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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Actually, from what I've seen and heard, Skyrim isn't using the same system that they had in Oblivion/Fallout 3. If anything, it will probably be more similar to New Vegas's music system, other wise, you would hear conflicting music parts during areas such as what is presumed to be the Dark Brotherhood door, where the music transitions from whatever ambient music was playing to darker, heavier music. Another example is near the word wall. Haven't played New Vegas, how does the music system work in that game?
  2. Okay nevermind that is an explore track, damn, I was hoping that minor towns use the town folder this time.I need to wait until I watch all the videos before I start discussing it, I think.
  3. Probably the sneak and lock-picking skills, though, they're rather useless to NPC's, aren't they? Though it would be cool if they did use sneaking and lock-picking, like you'd walk into someone's house and find a thief trying to rob them while they're away. Is it just me or does it seem that Riverwood uses a town track instead of an explore track?Or maybe that's an explore track, though it doesn't strike me as one.
  4. That thief is misguided in using a bow, he must not have heard that archery was moved to the warrior skills. :laugh: Also I wonder what the difference is between thieves and bandits?Maybe thieves have better armor or something.It seems like he's wearing some sort of dark leather, don't know what it could be though.
  5. 4 minutes now, I don't why I'm sitting here waiting considering I can't watch it because my bandwidth is capped, I freaking hate satellite internet.Hopefully someone will post something if there's new info though. Edit: Come to think of it, 10 am is probably an estimate.
  6. Pete says the video will be out 10 am EST today, which I think is in like, 10 minutes. http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/113240094084841472
  7. And you know this how? As far as I know, they haven't released the new encumbrance formulas for Skyrim yet. This makes the (huge) assumption that magic will not only be extremely powerful compared to melee/bows and will need something to balance it out, BUT that the best option to do this will be to not allow them to cast spells as efficiently while wearing armor. That may be true, but it's very irresponsible to assume such a thing before the game is even out. See how magic and armor actually interact in Skyrim before you complain about any changes to the formula that frankly haven't even been confirmed yet. We know next to nothing about how the new magic system works in general: It's no surprise we don't know specific details like how spellcasting in armor works. Todd said that they wanted magic to be and feel more powerful than it did in Oblivion and a lot of previewers and people that played Skyrim at PAX said that using magic was stronger than using a melee weapon and more accessible than archery since arrows are rarer and more expensive in Skyrim than in Oblivion.It's not assumption, it's an observation based on info that I've been given.And you don't seriously think that they are going to make light armor slow you down as much as heavy armor right?They already said in the Skyrim fan interview that they balance out the defense of heavy armor by slowing the player down whilst it's equipped and draining stamina faster while sprinting compared to light armor.You also seemed to have completely avoided what I think was the most important part of my statement. We can see in the Quakecon leak that there is enchantments on robes, they gave you a reduction in the magicka cost of conjuration spells.However, there is another preview in which the person found a piece of iron armor which gave a 12% reduction to the magicka cost of Illusion spells.I also saw a leak of a character playing Skyrim at PAX in which the person playing found a Minor Robes of Alteration which reduced the magicka cost of alteration spells in a chest in a dungeon.So, if armor can have the same enchantments that robes do, why enchant the robes if there's no gameplay benefit for using robes?It leads me to believe that there is some sort of mechanic in place which encourages a magic-using character to either forgo armor or use robes.I don't know what that mechanic is or what it could possibly be, but I do know it makes no sense to me whatsoever for it not to be there.
  8. That always came to me as more of an animation so you could more easily see that a spell is being casted for gameplay reasons: In lore, so far as I know, spellcasting is purely mental/verbal. There are books talking about uttering charms and incantations to cast spells but none detailing complex hand or body poses that need to be made. And there is a benefit: Clothes don't provide any DR but don't reduce your speed. A worthwhile benefit? Maybe not, but it's there. I don't see any reason to arbitrarily punish spellcasting in armor except to encourage players to fit to the cliche. Except light armor provides damage reduction AND it doesn't reduce your speed, not enough to where it's noticeable at any rate.So you really haven't given any reason as to why robes are in the game if there's no gameplay benefit for not wearing armor.Not to mention it's overpowered to allow mages wear full-body armor without limiting their spell-casting ability in some way or another, because perfect offense and great defensive ability at the same time seems pretty unbalanced, and even if your armor rating isn't as good as somone who has put perks into the heavy armor tree, there's still no reason not to wear it.It's like allowing people to stealth perfectly in heavy armor, it's unbalanced.Why have robes if there is no gameplay reason for wearing them or for not wearing armor?Why put them on the mages in the game?
  9. The TES magic system doesn't have somatic components?You're aware that the word somatic means "of the body" right?In this case it refers to use of the body, and you do have to move your arms and body to cast spells, which is why armor limits it's ability.Also, with no encouragement not to wear armor, the robes are essentially useless, utterly and completely useless, they have no gameplay purpose without an advantage for not wearing armor or wearing robes.Not to mention it would be ridiculous for wizards to be wearing leather or metal armor, especially in a traditional fantasy setting which doesn't try to stray away from the cliche "Robed Wizard".
  10. Don't, we may be a larger nation but our economy sucks.
  11. Wow, took me a lot longer to convince the people on the Bethsoft forums, I argued with them for days.Anywho, if they're going to add in some sort of spell-casting penalty while wearing armor, I think it should affect the rate at which your magicka regens, since there's no Willpower attribute in Skyrim.I haven't seen anything that suggests there's some sort of armor...magic..penalty thing.Which is depressing, because I know if it's not in or something similar, then every time I see a piece of armor in the game I'll feel like my robe-wearing mage is being cheated.In fact my hype has been quite low for Skyrim recently, if they announce something cool in the X-play preview that airs in a few hours.
  12. Well, you are faster when you don't have any armor on. Besides that, robes are just for decoration. As always. "As always"?In Oblivion wearing armor you weren't skilled in would reduce your spell effectiveness by quite a bit.It might not have been a huge penalty, but it was enough to encourage pure mages not to wear armor.And movement speed isn't going to affect a mage who can cast paralyze spells, use frost to slow enemies down, and summon monsters to distract the enemy.Magic is stronger this time around as well, according to the people who played Skyrim at PAX, so if you could cast magic with full effectiveness and wear heavy armor, it would be overpowered.
  13. So does anyone know what mechanic they use for encouraging mages to forgo the use of armor?I still haven't seen anything like a "Spell Effectiveness" system, and I'm getting a little worried that robes are just in for decoration.
  14. get a new hard drive they be cheeeep Even if I did get a new hard-drive my PC wasn't that great to begin with, I got 15-20 fps with Oblivion, and Skyrim will probably be worse on my PC, I can just barely afford Skyrim with the way the economy is in the U.S. right now.
  15. I somehow managed to fry my hard-drive and I can't afford a new PC, so 360 for me.
  16. It seems as though the factions are more prominent throughout the world as well, compared to Oblivion anyways.A preview mentioned a unit of Imperial soldiers transporting a Stormcloak rebel to an unrevealed location, and a branch of the Companions fighting a giant.Hopefully these are random encounters that occur dynamically and not just scripted events that occur everytime you enter the vicinity for the first time.
  17. It was a live radio broadcast where Pete answered questions, mostly with a no.The purpose of cooking food is for healing, raw food doesn't heal as much as cooked food.
  18. Some (vague) info about speechcraft and highwaymen on the Bethsoft forums. http://i53.tinypic.com/11uw21v.png Also here (Bootysweat's reply). http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1228231-speech-craft/page__st__20
  19. It's Alduin, most likely.But there should be another antagonist as well, preferrably more developed than Mankar Camoran was.
  20. Magnetize is basically an auto-lock, that it draws your attack towards your opponent. I was thinking along the lines of a requirement to hold down an extra button to kill a non-hostile, like an innkeeper, or guard. If the button isn't held down you can't accidentally go hostile. Obviously if the game had a function like this, you'd want to be able to switch it off. An extra button wouldn't work well on consoles, though.What would work is a setting to turn on and off friendly fire in the options menu similar to some first-person shooters.
  21. The Companions, someone else described the same scenario in another preview, although I think it was a special branch of the Companions, the Shield-Bearers or something?
  22. Why not just show the icon of the location instead?The quest markers are mostly there to show quest objectives in dungeons or to help you find Radiant NPCs, it's not useful for showing locations, that's what POI icons are for.
  23. I'm pretty sure the immortal children would still report you.
  24. Not as a region it wasn't, it was part of the incredibly boring, recycled Oblivion gates.What they're talking about is a volcanic tundra, probably complete with a volcano.
  25. Someone posted this in the Bethsoft forums. http://www.gamertagradio.com/new/2011/09/pax11-thoughts-on-the-elder-scrolls-skyrim/ What's the most interesting part of this article?This. :dance:
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