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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. Thanks for the comments and you can give anyone kudos at anytime just click on the + bit by their name :)
  2. oh lovely...lots of their songs are on youtube these days some have stood the test of time pretty well :)
  3. in reference to that pic of mine , the Road Runner one , are you a Slade fan then? :)
  4. After another series of odd crashes had to re-start my New Vegas again...mind you it has caused me to trim down my mod list so perhaps that will help :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Riven1978


      one thing you guys can try (if you don't already) is go into FNVEdit with your mod list and Highlight everything and make one big merge patch that loads last. It seems to help limit the crashes i incur
    3. Camon


      Hey man, did you used a patch ? Btw I got some strange crashes, and I figured out that was a broken save, anytime I was fast raveling it was crashing. I've had my previous save that did work. ;)
    4. Spaceritual


      Yes my game is patched but even after a restart it keeps falling over..
  5. Thanks for the link and after yet another re-install I can finally do the Eve missions..pictures ought to be on the way once I find them :)
  6. how do you add detailed normals and such and not get the glassy looking rock effect? :)
  7. Yes it is sort of hard to ignite that creative spark after a while..but Skyrim will be with us soon so perhaps that will do the trick :)
  8. doing well thanks and glad to see your back into the swing of things :)
  9. I have given this image my endorsement. sounds interesting :)
  10. ::spotted:: and speaking of Silas any new adventures coming? :)
  11. Thank you for adding me and I am guessing you are awaiting the arrival of The Witcher 2 as well :)
  12. have to agree though for convenience I have near enough totally moved over to cd now :)
  13. ah...nice one...one of my favourite live albums :)
  14. oopsy still stuck on playing TDU 2 it really seems to be appealing to my collection instinct..
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zr1vetteowner


      just surfing around and thought I would say Hi.
    3. Camon


      Oh man TDU 2 was bad experience for me, after playing in it for awhile I was getting bored.

      Now Im playing in GTA 4. Not played in FNV for a long time, only modding lol.

    4. Camon


      Oh man TDU 2 was bad experience for me, after playing in it for awhile I was getting bored.

      Now Im playing in GTA 4. Not played in FNV for a long time, only modding lol.

  15. ah I see what you mean....they are not taking advantage of all the RAM we have...the person doing the 3 gb fix is in Japan so I imagine getting it sorted is probably the last thing on his mind right now..
  16. I get crashes all the time it seems...not sure what is causing it..
  17. I started off posting scenes on DAO a few years ago but never really got into it till the FO3 ones :)
  18. No worries and Happy Birthday...although it seems I am a little late ...oopsy...
  19. Dead Money has turned out to be Dead Boring unless the action hots up when you finally get to that Casino...but luckily DAO 2 has arrived so may try that :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      I have a DOG! O_O Now I have to choose between gathering a bunch of good stuff or getting the DOG to where it will use its FEV enhanced abilities in, "Dead Money" I can see how that could get boring to you SpaceRitual. ;- { Caught between wealths double edged sword, "Grabbing scraps for money, or rushing each part so you can get the key to the real treasure chest". Money. Money. Money. Money...MONEY!
    3. Camon


      DAO 2 is best game I've started to play this year. Hope it would have many DLC's :)
    4. Deleted54170User


      Dead Money deadly boring. I have the flu and every time I wake enough to I played. I cough and boom one of my companions stumbles cause I accidentally shot them. I cough again, I hit Fast Reload and am back at the start of the last f5. I coughed and laughed so hard it wore me out trying to play and keep a straight killer face. LOL I can't wait for Elijah to show up, I am too tired. lol *drifting off to sleep...zzzzzzzz*
  20. Thanks and a good point...forgot to do that :)
  21. Ah yes...slightly got addicted to TDU 2 but DAO 2 is now on its way to me so should be pl,aying that soon. Might try Dead Money today :)
    1. Deleted54170User


      DA: II is in my machine and working. Got it yesterday, just in time to entertain me while I am coughing, laughing up dust from my old lungs, and getting ready to fall asleep ever few minute's, as the pain pill is just too strong for me. (drifts off to sleep)
    2. BlueDanube


      DA 2 is on ?? D: !! when ??
  22. it is taking me ages to get the right "look" back again :)
  23. still trying to get my NV to look good after my latest re-install ...taking a bit longer than expected so slowly re adding mods :)
  24. your welcome and thanks for adding me :)
  25. actually if you look back over your pictures you will see that near enough from the start your scenes were very well appreciated.. it seems your style and taste has caught on quite nicely :)
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