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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Unless the Falmer are NPCs, I doubt it.There's nothing to suggest that you can loot and wear their armor, unlike Oblivion's goblins.
  2. Thankfully, we can leave discovering things to our own insight now, ask around, and really do some detecitve work instead of following a big old red marker to our destination. Although when it comes to disabling the compass, it shouldn't be too hard to make a mod that lets you toggle it. Well it's black and white anyways, saw it on the quakecon leak.I remember also seeing somewhere that you don't toggle the quest markers through a setting, don't know how that makes any sense, though.I can't remember where I heard/saw that.
  3. Pete Hines said on Twitter that you can turn off quest markers, but not the compass.Ah, well, one is better than none.
  4. Also in the Rock, Paper Shotgun article it said that Necromancers would reanimate each other if one died, which is awesome.
  5. Found another article which mentions Falmer in the game!I think they're just rieklings though. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/09/01/skyrim-preview/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rockpapershotgun%2Fsteam+%28Rock%2C+Paper%2C+Shotgun%3A+Steam+RSS%29 @IvOOO It's probably the bosmer that can temporarily control animals, since they had that power in Oblivion.
  6. A new article, talking about encumbrance, you can carry a lot more in Skyrim than you could in Oblivion. It also talked about difficulty levels, which I thought was about the difficulty slider, but apparently was the same rehashed info about level-scaling that we already knew. :wallbash: And also about who you can murder. http://kotaku.com/5835394/
  7. This is dangerously going off topic and into a philosophical discussion, so I'll end it right here. So... anyone know how to send someone in particular a message on Twitter? I wanna see if I can get Pete Hines to answer the spouse/multiple houses issue... I took care of it myself, hope that's okay. I THINK if you go to their profile you can tweet to them, but I'm not familiar with twitter, so someone who knows more can feel free to correct me. Lol, I think that as long as no one tries to impede on someone else's opinion, then it should be fine to talk about. In my opinion, if it at least has the sentience of a mudcrab and is organic, detect life should work. I used that spell all the time with my assassins, rogues, and mages. I just hope that it doesn't obscure your view of your opponent like it did previously. Supreme Magicka has a nice membrane shader for that. *snip* It does obscure the view, but it's an active spell that you hold down to use that drains your magicka, it's not a passive buff like in Oblivion.
  8. Found an article which talks a little bit about crafting, like how leather is made and whatnot, not really any big new info though. http://pc.ign.com/articles/119/1191758p1.html
  9. Well, why shouldn't it detect machines and undead? What is it that daedra and living beings have that undead and constructs don't? *snip* Well dwemer robots aren't technically alive.As for the undead, that's a very complicated and long argument that I don't want to get into.Things like "They're called the living dead so detect life should detect them" or "Detect life couldn't detect because they're technically dead" and other various things that could lead to an endless argument. There's still the local map, they say there dungeons are more complex than Oblivion's but I think they're probably exaggerating a bit.
  10. In Oblivion, Detect Life showed any creature, including skeletons, ghosts, and daedra too. I remember this well, I spent a lot of time trying to find some bosses in dungeons that were too complex. I seriously hope that in Skyrim that isn't necessary, with that spell "Clairvoyance" (don't know how it's spelled) showing the way through the dungeons. How would it be necessary, it's not like a message is going to pop-up saying "You must use Clairvoyance to continue". Mysticism is out in Skyrim by the way.
  11. I can understand not detecting undead or dwemer machines, but daedra?I'm pretty sure they're alive, I guess it has something to do with their demonic power.In Oblivion Illusion spells like command creature and fear wouldn't work against them.
  12. Nooooo!I can only hear Todd's voice so many times before trying to overcome the urge to assault him with a *insert comical weapon here*.
  13. Probably the same thing as the spell that was on Mannimarco's Staff in Oblivion.Personally having a purplish glowing body fight for me isn't all that interesting, I want undead warriors and zombies with rotting flesh and rusted equipment, not just a glowing bandit.Hopefully, there's also more than just raising the dead too, disease spells and unholy curses would be nice as well.
  14. And you know of this for certain? Of course not, none of us do...all we have to go on are interviews and previews. Alcrin is saying that it's been mentioned in some interviews that enchanting altars are scattered about the world, much like forges and alchemy stations. I could have swore he confirmed it in the Bulletproof radio interview. I could be wrong! Looking for it now. Now that you mention it, I think that one did detail that there was a certain place you could always find altars...temples, maybe? Unless they have a friendly neighborhood mage in every town that just happens to have an enchanting altar in his bedroom.
  15. I don't think they've added in the variable for skills and magicka costs yet.The healing spell heals for 10 health per sec for 10 magicka per sec, saw it in a clip of someone playing at PAX Prime.
  16. Which is why I wouldn't work.What would they do, put a label on the game that says you have to have a 120 gig hard-drive in order to play?So many people would be pissed.
  17. Undead Zerg Rush? Well one or two certainly isn't fun, though there shouldn't be as many as in TW2 or Diablo 2, they'd have to be nerfed if there were too many fighting for you..
  18. I hope for at least an undead companion, that plus two undead summons equals three undead, and three is a crowd.
  19. No necromancer faction, unfortunately.We do know that there is a perk that can increase the summon limit to two monsters at a time, so far that's it.
  20. Funny thing is that guy died from that Apprentice Necromancer. With that Flame spell. That is sad. I'm sure if he had a healing spell he would have used it. He did have a healing spell, he just didn't know there was a skeleton with a large ax behind him.Too me, the difficulty seems about right, enemies don't have a lot of health but they seem to do a lot of damage, which is how it should be in order to avoid attrition battles.If the level-scaling is done correctly this time there might actually be a point in pumping up the difficulty slider.
  21. It would be so funny if burning the wolves ruined the furs lol. I like how the magic is now constant effect while you hold the button/have magicka. I don't think it is for all spells. I heard there were both fireball projectiles and flame thrower type fire spells. The necromancer in the other vid throws ice shards.... So, both? Yep, both.Saw it in the quakecon leak, the Flames (Flamethrower) spell is a novice spell, and probably the one you get at the start of the game.The Fireball spell is an Adept (Journeyman) spell, and altogether different than the flamethrower spell.There's also the Fire storm spell which I saw in the menu in the quakecon leak which I'm guessing is the spell that the mage used to kill the draugr in the official gameplay trailer, and it's a master spell.
  22. Stop walking in front of the camera it's impolite. But seriously it looks like to even see your skills you WILL have to level up from that video. I don't think so, I think it's just he was ready for a level-up but for some reason decided to ignore it, in other videos that just says "skills".So it appears that you can indeed prevent yourself from leveling, unlike Fallout 3. Oh yeah, I might be wrong, but from what I've seen they weren't ready to level up or have already. The only ones that needed to level up was with the Level Up at Skills. Unless you can just click on it and decline it. Well you pick a perk when you level-up, and to do that you have to browse through the skills, I'm guessing that while doing that you can also exit the menu since they did say that you don't have to spend your perk points if you don't want too.I don't know about the main stats though (Health, Magicka, Stamina).
  23. Stop walking in front of the camera it's impolite. But seriously it looks like to even see your skills you WILL have to level up from that video. I don't think so, I think it's just he was ready for a level-up but for some reason decided to ignore it, in other videos that just says "skills".So it appears that you can indeed prevent yourself from leveling, unlike Fallout 3.
  24. Yeah, had to load the HD version to see it though, on 360p I couldn't read it.I think he's using the new shield spell, too.
  25. Found this one too (uploaded by the same user), is that a necromancer or a vampire? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwCojY23dNM
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