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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. How do you plug a PC into a TV?I tried that before, it didn't work out too well. I will be playing Skyrim on the 360, but only because my desktop is toast after a lightning storm spawned by a hurricane fried it, another reason not live in Florida.
  2. "Going in on release day and attempt to get a copy" Attempt?Attempt my foot, I either get Skyrim or I'm not going home.Good thing Wal-Mart doesn't close, right?And they've even got beds in the furniture department. :biggrin:
  3. I have no idea why there's no dynamic rain if there's dynamic snow, but that's what they said.They didn't specifically say there wasn't any dynamic rain, but whenever they walked about how "dynamic" their weather system was, they would only talk about snow, how it would fall on objects and accumulate realistically....dynamic.
  4. I meant dynamic in the sense that they said dynamic rain, I think. Yet it was raining under a roof! They said dynamic snow, not dynamic rain.
  5. Wow this topic is old, this was before I knew that Falmer were in the game.
  6. "The worst animation in the industry"?Quite obviously never played Two Worlds 2.
  7. Okay so I couldn't stick to playing Oblivion without mods.I tried, but it's just....too hard.I lasted what, two days?Lame.Plus the temptation of Skyrim info is too strong to resist. :sad:
  8. Yeah that's what I was planning on doing, replaying vanilla Oblivion so it's fresh in my mind when I start playing in Skyrim.Let's face it, you can't compare it to a modded version, mods allow for way too much customization, you can basically make it so the game caters to your every whim.But I'm going to play Oblivion in it's glory, flaws and all.Not like I can play a modded version anyways since my desktop is toast and all I have is an old, crappy laptop.
  9. Tomorrow when it hits the 30 day mark I'm going to completely cut myself off from any new Skyrim info, I've already seen enough to know I'm going to buy the game, I don't need any more spoilers.So if you don't see me around you'll know why.
  10. You know what else this leak shows?Keys have their own menu, which they didn't in the older builds. :biggrin:
  11. My first thought was much worse, I thought about torching the kid for taking my crap.
  12. Wait a minute did anyone see the ingredient listed on the very last picture?Elves ear?I know Nords don't like elves but geeze, that's a little over the top. I also noticed that you tap RB to use racial powers and hold RB to use dragon shouts, interesting.
  13. I want to know if wearing robes or not wearing armor really does increase your magicka regen like OXM said, this is important because I plan on playing as a pure mage on my first playthrough.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/zIelsh.jpg Weird, there are two different buttons for opening the favorites menu, are there two different favorites menu or does one start at the top while one starts at the bottom?
  15. Perhaps it means you rotate the camera around your character in third person view with the right stick when your weapon is sheathed. It's just the vanity camera, notice how the -R- it says uses the rotate looks different from the R with the arrow over it.The -R- probably stands for R3, holding in the analog stick. Edit: Nevermind, it's the other way around, the one with the arrow is for R3 and the other one is the analog stick movement in general.
  16. *Screams like a little girl that was just given a pony* :woot:
  17. Already been posted before, sorry. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/441983-oxm-uk-november-2011/
  18. "From what we're seeing I'm thinking on the surface Bethesda is accommodating for newbies and making stuff accessible and easy, but underlying there's a lot of stuff for the more hardcore RPing and immersion wanting community." That's what I was relating Pokemon to. Skyrim will be accommodating for newbies (or in Pokemon's case, accommodating for kids) but at the same time, there will be a lot of hardcore stats to go into the game for more hardcore players (just like Pokemon). Although this thread's title is certainly about immersion, the author's first comment is definitely not. There aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe just how incorrect that statement was.Pokemon is hardcore now?Clearly you've never played a hardcore game before.
  19. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/16/mapofskyrimbintoenglish.jpg/ Probably minor towns, one has "Riverwood" next to it.
  20. Nope, I'll just pull a vulcan mind meld on someone and use them to play Skyrim. Edit: After looking up "Vulcan Mind Meld" on wiki, that's apparently not how mind melds work, damn.
  21. That was probably a summoned saber-tooth tiger: http://i.imgur.com/x0ExF.jpg Why would a necromancer summon a sabre-tooth tiger?They're not druids.
  22. I've been playing TES for too long, it's hard for me to play any other game unless it's also an open-world RPG, which is a very slim market.
  23. Don't forget the fact that most games that have multiplayer are better played that way than with singelplayer.And people living in rural areas don't typically have a decent enough internet connection to play online.
  24. I am sorry to say this, but dragons dont have their own realm, its an Akaviri race (there are 4) from the continent Akavir. they werent seen on tamriel for ages. But i think that Alduin (its an nordic variant of Akatosh) has come back to start an new world, as it did before. And he came back in the physical form of an dragon, so yeah we could see the realm of Akatosh maybe.. (hopefully!) Actually, Peryite is often depicted as a dragon, and I believe he takes the shape of one when dealing with mortals. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Peryite
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