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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Yes I've seen the video several times but my point is that isn't "really" fixed considering that you can only move around when they talk and you're still forced to stare at them while picking dialogue options.It's one of those things that seems awesome when they announce it but when you actually see it for yourself you learn it's not as great as you first thought it was, I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way.Also I'm still not quite clear as to how the magic works, there's supposedly to halves to each spell, one which is achieved by holding the button down and one which is achieved by tapping the button briefly.That part I understand, but if you look at the demo you can see him using the same fire spell to cast a flamethrower and also to charge up and cast a fireball.I don't see how that works, how can you charge up the fireball spell if holding the button down casts the flamethrower?
  2. What I just noticed with the conversation system, it still zooms in when you talk to the NPCs, I thought they said they fixed that?
  3. Be glad you can actually fix the flaws in the game though.Console users don't have that luxury, if they're is something about the game they don't like, they're stuck with it.And yet oddly, it seems to me that the console gamers complain a lot less about the flaws than PC gamers do.Why is that?You would think it would be the console gamers complaining considering that they can't change anything about the game.
  4. I personally would like to see combat without a god-like character so I can get some measure of the difficulty of the game.
  5. It's difficult to describe specifically, but it works with the dialogue lines that you use to converse with NPCs, it's similar to Bioware's RPGs like Neverwinter Nights or Dragon Age: Origins..
  6. There's no persuasion minigame, but we do know that speechcraft is a skill, so clearly there's some type of persuasion.I predict that it will be a similar to Fallout 3's persuasion system.But I could be wrong, who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.
  7. I think they mentioned something like that when they were talking about the NPC jobs and that some of them would work in the mines, but it was so long ago so I forget where I read it. Edit: Here it is, look under Radiant AI.
  8. Well obviously you couldn't take a horse in dungeons or in closed cities, and they could find a way to limit the character while on the horse, such as only being able to use one hand at a time and keep the other one on the reins or something like that.
  9. The guy was alright, made some pretty funny jokes and had clearly read up/played oblivion and morrowind. The girl clearly had no idea what was going on, but even so try to remember they're presenters not gaming experts. They have to do hundreds of interviews and can't be expected to be an expert on every game. Plus improvisational public speaking is incredibly difficult. I know what you mean though, I found the host of the part1 interview to be a jackass. :tongue: The balding blonde guy you mean?
  10. At least the world is hand-crafted this time around, and not created with generation tools.
  11. Not all cities are your basic generic medieval city, if you look at the screens of Markarth Side it looks more unique, I think that's because it's supposed to have been built by Dwemer...or something?
  12. They don't always follow the concept art as closely as they should, if you look at the concept art of the frost troll he looks much better there than in the official trailer.
  13. Fire breath is indeed a dragon shout, I believe the words for it are "Yol Toor".
  14. Wish I could watch it on TV, lame arse low-bandwidth satellite internet.I really loved that frost atronach that we saw in the video though, had some very nice animations and I hope I get to summon him.
  15. I think by dodge they mean stepping back or stepping to the side, and I don't think they have room left for a dodge button on the console controllers, and I can't imagine them adding it to the PC version if they can't do it on consoles.From what I saw in the video it didn't seem like there was a block feature for dual-wielding, it seemed to me that if you only tapped one hand than it would swing that weapon and holding down would perform a power attack but if you pressed both buttons at the same time it would attack with both hands.
  16. It's not in English though, it's all in Draconic.And he's shouting " Fus-Ro-Dah! ".
  17. Not to sound rude, but that comment is completely pointless since it is impossible to test that theory.
  18. I disagree with jancina, I remember playing through the game as a level 40+ Breton mage with the difficulty turned all the way up.This was without any mods or cheats, unless you consider the paralyze staff cheating.The only thing I really had to fear were mountains lions who could easily tear apart my weak Breton body.
  19. I'm really not that impressed with the horses, I mean they have shiny new animations and whatnot, but I don't see any real improvements as far as gameplay goes.I'm also glad that they decided not to have the green and red arrows instead of the stats displaying, we're not so slow that we can't figure out that one weapon with a damage of 20 is better than one with a damage of 10.
  20. I didn't see a Horker, all I saw was Horker meat.Just because the meat is in the game, doesn't meant the Horker is.It could just be something you buy from a shop, so until I see an in-game horker I'm not convinced.
  21. Actually I think the clouds are there to hide areas you haven't explored yet, but yeah it looks awesome.The favorites menu wasn't as clunky and immersion breaking as I thought it would be but I still would prefer hotkeys.
  22. Camp outside the mall instead then, and can't you order it online or something?I never buy games in real-life because I have Sociophobia, so I just order mine from Amazon.I think Amazon ships outside the U.S. doesn't it?
  23. That second picture is a low-quality scan, so I don't think it should count.The cleaned-up version should be hanging somewhere around the net.
  24. I agree with Zaldiir, it's supposed to be a more gradual change from undetected to alert and then detected, that sounds better, not worse.Also, did anyone notice that although the character was level 33, the bandits still had bandit-esque armor like fur and leather and whatnot?I really hope those enemies are ones that are properly scaled to level 33, and not just changed for the demo to match his level or however that's supposed to work.
  25. I agree with Nakia, I always play pure mages in TES games and I can tell you it's very easy to survive as a pure mage, especially one you raise your skills up some.The problem is, you can't just keep casting fireballs and healing spells, you have to use debuff spells and summons to keep the enemy distracted while you deal damage to them.Trust me, it was much easier to go through the game as a pure magic character than a pure stealth character.I have noticed however that it gets easier and easier to be a mage with each TES game.It was pretty difficult in Morrowind, and nearly impossible in Arena and Daggerfall.Oblivion however, was easier all-around than Morrowind, thanks to it's incredibly lame level-scaling which prevented you from finding enemies that were way above your level.I'm hoping Skyrim is more difficult than Oblivion.
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