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Everything posted by BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah

  1. Quick response, as heading out: Bones of an outfit become bones of the wearer (Same with weaponâs when equipped and showing) while being worn. They are the node names, so whatever your node is named in the nif is the node. Attach/connect Points donât play into placeatnode or AttachToNode at all.
  2. How about https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33793 ? Wasteland Wagons
  3. Weâve totally thought about it a few times, heh. ;) Someday, maybe, if we clear out some other stuff. For sure not at all stupid, though...perfectly fantastic thought. :)
  4. Yeah, GlitchFinder is correct, the background moves. As for your idea, Iâd think the closest youâd get (after you having made the pieces youâd want to be able to place, set them up to do so, and added them) would be kind of Automatron Bench type setup.
  5. Might as well also make an offering: :wink: Lemon Powered Fusion Core Recharger and Wireless Generator
  6. Not that anyone's paying attention or waiting on updates here, but I was kind of bored so thought to add to this since it's been a while: :smile: Driveables of the Commonwealth - APChttps://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36681 The SHCARCARST - Settlement Hover Cart - A Remote Control and Ridable Scrap Transport https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34016 Driveables of the Commonwealth - Jeep (updated and now standalone from the Trucks mod)https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36201 RoboChair - Mama's New Treads - plus Drivable Spare Chair and RoboHelmetshttps://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35618
  7. Youâre trying to make asmaller version of an npc and have the collision scale with the actor scale? If so, (along with your scale number changes) try using the keyword on the race or actor (needs to be on one of those, pretty sure the race, but can try it both ways) record instead of making skeleton edits. I think I recall the keyword being racetoscale...or something like that. Edit: Was this one (had to look it up to remember, hehe) - 'RaceToScale'.
  8. Iâve never seen this unless the gunner gets staggered or actively chooses to get up. That said, another option is to snap them back into their connection via/on an ondistance check or an isridding condition under some event or (long shot) if they actually do a getup/exitfurniture event...or whatever,
  9. Aside from Thirdstorms point, texture/mesh replaces (replacer = things without espâs that just go into a vanilla folder and are named the same as the vanilla ones) are notorious for crashing CK on Data load of the base ESMâs. Doesnât even have to be a bad texture or mesh, can just be âdifferentâ enough to freak out CK. (Iâm sure thereâs a better way for me to say that, but brain smoosh at the moment, hehe)
  10. Wouldnât really need Synth-Radstags, theyâre already everywhere...just need someone to grab, breed and tame them. <shrug> ...in fact, itâs a wonder why no one has done tamed Radstags yet...oh wait. ;)
  11. I do it that way because I have an enternal developement structure and an external, customer facing structure (it sounds fancier than it is, but it helps me keep track of whatâs what while allowing for the fancy names on the site). *shrug* I donât use Mod Organizer though, I use NMM...which handily lists them by their Nexus names which is very handy (though the mod order area still shows the filename only). Obviously that doesnât help you, just interesting to me, the differences.
  12. Oh, might try the same (a short wait) for those events then, or maybe (if what you want can support it) try a while loop while isinworkshopmode (or whatever it was)?
  13. Not much help here, but I can confirm 1 does work (along with lalaMoved()), we use them extensively on built actors, furniture, etc. so not sure what might be happening there. 3, even if you disable/delete the object in lalaDestroyed() (if you get the event to work for you at all eventually)? I can imagine a few workarounds, like noting something on the Workshop in build that the recipe looks for at build time for example, but that would be a wacky way to track it.
  14. In response to post #60319021. #60320551 is also a reply to the same post. You both have looked over the conversion rates, points to money, right? ...I feel like maybe not...
  15. What about this one? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14702
  16. Easy enough to find out if itâs those two (or either one) by uninstalling them, start a new game and check if persists.
  17. Wearable Dog Tags on Hot Files right now: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31062
  18. To be very clear, âshow upâ means you can try to place it but you canât *see* it OR it doesnât even âshow upâ in the menu to select and place at all?
  19. Nice to see consistent giveaway's and interactions similar too. I do miss the talky articles, but these are fun to keep things moving as a site. ;) (Not entering as there's a lot of people who can use it more than I and will greatly appreciate it, I'm sure, so good luck all :) )
  20. If theyâre in a BA2 (with their path correct inside the BA2) AND the user doesnât have the originals (or any other replacers) loose in their data folder, than this new BA2 will overwrite the textures as intended. :)
  21. COuld try upping it to Very Aggresive and Foolhardy, just to see if you haven't already tried. Might check the Stats tab if it's just to low to *want* to fight anything (regardless of the AI Data tab settings). And I don't remember exactly how necessary this is, but can try it:
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