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Everything posted by Deleted133263User
Drakensang, the black death of mod browsing.
Deleted133263User replied to Warunho's topic in Site Support
A few tips here if you use chrome or firefox http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/483106-forced-to-watch-same-ad-every-single-time/ -
Dark0ne unless you are teasing, then you need to look up why its causing a lot of fury lately, its definitely not something to be yay about. Blacklist policies which can force the worlds internet providers to enforce them - Imagine BT, Virgin and TalkTalk were all ordered to blacklist Nexus because some pleb had uploaded one dodgy file you guys had not seen for a few days. From what I have heard its shiny suit generated by people who do not realise the implications or that it will not work, who are being pushed by the Music and Video industry. Like black listing spam sources, it wont work .. they just move on very agile very quick, whereas genuine sites suddenly blacklisted at the domain level for whatever reason will be killed. Go Daddy have recently backpeddled on their supportive stance towards SOPA, because they lost huge amounts of custom. Yay. Not. @ Homeworlder1 - I dont know what browser you use, but you could possibly help by finding how that banner was added to your screen, can you right click it and choose Show Page Source (or Page elements), maybe also what plugins your browser has might help pin the source of that feed of crap. PM Dark0ne with any useful details if you dont wish to show it publicly.
Highly agressive virus on the loos eon Skyrim Nexus.
Deleted133263User replied to Vindekarr's topic in Site Support
Sounds like a variation of the koobface (facebook) worm, it does have limited potential on Linux but only really effective on windows. Sets you up in a botnet aswell as whatever payload it has. Quite stubborn to get rid of, last time I had to get rid of one for a friend we used Microsoft Security Essentials and MalwareBytes Antimalware, both allowed to do a full scan after a safe mode boot. I ran MBAM after MSSE, which cleaned out parts of it that MSSE missed - Though your mileage may vary, these things advance their techniques every time a new version pops up in the wild. -
Forced to Watch Same Ad EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Deleted133263User replied to saeb's topic in Site Support
In a word 'Flash' - Not the sites fault you chose to install it - but here's a tip ... For Google chrome type the following address in your url bar about:flags (For the open source chromium version I think its chrome://flags, and for Comodo Dragon users its Dragon://flags) and press return. Be careful what you play with here. Scroll down and find Click to Play Click Enable once (it will change to Disable) Now relaunch the browser. Go to Options / Under The Hood, and click Content Settings Scroll down to Plugins, you now have a new option Click to play. If you choose it, relaunch the browser again. Now whenever a plugin is required to run the web page content, you can now choose to let it play instead of getting those annoying video ads automatically blaring in your face every where you go. It works pretty much the same as the old firefox plugin flashblock does. But .. more importantly ... you dont need another potentially badly written homebrew chrome extension to do the same job. Google Chrome also has all the Privacy respecting Options default to not very private at all :), exploring those might be a good idea, Under the Hood settings in particular, and the Content settings button you find there. Edit: I realise Google Chrome comes with its own version of the Flash plugin, so yeah agree you may not have been aware it would automatically be available with that browser .. Here's a fork of Chrome which doesn't http://www.comodo.com/home/browsers-toolbars/browser.php (but if you install flash from adobe all browsers will use it anyway) It will let you know when there are updates (unlike SRWare Iron), and the Options menu is in the Dragon Eye (top left of the browser) instead of the usual Spanner Icon. Here's another more drastic approach - Screenshot http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=5181643Untitled.png But then you wont be able to watch YouTube or whatever .. Click to Play is the better option (unless you have another browser installed purely for watching flash content, then you can disable the plugin in just chrome, and also benefit from its sandboxed processes not letting malware come out to play which are sometimes associated with ads) And of course, the site has to earn its revenue via ads to keep going, so disabling these methods are not going to be condusive to good upkeep of TESNexus - I'm not sure but would using just Click to Play still gain revenue for the site ? -
Hover your mouse over those teeny weeny icons above the endorse me button :)
I have always linked anything on Nexus starting with a www. Recently I have noticed people linking to the same pages without www. in the URL For instance ... http: // tesnexus.com / content / modmanager / is the same as http: // www.tesnexus.com / content / modmanager / Both seem to work (apart from the former not recognising my saved user name and password, because I haven't allowed it to yet), and have the same content. I am just curious as to why we have the above - And could this present confusion with utilities referencing download locations ?
A little more input As you have found, if two BSAs contain the same file and path, the Oblivion game engine will randomly select between the two... .. it has also been known to crash the game. Which is why you can only either replace the file in the original BSA and re-pack it (you can back up your originals first if you use this method - And I know about the 2gb limit ... getting to that shortly). Or - create new BSAs and use the archive list in the ini to specify where the game looks for its BSAs (others have used this method to spread BSAs over multiple fast Hard Drives and speed up loading .. bit of an expensive project but it works :)) Or - Just have loose replacer files in data, which so long as they are newer than the BSAs modified date will end up in game (OBMM Redate BSA function, or Wrye Bash automatic redating of BSAs). A tool which is quite new but not too well known in Oblivion modding at the moment - BSAOpt Have a read of the first two pages of comments, Ethatron answered a bunch I asked and after using it have found it to be a marvellous little utility. And the optimization is not BS, I repacked every one of the Oblivion, DLCs and Shivering Isles BSAs WITHOUT compression ... Not one of them went over 2gb. It may not help with some of the larger texture replacers out there trying to cram them in a BSA, but its worth a look just for the speed alone in handling BSAs. Note also this ... I had previously used OBMMextended to repack a few of my BSAs, and in those cases a few of the files within gave hash errors, after skipping the hash check and doing the repack into new BSAs with BSAOpt, the same files no longer have any problems.
Nexus Mod Manager, the Nexus Client, entering closed BETA
Deleted133263User replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
:) I was just looking for the same information. Noticed "Download with Manager" on the Wrye Bash BAIN files I have uploaded all over the bazaars for other authors .... will it just recognize all files in a complex BAIN as being installable and the user loses all the possible choices?. Will downloaders present us with a flood of "I installed your files with the manager and now my game doesn't work" In an ideal world they might all read the readme's and short file descriptions and realize Wrye Bash is needed ... I have my doubts :) Or .. Will this manager recognize a complex BAIN and Wizard installer script and warn the user its not capable of installing the files as intended? -
walrus2517 I had the same problem on a few links in the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide description, could be the same .. If you have any links which used to work that ended with a forward slash / For instance http: // www.7-zip.org / will not work but ... http: // www.7-zip.org will work. If you copy url's from the address bar of another tab sometimes an extra forward slash is added to the end (it does in chrome for the above example url) Remove the forward slash at the end. Now try your link.
Ok logged out, logged in (I had already done that between posts 193 and 198 - But in case you just changed something, re-did) Logged in again http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4805615Capture.PNG The popup disagrees after clicking a server http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4166544Capture1.PNG Then the pop-up becomes something more than expected http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=5713650Capture2.PNG
Just tried FOMM 0.13.12 http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640 Right click the file to open in new tab, and the download commenced instantly (not even an advert) With Wrye Flash http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11336 Right click Wrye Flash 28, in the new tab are the usual servers http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2673012Capture.PNG Click any http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=7188880Capture1.PNG Change prefs for the pop-up download .. http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2066031Capture.PNG http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=5657658Capture1.PNG
Couple more minor problems, File Images Tab, now we have the full width of the fixed width for descriptions (looking very nice by the way), the Images on the image tab do not cover the expanse of the width. I would like to suggest that 4 images per row is good and could be slightly enlarged to make better use of the width. There will probably be other people with a preference for 5 images per row, and decreasing the image thumbs slightly to fit ... But when looking at those thumbs, on mouse-over, there is cross hatching dark lines which at the current size makes the image title un-readable sometimes, which is why I think re-sizing them slightly bigger and having 4 images per row would be better. One more - I havent followed any Fallout3 comments so apologies if this has been mentioned - With chrome when downloading files (just tried Wrye Flash), and whether using the in-page pop-up or changing your preferences so that you can download in a new tab ... All mirrors fail with a 404 error.
Minor problem - SRWare Iron 13.0.800.0 (Chrome), go to manage your file, click upload new file button .... >> Google maps API ??? << Geo-location of the uploader? - I really hope not.
At the top where you have the big Premium button, to the right of it is just a big grey box (probably supposed to be a banner) Could the Advert box on the right, and the author/file info/other mods by this author boxes be moved up there? - I think this is what you mean by the quote above. Also those three image thumbs above a file description - We have an image tab, so those three image thumbs (which seem to be a random selection from the file images) imho just take up space at the top. Moving the ad box and the author/file info/other mods by this author boxes to the top will take a little more space vertically, which could be offset by the removal of those three image thumbs. Also to help with re-arranging those boxes on the right, could the ad box be say two thirds of its size now, or are you forced to a minimum size for that by the ad companies? Edit: Apologies if I have missed this subject somewhere - But have there been any security improvements with this professional site re-design?
@ everyone - Just realised something that works in most browsers (I think this is standard these days, its certainly working with SRWare Iron so should work just as well with other Chrome varieties) .. Hover your mouse anywhere in the web page, press and hold your Ctrl button, now either scroll your mouse wheel up/down or press + or - ... Banish those evil borders on wide screen :)
@ Dagon69 - Typically work computers which have internet access will have disabled a lot of functions at the administrator level to protect the companies machines/network from being exploited. The more sites become dependant upon scripting/plugins than just html the less you will be able to access from a works computer. Trying to change that setup may get you in the bosses bad books, especially if they monitor everything the employees do on work machines. If by your actions the companies security measures/policy is breached you might be saying goodbye to your career. They will certainly trace the source of the problem.
@ Damian622 - The files button at the top is a drop down menu :) New Today = Updates today New Recently = The one you are looking for.
Just for a change .. I have nothing to moan about :) Thanks Dark0ne, its good on the eyeballs, feels swift, a lot better layout, nothing seems to be amiss - Just need to train the mouse to not go where it is used to going.
Erm, theres a filter box now, did I just not notice that (senile moment) before or has it been implemented since the OP?. Anyway, it works well enough, de-select Images and Videos and click go :) Thank you for implementing it ... or apologies if I just didn't notice it and it was there all the time :huh:
Request - Could image uploads from users not bump the file into the Updates Today list. Even where image uploads from users are not yet authorised by the author, the file still gets bumped onto the Updates Today list .. and it hasnt been updated. As an example, take the current timestamp of this post and compare with http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39756 action log, the images listed there are not currently authorised by the author. But whether authorised or not is not the issue, I just find images bumping a files update status annoying. File updates and description / readme / changelog updates all good, but images, I can understand if the authors images are updated, but user uploaded images imho does not warrant a file update status. Thanks for listening, no biggie, just annoyingly long list of updates to check out frequently which is mostly unnecessary. No offense meant to any fans of mods, and the work that goes into producing those images with poses etc etc .. I just find the file update behaviour being bumped by user images as .. well spam. Imagine if all files "commented" on were also bumped in this manner - you would never find real updates. Personally, even for the Wrye Bash Guide which is all about images, if author uploaded images cannot be separated from this behaviour, I would not mind at all if images were excluded from bumping the files update status - If I upload a new file warranting new images they get uploaded at the same time. Images by the author which maybe explain installation problems are usually accompanied by the author making a comment to users saying check this image out. Any other thoughts? Edit: For anyone wondering what I'm talking about check this link Updates Today on a daily basis; obviously its going to be variable in size and actual updates but in my experience a huge amount of them are just user image uploads. Ammending this situation may also help the site be more efficient/less logging to manage? IDK if Oblivion is the most active of the TESNexus collection of sites, I do not frequent any others, but if they are more active in this regard no doubt users of the various Updates Today links will be experiencing the same. Final Edit: One further point, re-checking the same list on the same day - Users have already seen an update to their favourite mod because of images, later that day an actual update comes along ...missed by all because on a revisit you just think "skip, bogus update"
Yep thats been my experience with the maidenhead mirror too for a long time, infrequently its just not as reliable/consistent/fast as the others (which are geographically further away) so I generally go for those with whichever has the least users at the time. Edit: Unrelated to this site - But I have in the past also tried maidenhead for linux distros, its fine if using torrents where every byte of the files are guaranteed to arrive in perfect condition - But just a straight download of distros from there has been a guaranteed fail when you start installing the distro due to errors in the iso image. Another cd/dvd in the bin.
Well I think this topics a done thing unless admin have any further words, I dont think the other Wrye Bash team members are likely to nose in ... Could we have closure please :) Just a (clueless non site admin) suggestion - Those 'errors' (I know some of the reasons but ask people not to turn this into one of those conversations before it gets closed) are a regular occurrence unfortunately, for busy developers (even on dial up still in some cases, PacificMorrowind being the most relevant in this case) - Could their uploading traffic be prioritized in any way above visitors to the same page?, maybe lessening problems. Whether you do that already in any way I dont know so just throwing it out there.
I think your stuck. I know from my own Guide that as admin you can deny user uploaded images, only allowing your own. I have full access to one of Brittainy set of files, in that case she allows user uploaded images http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=8343975Untitled15.jpg Now though I can add more to User uploaded images I cant add to Brittainy's (should I ever have a need to do such a thing, which I dont, the only reason I have access is to easily update the bain instead of bouncing it to Brittainy and then she has to use a wedge of her internet access to upload it). In your case you have admin rights to another authors who has previously disallowed user uploaded images. So I think you are seeing your own user uploaded images but they will never be public because user uploaded was disallowed. Unfortunately in your case the author is never likely to show up again. So even switching on User uploaded images to be approved by other admins cant be done. I was going to answer my thoughts in the other thread but with the calibre of visitors their thought they may have made a comment along the way and maybe more accuracy on the subject.
Excellent news :)
Myk thats fine :) I suspect if the original problem is proving hard to resolve, it has caused quite a concern for site admin considering the special place in this communities heart Wrye Bash holds, and all that currently lost development information ... I'm sure they are studying this carefully. It concerns you a lot more than I anyway. I think the site maybe had a few more issues than just these two last night, I noticed after midnight the Updates Today link which usually closes the door for the next days updates to begin had flowed over into the next day again. Edit: Just noticed the update time stamp on our respective updates .. 2128 and 2131 ( I'll try to do better next time :) )