works However if I right click on the first image of that mods images, and choose "Open in New Tab", I can get the images new URL : http://static-2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/14504-1-1357742955.png So to the questions - Currently I am reluctant to go around editing all image links in descriptions again 1. How do we future proof our descriptions to always link to the mods own images without fail ? Or can we expect more changing of image URLs in the future and best just to forget about images in descriptions. 2. How do we revert our image page back to just one long image page, which we could organise pictures in a set order, as opposed to the new layout of having multiple tabbed pages of images on the image tab ?, which has made ordering them more awkward if you wish them to be viewed in a set sequence like a Pictorial Guide for instance.
  16. One month later : Still seeing the same problems on skyrim nexus Add to those .. This web page is not available ( more often now than 502 / 4 / pick a number errors ) - In the last half hour web page is not available constantly no matter where I try to go on Skyrim nexus When I could log into Skyrim nexus yesterday .. New problem as follows Choosing a section of an image as the background banner at the top of the mod description - Not working I tried changing Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless and its still black, no matter how many times I used the crop image tool and save button.
  17. I cant seem to create more than one article on my mods on Skyrim Nexus But also creating just one Article is tricksy You have to create one, then while still on the manage articles page just after creating it, go to read it again - It will be blank - So paste in the same article again, and this time it will be created successfully. Trying to do that process for a second article does not work, and on one occasion broke the first article from being readable which then needed creating again after deleting all articles entered so far. Edit: I should also mention at creation time I am unchecking allow comments. When you do the recreate the same article trick, both that button and the visible button become unchecked, so I then just check the visible button. Have a look at the Actions log on Vanilla Reduced Textures for a list of the 'fun' I had. ------------ Just a mention of the 50# errors aswell - I dont know how far along the new cluster work is progressing, but skyrim nexus is still to this day giving pretty frequent / daily problems with page errors and occasional long / infinite loading of image / comment / description tabs A new and regular problem I see are the Background images on a mod not loading when I am logged into Skyrim Nexus. Both the mod title background image sometimes do not load, and the main page background image not loading.
  18. Currently trying to get hold of the new version of Skyrim Project Optimization I know many changes are occurring throughout this past week, but just in case this is un-related to those .. Its happening on all servers for those files Edit : At time of edit .. They are now working again
  19. Pardon me but I forgot to mention .. Site owners can register with them And still get paid for adverts that get blocked and replaced with clean ads
  20. I am posting this one in suggestions because Dark0ne may actually approve the way this works, and as a recommend for anti malvertisements as opposed to the more severe AdBlock or hosts file solutions .. If not, then its a heads up on a new browser extension :) If anyone is using Ghostery ( Better Advertising / Evidon ) you might want to have a look at replacing it with this .. For Firefox and Chrome ( and in a future version it will also be for Internet Explorer ) http://www.privdog.com/index.html Forum at Comodo https://forums.comodo.com/privdog-b303.0/ Its also included in the latest Comodo Dragon ( if anyone else uses it besides me :) ) .. http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php Forum https://forums.comodo.com/news-announcements-feedback-cd-b203.0/ Comodo's CEO Melih owns it, along with the startup support organisation AdTrustMedia LLC They want to make money out of the idea obviously, but on the face of it the goals are about protecting user Security and Privacy by killing Malvertisements which try to slip in your face / machine. Worst case scenario .. Its no worse than Ghostery ( if you have any suspicion there may be any under the radar qualities about its behaviour .. I dont currently ), it does all that Ghostery did, and filters out malvertisements ( nexus goers will have seen that mentioned a couple of times, because occasionally nexus ads cant be guaranteed malware free - The purview of this extension looks like it would stop those cases in their tracks, without completely blocking ads ) @ Moderators, give Dark0ne a poke on this one if he does not see it, its potentially a nice recommend. Probably needs a bit of time to study to see exactly what it does do and how it may affect Nexus economy. You would be the best judge of that. From a users POV its looking pretty good to me.
  21. If UNP body mesh is your preference, and you like Navetseas textures : Then I beg to differ :) Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless Have a good read of the description first, and beware any loose files you have installed from other body mods. If you mod just the vanilla game ( no other female replacer files installed ) with just Alt Navetsea UNP Seamless, it works a treat. Its a scripted installer with everything you need ( except Argonians and Khajiit, and Exeters Armour and Clothing - See also my recommended mods in the description which would complete the setup )
  22. If anyone else wants to try this, I think I have a possible workaround until its fixed While you are uploading a file at skyrim nexus for example, open a new tab also at skyrim nexus, wait until your file in the other tab is circa 96% complete, then check the new tab and hit refresh to check you are still logged in .. Then switch back to the file upload tab and fingers crossed it will complete - I just tried it a couple of minutes ago and it worked (unless the problem has been fixed already prior to that .. But I think this works, I tried the same over a week ago on a hunch it may work and it did) Edit: Hmm, maybe not, just tried on the second file but it did not work. I let it lapse to logout on the second tab though, so maybe you need to keep refreshing every nine minutes and mother it until completion. Oh well here's hoping for a fix sometime. Edit2: Mothering it seems to work, second file successful
  23. Cool, just looking around for the same problem I have additional problems related to this, aswell as being logged out on completion of the uploads, it seems sometimes the file completes and ends up in limbo - On retrying to upload the file after a logout error, on the next completed upload a new error is generated .. File already exists, re-upload with a different file name However the file is no where to be seen So you try with a different filename .. get logged out .. get cheesed off and give up. Running out of file name variations to try too in case there are any in limbo files lurking. Glad to know its a known problem anyway and being looked at. I feel sorry for Starac and his SRO files, my biggest file is only circa 260mb, the frustration he must have felt when he thought his uploads were complete. Edit: Sorry should have mentioned the upload I am trying is Vanilla Reduced Textures files. I had the same problems with version 12 over a week ago, but at the time put it down to the usual 'Nexus is swamped' bad gateway related problems these days.
  24. I am not involved .. Just spreading the word, and the word is TES5Edit 3.0.22 Beta is now public, for the un-initiated / passers by / people who think "Looks like stuff I dont need to learn about" .. I recommend you bookmark it for a rainy day, its a world changer ( or at least the Skyrim modding world, even older games - Yep its the same old same old updated and brilliant as ever ) Clicky, and let me transport you to an amazing tool ------------------------------ For anyone un-familiar with it ... Have a good read of the cleaning guide http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=TES5Edit_Cleaning_Guide_-_TES5Edit You cant really summarize that, because it has to be understood by the user (or at least you get a rough idea) In use though once you have done it a few times its a two minute job and a breeze Important reading is in the "How to clean" section Before you move on to automated cleaning referred to in "Section 2: Mod Cleaning Instructions" The objective being removing ITMs and UDRs which historically BethSoft always have in their DLCs. They are CTDs waiting to happen if you dont clean them, and TES5Edit has the ability to do that. Even the most experienced modders can create such game problems just by making their mods with the CK, bugs in the CK will undermine their best efforts to create a problem free mod. I did the automatic clean on update.esm in this post http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1415541-wipz-tes5dumpfuture-tes5edit/page__view__findpost__p__21648614 .. But you see I cant do that for your copy of update.esm. We can tell modders that they need to clean their mod (diplomatically ofc), and everyone benefits from the re-uploaded cleaned mod. BOSS can advise you if it finds a mod with a CRC which corresponds to an unclean mod that you or the author need to clean it - Bethsofts esm and esps though are a different story .. Previously I have used TES4Edit on all Oblivion DLCs, and sure enough had many CTD free gaming hours thereafter. Along with checking out mods esp's and creating cleaned installers for use in Wrye Bash when the mod author has not had the knowledge to do the same to their own mods. Its a tool that is really worth spending the time to become familiar with, and more importantly spread the word - We wish Bethsoft would use it on their own DLCs before releasing them , DawnGuard has a heap of problems which needs TES5Edit's particular brand of magic, and because Bethsoft are unlikely to patch it with a cleaned version, only the end users can fix their own copy of it .. So everyone benefits from becoming familiar with this tool - Without it they will experience random CTDs with combinations of mods and DLCs and remain forever clueless as to why.
  25. Ha, well I thought I had checked everything that could prevent login at my end .. Suck eggs time :) The only thing it could have been was all those old Username and Password saves for combinations of old site url's Cache, no, cookies, definitely no .. Decided to delete all the old username / password saves (yep they are all the same, just associated multiple times with the site changes that have happened .. skyrimnexus.com/download/ skyrimnexus.com/mods/ skyrim.nexusmods.com/something else etc etc .. There were about five of them just for skyrim Now its working ... again.
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