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Everything posted by Mekii

  1. Do you happen to have any FNIS files lying around in your Skyrim data folder? 1.8 is known to conflict with FNIS and one and another mod. So, as I read about DoD: It's fully possible that DoD does break your attack animations and such due to the 1.8 patch. Mods that haven't been "adjusted" for 1.8 (animations mods in this case) may also, beside FNIS, cause this to happen. Solution is to check for an update for the mod, or remove/deactivate the mod. If it still acts up after you have deactivated ityou should delete the mod completely until a update/fix comes around.
  2. S.O.S the muppets took my mother!
  3. A whole bag of Ying Che, someone will have a mouth full later.
  4. Sunday, 7 a.m... what am I doing up now?
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Shadiva


      Lol like hell, Yes! where is Dr: Bombay, we often sing him at work ;D, Tiger took my family the tiger took my mother! haha cant be more "Ful-snyggt" then that haha
    3. Mekii


      I am a taxi driver in Calcutta

      I drive my little taxi in Calcutta

      Taxi, taxi, taxi, in Calcutta


      So lolz! The 90's = the age of partying.

    4. Shadiva


      haha Yeah it realy was :D
  5. I believe I have Halo 4 still lying around somewhere, I shall look for it. As for racing games my only racing game would be Forza 3.
  6. I wouldn't mind some Warhammer gear, some armors would even come in handy for me mod :woot:
  7. I am looking for new gaming mates to play with. My ordinaries simply just don't have time, the will, the energy, or have sold of their Xbox 360. The games I'm currently playing on my 360 is: Saints Row the third I got all DLC except the cheat pack. I often play on hardcore. I don't cheat nor do I want to play with cheaters or a-hats. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Armored Core V Due to low player base it's hard to find a fun team to play with Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce Fable III Got any of these, don't mind posting here or send me a PM. :D Edit: Live Tag; MekC0
  8. I want Candy *chugga chugga chugga* I want candy *chugga chugga chugga*

    Ridiculous mode - Activated

  9. Time to get to the store, then finish my two essay, hopefully I get some time to work on my mod today.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shadiva


      Aww like a cute Chobit, where i can buy one, i like totally need one =D
    3. Mekii


      Umm, umm, you could buy them from my mom, but she has stopped to produce them now >.<
    4. Shadiva
  10. Adda på du bara, är helt ok
  11. Are you using FNIS? If yes; if you haven't downloaded and installed the newest version of FNIS you should. If that doesn't solve it, try to completely delete FNIS (this may include mods depending on FNIS as well). Do you use any animation mods? If yes; just in case download any newer version of any animation mod you may have (if there is a newer version of the mods that is). It's more likely that FNIS is the cause due to patch 1.8, rather than an animation mod. Never hurts to be careful though. If you ain't a FNIS user, do check for any FNIS scripts/files in the Skyrim data folder, some mods may add FNIS scripts and such.
  12. FNIS is known to cause trouble since patch 1.8, unless there's a new FNIS update and/or a fix I'd say you should play without FNIS 'til it have gotten adjusted for 1.8.
  13. Now... where can I find some volunteering female voice actors... hmm, hmmm.
    1. Flintlockecole


      TES Alliance has a voice actors guild, might find someone there.
    2. Mekii


      Ah, thanks for the tip!
    3. Flintlockecole
  14. There's plenty of peoples having issues with their game and mods, no doubt. Due to patch 1.8 some mods requires updating (by downloading and installing the mods again - some mods might however have no update yet). Update your mods (at least any companion, housing, animation mods and such you may have), also post your mod list. Helps a lot when rooting the bugs out.
  15. Have you tried to verify the cache with steam? If files may be missing it might restore them. That is what I can come up with at this time.
  16. Have you tried removing the mods from the Data folder? Steamapps>common>Skyrim>Data
  17. Spending some time with my good ol' 360. Been a while since I played on it.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Shadiva


      haha hm what to make a good controller of, *Holds the DvD player* perhaps alittle big but Meh! ho cares, though i might need it for something, cant recall what it is atm... Perhaps this *Takes out alien artifact of DOOM* now this just might work :P
    3. Mekii


      You can mod the PS3 into a controller! Then you got easy access to both controller and power button... and ofc Changing games!
    4. Shadiva


      Yeah should totally be epic! but i still want al my X-mas light on it! perhaps try putting it al in the strange sidebar on the side of the console, i think there's something else that's supposed to get in there but cant be that importent can it? atleast i get an awsome console yay! *fap fap*
  18. It might actually be FNIS that may be the cause in this case, at least for the crossbow (and perhaps for the gargoyle issue too). As far as I know and seen in the forum and elsewhere, FNIS have caused various of animation bugs with the 1.8 patch. Not sure if they have made a FNIS-Fix yet, but removing FNIS completely have solved various of animations issues. So, yeah, try remove FNIS and see how it goes.
  19. Your mods will remain since they are lying within your Skyrim folder, NMM won't touch the Skyrim folder when it gets uninstalled.
  20. Enjoy your Friday too! Weeeheee! O(≧∇≦)O
  21. I have a lot of love for myself today so I am giving myself a comment! Woohoo!
  22. The battle animation I might say is something to consider. Though in the end I'd prefer battle animations similar to something like Shogun 2 or so. For armor, you could probably check out the Tera armor mods, they look similar to some armors in that video. In the end I don't find a lot to be in awe of, nor do I feel inspired, sorree. :confused:
  23. You know it have been snowing A LOT when... One can't get out of the house.
    1. Flintlockecole


      I wish it snowed where I'm at like that. I just get rain for five months and sun for seven.
    2. Mekii


      It can be nice with so much snow, though now I'm very late for work and that ain't so good. :/
  24. Now, why would anyone try to chop down a tree with a fish? :unsure:
  25. For the first one; I don't have a clue about the cause, nor a solution at this time. For the second: in the console type; player.placeatme <Base ID> # to spawn i.e an NPC (# equals to amount). I'm not aware of a Skyrim wide reset command so you'll have to do one by one. Using this list here is useful for spawning lost/dead npc. NPC Base IDs If some of the bodies may not have disappeared yet, click the body and type; Resurrect
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