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Everything posted by Deleted133263User
@ Moderators/Admin - If it helps to solve why comments are still missing - I was uploading files and images for the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide circa the same time Wrye Bash 294 beta was being uploaded, and getting a lot of MySQL errors, forcing slow to respond refreshes to progress (even with just images)
Well nearly ;), comments is now endorsements and only 320 of them http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4677636Untitled12.jpg (see Sizoku's post) If you then go into discussion (2), theres only endorsements listed. I think Lojack was wanting to dive in there when he did the 294 beta update and answer a bit of the recent deluge of problems but no-can-do right now.
Theres a problem with the Wrye Bash page http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 Screenshot (in case it clears up before looked at) - http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=2017936Untitled11.jpg
TESNexus Oblivion - Updates today link shows currently about four days worth. EDIT by LHammonds: Already reported and documented here. >> CLOSED <<
Minor Problem with View change log being obscured by images http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4518474Untitled.jpg
Warning Invalid argument - On downloads
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
I dont think the warning messages yesterday would have made a difference to downloaders, but the reason for the warning messages I believe were changes Dark0ne was putting in place to solve problems as pointed out in my last post. I dont know the details of what was changed on site but it was certainly a welcome one in what it has enabled us to do again. The messages seem to have all gone today so the changes must be complete. Dark0ne will probably confirm somewhere, my powers of conjuration obviously went fizzle, need more training in that skill :). -
Warning Invalid argument - On downloads
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
Excellent - No really .. I just figured out what it is, for us Chrome variant users (maybe better for firefox too) the old behaviour of being able to right click a file to download, and select "Open in New Tab", so the download now appears in a new tab instead of those pop-up windows (one for every download). Now because of this change the download also comes via the Chrome download shelf ... and asks the user if it is safe to download - Save or Discard which did not happen in the pop-up download window we have had to use for a while (not a problem for zip files which do not spawn the security question) -- Just tried the previously problematic Wrye Python 04 (an exe) ... This change has also solved that problem. Casts "Summon Dark0ne" spell .. Thank you :) Edit: Just tried it with the BOSS 1.7 Installer exe too No problems. It seems like the previous download pop-up window in more recent versions of chrome, was surpressing the security question on such files (I had previously tried re-sizing the pop-up window so that all edges could be seen) so the download could not complete, which probably necessitated the need for a change on TESNexus downloads. Hmmm - Problem at my end eh? http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/377028-cant-download-files-from-nexus-sites/page__view__findpost__p__3249443 Well at least a helpful conclusion/solution was drawn for anyone having the same problem. -
REQUEST - Need help with tutorials converted to WIKI
Deleted133263User replied to LHammonds's topic in Site Support
For Omeletted - The wiki AlienSlof is gone - You have a link to SlofsHive, which has now changed to SlofsLair http://www.slofslair.co.uk/index.php -
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/tes/public_html/downloads/file/files.php on line 116 http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4856342Untitled2.jpg Anything to be concerned about?
Managed to grab Wrye Python 04, had to use Internet Explorer 9 - Shock horror - And ignore its warning about trying to download a previously unknown .exe. I think that is relevant because I had the same problem trying to grab BOSS 1.7 installer .. Maybe if they were uploaded as zips, not TESNexus problem but I can download .exe's from other sources (for instance CCleaner from the piriform link which is a favourite regular download for me), and all zips on TESNexus are fine, just when I try to download .exe's on TESNexus the new breed of browsers seem to be throwing a fit. Hope that helps towards un-ravelling the problem. I cant find anything else to look into. Maybe the new breed of browsers and the more twitchy they become on security is an emerging problem? Edit: I believe the solution to this problem has been implemented by the Dark0ne - See the following topic http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/396212-warning-invalid-argument-on-downloads/page__view__findpost__p__3263575
Yes mate, tried all of them when attempting BOSS 1.7 which would indicate problem my end, but its only with files on TESNexus we experience this. Tried also with my eldests laptop and the desktop, wifi and ethernet, checked router and cable modem settings, downstream power within providers safe working parameters, had a reset and reboot all machines starting with internet facing modem first, router, then individual machines with 30 second intervals between each piece of kit. Firewalls are SPI in the router, and windows 7, Vista and XP standard settings on the three machines. Using Microsoft Security Essentials on all three, no other conflicting anti-malware or resident problem causers which could muddy the waters (like SpyBots old Tea-Timer used to be for those not aware). It was only a couple of month ago my provider came out with engineers to solve a problem with our local cable box giving too much power, that was tweaked to perfection and a filter applied to the back of our modem just in case of fluctuations - Along with his advice of what to watch for in our modem settings pages should we experience any problems again (he hinted that other engineers enabling new customers could get the power wrong again and upset established customers), and in those instances call them out immediately with no fear of incurring any charges. The engineer was also quite happy with the setup of the router software (a reflash with latest stable DDWRT firmware had been done prior to the visit) Cant think of anything else to check. And you obviously have more people above experiencing the same with different browsers.
http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=6867193Untitled.jpg I can sit with it like that until the cows come home - No progress though.
Same, but not with all files for me. Using SRWare Iron I had this problem with trying to download BOSS 1.7 installer, the archive version downloaded fine but the first 6 or 7 attempts to grab the installer nearly completed ... but hung at just before download completion. Right now I have the same problem with Wrye Python 04 file, its been hung for about 10 minutes now circa 95% complete, which prompted me to search out if anyone else was getting un-usual behaviour without changing browser or any system or anti-malware or firewall settings recently.
Commercial before downloading
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted1120339User's topic in Site Support
Thank you :), its a lot better than managing multiple windows. :) Yep that works, thank you - http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=8173653Untitled.jpg I think this may also be a problem for Google chrome users in the not too distant future too, SRWare Iron is grabbed from the Chromium Dev builds, usually a bit more ahead of the updates to Google Chrome Stable and Beta channels. -
Commercial before downloading
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted1120339User's topic in Site Support
A New problem with downloads http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=4034412Untitled.jpg No matter how big I make the pop up window in SRWare Iron, there is no longer a scroll bar on the right to get down to selecting a server. I presume this would be the same whether using mvps hosts file to block bad url's or not, the space dominated at the top by a video having been shown would still push the server options off the bottom. (See this topic http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/302120-mvps-hosts-file-detrimental-or-advised/ for my reasons, should anyone wish to advise me not to block anything) On a laptop on windows 7, the window cannot be dragged any further up to get more vertical space. And the scroll bar now missing on the right of the window effectively disables your ability to select a server. Can we have these pop up windows go back to being able to open the download by right clicking on the file and choosing open in a new Tab again?, in a new tab I believe a scroll bar would show. -
File management by different members
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
Ahah! thats how you do it :thumbsup: Thanks Dark0ne, apologies for taking you away from bigger priorities. -
Once you add another user ID in the relevant box to enable that user to edit your file, is there anything else needs to be done, or should that user then get the edit file options?. Just wondering if it needs any further admin/moderator approval or is it just another by-product of the site anomolies and the recent changes (Been waiting a day, no change) I have been entered as an additional to edit http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37336#fileanchor, and have an update ready to go for the bain but no joy editing.
Useful tips and information
Deleted133263User replied to leetgamer's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
@ Leetgamer - Bit of self promo :) but could you add Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide in there somewhere? In fact the whole Wrye Bash, BOSS, Install order and Load order importance to modding Oblivion. Also applicable to OBMM so how you want to mix it up is your prerogative ... maybe a bit OTT for the target audience (who may never read it of course :D), but for completions sake. I occasionally have a look around nexus forum for something similar to Bethsoft Oblivion Mods FAQ, I think your topic comes closest. Edit: Also reference Archiveinvalidation, I occasionally see people with problems deriving from using BSA Alteration, which has long been accepted as a successful method - But a safer and just as effective method is BSA Redirection, which by default Wrye Bash and OBMM/OBMMex use. Edit: Might be worth mentioning the continued development of Scenttree's OBMMex too. -
MVPS Hosts File - Detrimental or Advised?
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
Yes, I think I have drawn the same conclusions as you evilneko, its a sad state of affairs and the problem lies I think with how ad vendors have become the hungry dog eat dog buccaneers of the world, how they operate, and how honourable they are (or rather aren't). Obfuscated methods of intruding on our digital lives are always going to be the same avenues less desireables will use. Bit of a 'rock and a hard place' problem really, money being the root of all evil. And I guesse anyone trying to answer the questions in the OP in any official capacity will be a bit un-comfortable really. At least we in the PC world have a minor reprieve recently, I understand the trend for malware is moving fast over to clueless mobile users installing shiny apps as fast as marketing can push them on their more capable but less secure communication devices, lots of ID content up for the taking. :pirate: -
MVPS Hosts File - Detrimental or Advised?
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
:biggrin: I like the Vilja quote -
Is using the MVPS Hosts File detrimental to the nexus sites revenue gain from Ads?. Or, on the other hand would the site recommend use of such protection measures. The guys that have been working on that list have been around for a long time and are very well respected. Its a proven good security layer for a lot of ills on the internet. It also does the same job AdBlockPlus does I think more effectively (unless the hosts file becomes compromised of course) because you do not need another plugin slowing down/complicating your browsers functions. Main point - They also have to be careful and mind their P's and Q's with regards to who they include in the hosts file. I believe not just to make sure they are not blocking the wrong people but also for legal reasons. See this section of the site for Criteria used when decisions for inclusion in the hosts file are made Whilst using this, I do not see ads on any nexus sites (even the new necessary video feeds before a download commences, I see a blank space and the countdown in the pop up window for each download) Further question to the topic title ... Are the Ads served via Nexus sites not as carefully scrutinised as MVPS list is (obviously if I am not seeing any of them here, the hosts file is blocking everything you have set up to gain revenue from free users), I realise you cannot ever be as expert in the same field as they are. Which leads me onto my final question - What percentage of people does the site consider acceptable to be potentially subject to the multitude of tricks associated with utilising ads connections (potentially with malware) and the resulting damage/loss of personal software/equipment/time, who are currently subject to all those connections currently deemed bad news by the MVPS team? I would like to support the site and its 'methods' and drop the hosts file, however the criteria which blocks the same as noted above seems pretty comprehensive, and well researched on a regular monthly basis to keep on top of shifting targets. And I visit far more sites than just nexus, so I consider not using it a very bad option, especially when we have advanced ransomware lurking out there just waiting for a mistake/window of opportunity to encrypt our hard drives rendering them useless - I cant afford to lose my machine.
Downloads have become really annoying
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
This is not a poke at your need for advertising btw, I trust the management of the sites, I just dont trust advertisers (bigger scallywags than pirates IMHO) and the multiple sources which you cannot possibly monitor (as has become evident quite recently with piggyback malware associated with advertising) -
Downloads have become really annoying
Deleted133263User replied to Deleted133263User's topic in Site Support
Also noticed recently when logging out from TESNexus this happens .... http://www.bild.me/bild.php?file=9340450Untitled.jpg Too much URL tracking? To go back to TESNexus after a log out, I need to run CCleaner first. -
With any fork of the Chrome browser, we used to be able to right click on a file to download and open it in another tab. First advantage was that downloads appear in the bottom of the main window alongside each other, and you did not need to open up downlaod history to view progress of multiple downloads (and thus you know when all downloads are complete and can close the connection) Second advantage is extensions, in new tabs, extensions are active in the sandboxed process of each tab - In pop-up windows they are not. So any protection extensions to chrome become I believe effectively disabled while downloading. For instance the new AdBlockPlus for Chromium, and Ghostery blocking Web Bugs (for instance such as eXtreME Tracker, Comscore Beacon, Google analytics and OpenX) Third advantage - You dont have multiple pop-up windows! Can we have this behaviour reverted please - Or is this yet another unfortunate side effect of advertising. I dont see any adverts in pop-ups (probably because of the mvps hosts file I use (unwise not to these days)), but I have seen that mentioned even for premium users - Being addressed at the moment. Current behaviour when you right click a file and choose open in new tab ... You just get a duplicate of the page you are looking at, instead of the old behaviour of commencing choosing download server, and the download commencing thereafter in the new tab.
Got it! - Auto-fill puts your user id in the confirm new email address box which you have to change :rolleyes: