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Everything posted by Corakus

  1. Multiplayer isn't really an advantage if the game is designed for multiplayer and you don't have a good internet connection, which I don't.
  2. If Whiterun looks like Edoras maybe Windhelm looks like Minas Tirith, here's hoping anyways.
  3. They do increase the graphics when they go through the optimization process, which usually happens late in development after they've stopped adding content.Besides, that screen doesn't even look that much better than the footage we've seen on the 360, if that is the PC version, they've been overhyping it, because those textures aren't even that high.
  4. Was it really necessary to post the exact same post in two topics?Besides, that doesn't really prove that it's from the PC, both of those reasons could be explained through a newer build than past screenshots.
  5. You can't kill them but you can morbidly scar them for life and force them out of their home?....But killing them is wrong? :psyduck:
  6. The AI detection was toned down for that specific demo, confirmed by people who played the game at Eurogamer.One guy even played through his demo using nothing but stealth and was discovered several times.
  7. Oooh, so those robes are actually brown, in the original scan they looked kind of blue, which made me think Beth was just retexing robes over and over again like in Oblivion.
  8. I'm buying Skyrim from Wal-Mart the day it's released, they never close and there's like a million of them in Florida, you could probably find one in the middle of the woods somewhere.
  9. So, leveling up automatically heals you and you can level-up anytime you want?Seems somewhat overpowered, I think I'll choose not to level-up in mid-combat. Edit: Did anyone else notice this?If you look at the screen where the mage is torching the sabre-tooth tiger, to the left of the tiger there appears to be a horker watching, at least I think it's a horker.
  10. I've been gone for 2 weeks, what did I miss?Already saw the achievements, but what else?
  11. No, there are ships, because there are port towns, like Solitude.They just don't sail, they stay in one spot.
  12. From what I saw in a leaked video of a PAX demo, you can still move the camera around even when the dialog options are still up, you just can't move around.Wonder how that'll work on PC.I'm going to go find that video. Edit:Here it is, it's set to unlisted so Beth can't remove it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9iM10qmgl4 And I found it in this post. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/429747-pax-skyrim-videos/
  13. Probably just not a meter, I doubt all races can suddenly breathe under water :P Some scans I found on elderscrolls.net: http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-1.jpg http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-2.jpg http://img.elderscrolls.net/news/oxm-uk-3.jpg Thanks for the scans! Not sure how reliable the info is, but one of the second pic's captions mentions that "magewear" (probably robes) increases magicka regen in exchange for less armor. Someone on the forums was concerned about robes being irrelevant, so hopefully this balances them out! Aye, that would be me, in fact me and Alcrin had quite a lengthy argument about it.I'm so glad they didn't remove spell effectiveness, that just made my entire week. :dance: I kind of suspected they would do it through magicka regen, since they removed attributes (willpower). Edit:It seems that there is indeed an oxygen limit underwater. https://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/117712338819366912
  14. By selling and buying items, perhaps? :psyduck:
  15. https://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/117611397583618049 Crap.There goes my water-breathing spells.He just said "No oxygen meter", though.Still not clear as to whether or not that means you can breathe underwater or if there's just no measurement for it.
  16. I agree perfectly, but you miss my point yet again. Lemme put it another way. The only question that matters when you're talking about game mechanics is this: Does it make the game more fun? Let us apply this question to the removal of health regen. Does having to spam healing spells/guzzle potions/abuse the Wait button/look for a place to sleep after every battle make the game more fun? No, it does not. You effectively HAD health regen in between battles in Oblivion anyway because of the wait mechanic and even if you removed that mana still regenerates so you can just stand there casting healing spells on yourself all day long. All the regen does is streamline the process so the player doesn't have to micromanage those mundane details themselves. I do think there should be health regen, yes.But I don't think it should be as quick as something like Dragon Age: Origins because it would mean that healing spells and health potions are essentially useless outside of combat.Not to mention it would be kind of overpowered for you to kill one bandit, wait about 10 seconds, and then walk to the next bandit with full health.But I doubt it will be like that because Bethesda already said that health regen isn't that fast, which is good because it means my mage wouldn't level up his restoration skill all that fast, and many times I forget to heal in combat anyways, I'm usually too concerned with what's trying to kill me. I believe Pete also said on Twitter once that it was slow, and out of combat only.Wish there was an option to search through a person's tweets for a keyword, so I could be sure.
  17. Seems like most of the negative things he described were bugs, or things that would get fixed anyways.I like the whole potion color scheme:Red for health, Blue for Magicka, and Green for Stamina. Well, that's a shocker.
  18. Wow, Spriggans must be really tough, they keep kicking everyone's arse.It seems to me that people keep finding them in Falkreath, too.
  19. My point. Let us not forget that games are supposed to be fun. Something that makes it more difficult to survive does not automatically mean the game is more fun for it. Making it incredibly easy doesn't make it more fun, either.If you blow through every enemy you see then what's the point of leveling-up?Or upgrading loot or spells?There isn't, if nothing in the game poses a proper challenge then there is no need to become stronger.But that's not what I was talking about.You said the hardcore players should just die at the start of the game, but there is a difference between overcoming a challenging enemy and not being able to play the game period.There's no possible way to overcome something that makes you fail 100% of the time, no matter what you do.But a difficult enemy doesn't come with a 100% chance of failure. @Fonger The mechanics are the same, but you use a lockpick and knife instead of a screwdriver and bobby pin.
  20. Pfft, if you were a real hardcore gamer you'd want a mod that makes your starting health 0 so you die as soon as you finish the character creation. That wouldn't make the game challenging, that would just make it completely unplayable. @Fonger Erm, what?What does the lockpicking being the same as Fallout 3's have to do with bugfixing?
  21. Enemies can perform finishing moves on you.That's kind of cool, I guess. https://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/116953597782134785
  22. It's been a while since I played either, but after looking it up it's the same as Fallout 3 (IIRC). You have the lockpick and you have to turn the lock, and depending on the angle you have the pick, it will unlock or "giggle" before breaking if you apply too much pressure. Like . Okay, I remember some interviews where the dev said that the lockpicking was like FO3's, but I thought you meant the same as Oblivion, so I was kind of worried there for a moment. As for the health regen, I remember Gstaff saying on the Bethsoft forums once that it regens only out of combat, and rather slowly.That wasn't too long ago, I think.
  23. If they got rid of ragdoll physics, what do they use then?I was under the impression they were still using Havok physics. The same as what?The same as Oblivion, or the same as Fallout 3?
  24. I don't think that's possible, Radiant Story is supposed to prevent you from fighting too many dragons.If you've been fighting too many of them in a short period of time, it's supposed to wait quite a while before spawning a new one.It won't let you go too long without fighting a dragon, either.Or at least that's what I've been told, can't remember where I read that, though. If the dragon bones are indeed permanent, then it seems to me that there should be a gameplay reason behind it.Maybe it takes more than one dragon to craft the Dragon Bone armor?
  25. Not having the bones disappear would just clutter up the gameworld, considering you have to kill at least 60 dragons unlock to the full potential of all the shouts.
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