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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Thank you for posting this, it was quite informative! I don't like it how they said that the combat and world feels like Oblivion with snow, but I guess that comes down to opinions. I love the detail the guy put into describing the cave, how it was a underground river with trees and wolves, and he said it was beautiful. I believe that :happy: I'm sure Skyrim will have it's own feel, not like Oblivion with snow. People thought that New Vegas will feel like FO3 in a desert, but it didn't. It was quite unique. No problem :) and yeah I agree with the cave part that was AMAZING !!! haha I can't wait to experience it! Did I hear correctly or did he say all the cities fell the "samey"? Yeah, I heard the same thing I was like wtf?!? how the hell can all of the cities feel the same? I don't know what he's talking about, the only thing I can think of is that maybe the weather when he was travelling was the same!?!? but yeah Im kind of confused about that :confused: Or he's an idiot.Or the carriage system didn't take him to any/most of the major cities.We've seen at least three cities, Markarth, Whiterun, and Solitude, not in that particular order.None of those cities even look remotely similar.
  2. Thank you for posting this, it was quite informative! I don't like it how they said that the combat and world feels like Oblivion with snow, but I guess that comes down to opinions. I love the detail the guy put into describing the cave, how it was a underground river with trees and wolves, and he said it was beautiful. I believe that :happy: I'm sure Skyrim will have it's own feel, not like Oblivion with snow. People thought that New Vegas will feel like FO3 in a desert, but it didn't. It was quite unique. No problem :) and yeah I agree with the cave part that was AMAZING !!! haha I can't wait to experience it! Did I hear correctly or did he say all the cities fell the "samey"?
  3. Erm....what?I don't think I have a proper reaction for that.
  4. I was thinking voices for Young, Old, Middle-Aged, and then a few extra for the children.For each race and gender, of course.
  5. I hope he is voicing only Argonians. It annoyed me how two races had the same voice in Oblivion. I think he should the voice the Khajiits, the Argonians need to sound more Ssslithery.
  6. Wait, so you can't have blood and gore in video games or movies in Germany?At all, or just with some of them?
  7. This is weird, I was looking for previews of the PAX demo to see if it's different, and I stumbled across a preview where the journalist said that he encountered a dragon.I thought the dragons were turned off for the hands-on demo? http://www.oxmonline.com/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-pax-preview
  8. The audio and video quality on the leak was awful, also I don't know about you guys but the one I got had like 8 minutes cut out because the video froze up and then the whole audio was unsynced after that.
  9. Pete said on Twitter that the estimate for the video release is sometime next week. :(
  10. Yes, but it's for balance reasons, dual-wielding probably does a lot of damage, maybe more than 2-handed weapons when the attacks are combined.
  11. Huh? So you can't cast with both hands at once right from the start? So you can block with a torch but not with a one-handed sword? That makes sense. :/ I think you can't bash though.
  12. Well that exact link hasn't been posted, but the info was already known by most on this forum. Edit: Alcrin's a :ninja:
  13. Mr. Pete Hines says: :armscrossed: "You use the A button to grab and move things." And a preview of the PAX playable demo said that LB sprints and I'm guessing R3 changes the perspective of the camera, probably means that the spacebar also moves things on the PC, though I wonder what the sprint key is?
  14. Pete Hines just said on twitter that since bows are technically two-handed weapons you can actually block and bash with them.I think he's just made my entire argument invalid. :facepalm:
  15. Maybe, that does make some more sense.I think though, the biggest reason they added Archery to the warrior tree is because they removed hand-to-hand and needed a sixth warrior skill.But I just know that everytime I look at the Archery skill, I'm going to give it an angry glare for being in the wrong spot. :mad:
  16. You're forgetting stealth, a sneak attack would do more damage.Since arrows are more expensive and rarer it's only natural to try to get more bang for your buck.
  17. Okay, then tell me how Archery is more effective for a warrior than a stealth character.Need I quote your OP? And don't forget the fact that arrows are now more expensive and more rare, meaning you should get the most damage you can out of a single arrow before you lose it.How would you do that as a warrior?
  18. So what happens if a player wants to be pure stealth?There just not supposed to play the game or not fight at all?It's like moving Destruction and Conjuration to the stealth skills, it just doesn't make sense because the skills don't fit with the play-style.
  19. Yes, exactly.It's why it irritates me, it's like they sit around the office thinking how they can piss of stealth fans. "I know, why don't we give major buffs to archery and then move it to the warrior tree.Ha!"
  20. No it's not, watch the Quakecon leak.Each class has six skills.Warrior has Smithing, Heavy Armor, Block, One-handed, Two-Handed, and Archery.Thief has Security, Sneak, Pick-Pocket, Alchemy, Light Armor, and Speech. @ jedimembrain That's just the thing though, if you choose the thief stone you won't be able to level-up Archery as fast as your other skills.If you choose the Warrior stone and try to level stealth, archery is the only skill that will increase fast.If you play as a Warrior, you probably won't even need Archery because stealth isn't effective in heavy armor and arrows are much more expensive in Skyrim, and since you don't have to maintain weapons and armor anymore it will seem cost-ineffective to try to keep enough arrows in the quiver when using a sword would be much easier.
  21. I was thinking about that...the Stealth category has no offensive skills. Anyone wanting to do a white bread Thief build would have to pick a Warrior skill if they wanted to do any fighting. Or, I guess they could try the Fallout/Deus Ex approach and beat the whole game with speech checks! ...That would end badly in Skyrim. "Hello there, mister or missus giant spider. I have compiled a list of compelling arguments for you to not eat me. Argument the firs-OH GOD MY LEGS I NEED THOSE LOLed at that. I don't care how it's listed, though.To me, Archery is a stealth skill.Warrior has five skills and stealth has seven.Yep, that's how it is, Uh-huh.I'll just keep telling myself this and maybe I'll feel better....maybe. :(
  22. No blocking with one-handed weapons or bows?Seems kind of a weird, but I guess it makes sense, it's not like I ever tried to block with the bow or a one-handed weapon in Oblivion.It's weird though that they list Archery with the warrior skills and then make it useless for warriors.
  23. The rebels are Nordic rebels who want to secede from Imperial rule.
  24. The rebels are called Stormcloaks I believe, and I guess that depends on what their goals are.If they're just trying to become a free country, then I see nothing wrong with that.However, if they're trying to overthrow Imperial rule simply so they can rule it themselves then I don't want a whole lot to do with them.
  25. Seems about right, they have the spider helms and everything.They look like a combo of Bloodmoon's rieklings and Oblivion's goblins to me.
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